Yes, there are a few problems with even the good subbed 'Deculture Edition" version of episode 1.
As for the ships, it's hard to figure out the numbering as they list the M7 fleet as the 7th fleet, M-Frontier as the 25th fleet and M-Galaxy as the 21st fleet. This could be in reference to the New-Macross class numbers as M7's was 07, M-Frontier's was 25, and M-Galaxy's was 21 and they all left in 2012. The numbering just feels very off and may only be representative in-nature and not the true numbers.
One other difference is that the M-Frontier fleet uses the "pill" ships connected to the central city while M7 had the central City-ship with more class-specific ships surrounding it with the Milky Road connecting everything. Considering that M7's population only ranged in the hundreds of thousands while M-Frontier ranges in the millions, it may be that M-Frontier's fleet consists of more cities and living space as opposed to recreation and industrial-oriented ships. M-Frontier may be more of a people mover an not a self-sustaining fleet like M7 (not to say that M-Frontier may not have those facilities, but they may have significantly less than M7).