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Everything posted by azrael

  1. It's that sense of doubt. Perhaps this won't be good as you think. Perhaps it will be a financial mess. Perhaps it won't live up to any expectations. Perhaps.... It's called hype. No one knows how MF will stand up because everything we've seen has been minimal at best. Pictures and a few trailers. No one has actually seen an entire episode or the entire series yet.
  2. http://shacknews.com/onearticle.x/50464 Yeh...ya know...I'm still calling this vaporware until I see it on my front door. And even then....
  3. There's been a rumor out there for a while that Sam Raimi may be up to directing The Hobbit. With PJ taking on Executive Producer, it's possible.
  4. I wasn't talking about that particular joint.
  5. None are publicly available. Sorry.
  6. The Joker that they are using is the very 1st 2 appearances of the Joker (Batman #1, 1940) in which he was portrayed as a straightforward murderer. There's a touch of the insanity from The Killing Joke, but the killer instinct is pulled from Batman #1 (1940). If you want to know what common elements in Ledger's Joker came from, then look at Batman #1 or Batman: The Man who Laughs, The Killing Joke, and then wrap it up around The Long Halloween.
  7. "it will contain gameplay footage"....yeh....ya know...Killzone 2 pulled the same thing and even the company admits it was touched up.
  8. I don't think it even has wing hinge joint like the SV-51 or YF-21/VF-22. It just swings back like the Metal Siren. Judging by the pre-production sketches, it appears that this may have always been the case.
  9. So are they gonna split The Hobbit into 2 2-hour movies or something? Or is he gonna pull from The Silmarillion to kill a lot of time?
  10. They probably expect a low viewer turn-out because it is a special. I don't expect the kids to watch it so that rules them out. Like hell anybody is gonna put that on at primetime hours, so forget 7-11PM (that's ratings suicide). So that leaves late night.
  11. Let me repeat myself and the article so that certain morons can shut up.
  13. Yeh...that's the prologue that appears on the IMAX version of I am Legend. The regular version of the movie got the actual trailer.
  14. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...hl=sarah+connor
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (international poster) (and more: http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=6603 )
  17. Does it also have a -10 on the initiative roll for the opponent as well? Be very careful about posting info from RPG websites. It was intended to give the VFs a means of carrying durable armor without the added weight and explain why a VF could crash into a building without disintegrating on impact like a normal plane.
  18. That's cuz you scared all of them away...It's your fault. As for me, this place, MechaTalk, Gundam Evolution, and lurking it various tech forums.
  19. The trailer will be on I am Legend and he 6-minute prologue will be on the IMAX version of the movie. Both of which will be in theaters...tomorrow. Don't worry...it will be up soon enough.
  20. Fan speculation. They haven't put out the actual designations yet. I'd prefer the use of "Hikaru-colors" or "Focker-colors". The VF-17D only had 2 head lasers. The VF-0S only had 2 head lasers. For all we know, the "Hikaru-colored" VF-25 could be a VF-25A.
  21. Hallelujah wanted to "play" with Soma, just like he "played" with the cannon fodder Tieren pilot. That low-power setting seems to be used a lot...The linear rifles have that capability as well (low-power/higher ROF/less damage vs. high-power/low ROF/more damage).
  22. The Hikaru-colored VF-25's head doesn't look right. It looks too Photoshopped.
  23. http://www.famitsu.com/anime/news/1212399_1558.html
  24. Yes. I've been running the MBS page through machine translators but when I see "New UN Spacy" (or better "New UN military), something doesn't sound right with that.
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