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Everything posted by azrael

  1. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=8586
  2. Photo printers are glorified color printers. Photo printers allow for more colors to be used and reproduced. Some HP photo printers use 6 colors instead of the standard 4. The question you should ask yourself is, do you want your pictures to print out as best as they can or is standard good enough. If you want to have your picture looking it's best, consider using photo paper instead of standard paper. The thickness and density of photo paper is designed to take large amounts of ink. On standard paper, a page full of ink would soak through.
  3. That part of the industry problem. Look at the iTunes US store. No anime. Here is a potentially large market for selling anime but there's nothing in sight. This may be due to Apple's pricing scheme which prices many companies out of the profit zone because they have to pay huge licensing fees and placing shows on iTunes won't even cover any substantial costs. This of course, goes back to the original Japanese companies. The article mentioned this. The Japanese entertainment industry is a maze of red tape and an olde-boys club. Execs have built their entertainment empires based on a traditional method. Little work has been done with new forms of bringing shows to the masses. ONAs (Original Net Animation) have been far and few to come by. Most are still "experimental" to companies.
  4. It's going to be a tad hard to find a printer with a LPT port..... Try the Epson Stylus All-In-One CX8400 (or the CX9400) or a Canon PIXMA MP210 All-In-One (or the MP470).
  5. That's the whole point. The article is indirectly saying that the statement is a lie. That things aren't as rosy as the statement suggests.
  6. I won't put too much effort into the thinking about why it's the 11th fleet. M7 was the 37th colonization fleet. And 13 Megaroads and 7 New-Macross obviously doesn't equal 37. Reposted for you viewing pleasure:
  7. But what happens when it does come out domestically? If someone has the same thing compared to what is being pushed onto home video, why would they buy a $20 DVD with 3-4 episodes, when they already have the entire series on their hard drive that they got years earlier and already converted to DVD? But the 2 are tied together. Instant access at almost zero costs. What better combination can you get? You are getting a free lunch now. What is your time worth to you if you have to wait year before it comes? Many people aren't willing to wait. And within that group is a group not willing to pay. What is a better price that free and free right now? If I gave you a product that you wanted for free, right now, would you take it now instead waiting months or years for it to come down in price?
  8. Old thread.... getting ....too ...big.... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23144
  9. How about no "world is doomed" storylines next season? You know, even comics take breaks and do mini-arcs or one-shots. If you keep doing "epic" storylines.... it gets dull really quick.
  10. If you want a place to start, start with the kids these days. As much as the industry needs to change with the times, kids these days live with instant access. Many of you say you'll pay for good copies. On the flip side, many kids won't. Why pay for something if the quality is going to be the same? The article says that fansubs are worthless. That's true. Because the price to download them is only time spent downloading them, what is a fansub worth? Especially if it's the same quality as what you get on a DVD? And with anime being shown on TV in HD, what is it worth to be on HD-DVDs or BluRay? Anime companies charge prices well above normal ranges because their product has been rendered worthless to the audience because of fansubs. Why spend the money when you can get it for free only hours after it appears? This goes well beyond anime. Look at the iPhone or any cellphone in the US. Why do they not come unlocked? Why do most places sell them with a plan? Because people don't want to pay. Why pay for something if one can get it cheaper? This is the mentality that the industry needs to think about. At the same time, they need to make it worth something to people. But maybe they have thought about this and yet the problem remains. So now we turn to the audience. How do you tell people to be patient in an era of instant access? How do you tell people to wait when they grow up with access to anything in the world at the touch of their fingers? How do you make something worthless, worth something? How do you tell them that the product you are selling is worth more than the same item they got for free?
  11. This was never mentioned.
  12. And there are also people like me who are waiting for this season to end before commenting about the series. On the subject of Episode 8.... fan service and a better Heero/Relena introduction.
  13. Corrected. What we will probably see is something much like how Mylene remembers Minmei with how the Frontier cast remembers Basara and Fire Bomber, heros and idols of another era.
  14. The blue "Max-colors" VF-25 may belong to our protagonist's squadron or friend. But we shall see. Concerning a "fact thread", there's no official site for the series out at the moment for starters. Most of the info that we have has been posted on ANN. sketchley]/b] has also been posting his translations (whom you should all be thanking) on Macross RPG. He also appears to the the lone individual who is translating the articles into readable English, and not machine English. The UN Spacy is a military arm of the UN Government. Perhaps, as colony missions have become more numerous, that colony fleets are no longer part of the UNS and now form their own organization outside of the UN government. They are no longer part of the UN hierarchy and are now a distinct group which has it's own organizational structure not directly part of the UN by this era.
  15. Nope. We only know that they are:
  16. I don't think so. Sousei no Aquarion would have been the "testbed", if any. KISSDUM was just a side job for Satelight and Kawamori. It's just 'Net drama people created when they saw Kawamori and Satelight's name on the show. People were too quick to associate the names with each other and all those BS rumors showed up. People were so eager to hear any Macross news that they believed anything. March The wing protrusions do not appear the be the "hip guns". They're either navigation lights or sensors, or just a design.
  17. I really wouldn't worry about KISSDUM's problems. All that nonsense about it being a dry-run for MF is bullshit. That was just talk on Japanese/Chinese forums because Satelight and Kawamori were involved. Kawamori was just involved with the mecha design and Satelight for the animation. None were involved in the decision making of the show so whatever problems KISSDUM had, they shouldn't influence MF because the creative staff is different.
  18. I believe they mean that a clip show will be aired. Clips of the first episode will be shown with the special.
  19. By the time you read this, you should get the ads. But if ya can't wait... -> http://bfads.net/
  20. IIRC, the original MG (ver. 1) was a nightmare. Posing was poor. Proportions were wrong. Most of that was fixed in ver. 1.5. Ver. Ka brought a stable frame. OYW editions brought a new range of posing to the MG line and now we have ver. 2, which should fix most of the problems they had with the RX-78-2.
  21. Or perhaps they are wondering if there is going to be a side story ala the Gundam productions (like Astray or 00P). It sounds like 14 years after 2059, which would place it in 2073, which would correspond with 207x. We need a translator....
  22. MG Gundam ver. 2....Saw that one coming.
  23. azrael

    ACE 3

  24. I'm expecting more Engrish as we move along. Word is Spring 2008. And it's a bit too early to know who will be subbing it. Yes, Bandai is handling the domestic Japanese distribution. We are still unclear on the merchandising rights. And keep dreaming about the International release.
  25. And for you 00 fans, Dalong.net has the 1/100 Exia up. At least Bandai is taking the time now to clean the lineart and make proper proportions for their 1/100 kits now. And BTW, 1/100 Kyrios and 1/100 Dynames are also coming. I'll just wait for an MG of those. The GSD 1/100s left a bitter taste in my mouth.
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