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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Welcome to the Macross Frontier News Thread Previous thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24318 Notes and Guildlines This thread contains spoilers (episode descriptions, magazine info, etc). Don't say we didn't warn you. Please limit your comments to the contents posted in articles, websites, or news reported in this thread. (i.e. Do not post a critique or comment about episodes when this thread covers an article about the series or spend entire pages talking about mecha specifically). Please keep talk of mecha to the Mecha thread and story or episode talk to the Episode thread. Do not cross post. Please remember to post pics as attachments or use a 3rd party image hosting service. DO NOT link directly to image boards like 2ch's image forum or 4chan.org. This thread is for promotional materials only (magazine articles, commercials, website updates etc.). Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. Useful websites MacrossWorld's Macross F Page MBS' Macross Frontier Website Macross F/Frontier Official Website Macross Official Website Translation Tools: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ http://tool.nifty.com/globalgate/ http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dict http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi Image hosting services Flickr ImageShack Photobucket
  2. We're a family friendly board. Take you sexual fantasies to your own closet. As to this whole expectations, cliche and over analyzing 1 episode nonsense...I know Kawamori is going to throw in a bunch of homages here and there. But I will let the series go where it wants to go. I'm not walking in with any expectations like it has to capture the story of SDFM or have the aviation of M+ or the character drama of M7, etc. I'm not expecting it to be like any other Macross series. In the end, if I don't like it, I don't like it. But I will judge it based on itself, not compared to what has come before.
  3. You're looking for a side-story then. The Frontier manga is just an adaption/serialized version of the animation. As far as I know, there haven't been any announcements for a side-story.
  4. Manga versions usually take a different view on events from anime so changes made are to be expected. They'll follow the animated events in concept but the details usually change (like Gillian's death sequence). Different media, different way to tell the story.
  5. Me neither. Really, the map is just a representation to fill-in the audience about what has happened.
  6. From the Compendium Doesn't say Megaroad-01 found Eden. It doesn't say who found it. One thing I do notice about that map is that it doesn't seem to account for a lot of fleets that probably left Earth. How do we even know it was launched in order? Megaroad-04 could have launched before Megaroad-02. Also the map is to give the audience a rough idea of what happened not recount all 25 years of the franchise.
  7. Me suspects these are just rips from the CM and the ending. If it was just a ring tone, then chances are that it was just for mobile phone browsers and not for a computer browser. Keep in mind that Japanese phones do have a 'Net service in a majority of their service plans and phone browsers designed for specifically for taking advantage of the 'Net via a phone. Also, keep in mind that some of these offers are for Japanese customers, not everybody else, which means you'll probably need an account with the service provider (like DoComo) in order to take advantage of it.
  8. Reminder -No file sharing links or requests. -This is not a news thread. This thread if for talking about the Macross TV special and the special airing of the 1st episode.
  9. As I said before, I suspect SCIFI anticipated that an agreement would not be reached before the strike happened and covered their buns and pushed the season to 2008 to be sure it won't stop at the winter break nor just after the break. Lots of shows are gonna die by April. The strike has to work itself out.
  10. Did ya check the news thread? http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=544172
  11. Yes, and what about Iron Man flying around in Dendrobium Orchis...won't be the first time....
  12. Paying homages to a franchise is different that retelling a story verbatim.
  13. REMINDER Please post all news in the news thread and all talk about the the TV special in this thread. Try not to cross post.
  14. From what I understand, it was the Episode 1 (director's cut) mislabeled as the TV special. The bugs' missile decoys seem to bloom like plants.
  15. Haven't seen it. We may have to wait for the 28th for it to show up. People seemed more interested in the episode 1 special airing.
  16. Reminder Please check the first post of this thread. It does contain links to sites where you can get the special airing of episode 1. It is continually updated as sources are added. Please do not post any links to any episodes.
  17. In 8 more hours, it should be Wednesday in Japan. That would be about 48-hours. After that, the spoiler ban will be lifted. When the series starts, it will be only 24-hours since episodes are coming weekly.
  18. Lousy subs at that...I'd wait for a better copy.
  19. Remember, MF is recapping and designed for people who have never ever seen a Macross series before. Kawamori probably just glanced at his notes from back then. Try not to read too much into it. Heck, almost 50 years of history is kinda hard to recap in only what...a minute. Well, you never know, they could have split the series into 2 seasons like a few other shows. Too early to tell.
  20. Been trying to locate him for a while. Anime.net has rejected all e-mail due to spamming.
  21. Actually the Compendium is correct.
  22. This is why people hate speed subbers....ugh. Brief-25....ugh...........
  23. Read the first post of this thread: I have already spanked 2 members. 3rd one gets a ban. Links are in the first post. It is up to you people to go to those sites and get it.
  24. From kresphy Preview for Episode 2
  25. Never ask fansubbers when they are done. That only delays it.
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