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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Nah. Powers aside...he is still whiny and annoying. If they intend to keep him the same as the past 2 seasons (mmmmm must eat your brains, must be a living Pokemon, must be the greatest sociopath ever, I am "special"), then no, get rid of him or shelve him for an entire season. If I saw Magneto in every X-men book, every month, acting the same way, then it would be a very boring book. Peter should die along with Sylar. Peter had so much potential, but it was wasted this season. Hiro was "meh" this season. It would have been nice if Hiro learned how to use a sword better. Adam and him could have had a good duel, but that would have required a full season...Wasted potential....
  2. Although, is Adam's blood subject to the same issues as with normal blood? RBCs are only kept for about 42 days and frozen plasma is only kept for about a year.
  3. Besides shooting with a peg-leg? As for the skirt missiles....I'll just wait for the designers to stop drawing before I pick up 00 models...
  4. Trust me, I won't worry about this in this day and age.
  5. Please...no more end-of-the-world plots next season. I'm tired of save-the-world plots. It worked fine last season but now it's just boring.
  6. It's an IDE. Can you view anything on any discs with any data?
  7. Well, they did say Virtue would be showing-off some hidden features. It won't be surprising if all that bulk was just armor. And 00 isn't that bad....yet. And it's not GSD bad (i.e. too much marketing, not enough story)...yet. It is somewhat Wing-like but we have yet to see where this show is going.
  8. Just search for Gundam 00 on Animesuki and you should see listing of everybody who's working on it. Some people like Mendoi's. Some like Nyoro's after a better translator started helping them. And no, they have not changed their minds. Season 1 will end around April with Season 2 beginning in October 2008. At this point, it is set in stone. Period. Concerning Ep. 9...
  9. Sounds like only text was posted in the original article...oh well.
  10. Someone posted an article link authored by Shawn that lead here way back in 2000/2001. Signed on to the forums and been here ever since.
  11. 12/23/2007 - 2:50AM (technically 12/24/2007) , MBS 12/28/2007 - 1:15AM (technically 12/29/2007) , TBS http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...-date-announced
  12. The VF-22 has both PPB and beam weapon systems. So I'm not sure what you mean by this.
  13. I will say this about Leopard, at least most settings have stayed where they should have compared to Vista. I didn't feel like I was trying to find a needle in the haystack with Leopard compared to Vista. The time I spent configuring Leopard with settings I prefer was much less than the time I spent configuring Vista preferences.
  14. Mohinder is does have a syringe filled with a certain fluid sitting in his bag you know....
  15. You can't keep them all. People do move on to other things. As much as we, the fans, would want certain people on this production, I'm sure the producers would like to have certain people on board as well. But people move on to other media, other work, etc. Then you have to ask if their schedule is open for the time you need them. People like Miyatake or Itano may be called in later to overlook certain elements, but they do have other things to do BESIDES Macross.
  16. They could always blow up Exia by the end of the season....Season 2 starts in October 2008....This season will end around April. Plenty of time to blow up a Gundam and push out a new one.
  17. This little blurb on the Compendium also has me wondering: I wonder if SWAG is actually specific for M0 and that form of ECA doesn't apply to any other series.
  18. The director, Seiji Mizushima, has already mentioned that the Gundams are super robots compared to everybody else's MS. They can take out armies without much of a thought. So get use to the dominating battles.
  19. I would not compare the M7 lineart with the M+ lineart. The M7 lineart is "dumb-down" for the animators and there is no detailed lineart for the VF-11C in M7. The marks you pointed out do exist on the M7 1/144 VF-11C model.
  20. Technically, you can swap the gunpods and I focused specifically on the fighter. But yes, you can count the gunpod as a difference.
  21. Visually, no, there are no differences. The differences between the B and C-versions are with the electronic navigational equipment. http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...vf11/index.html
  22. Are we talking about anime companies or fansubbers?
  23. SWAG/ECA isn't really a retcon. Shawn mentioned this that one of the many booklets he has mentions Kawamori talked about this long before M0 came out. It was only in M0 that he put a "name to the face".
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