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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Considering we've only seen 1 episode, I don't even think you can make that comment yet.
  2. Or use Rapidshare or MegaUpload. PM a mod when you do.
  3. I like all Macross. Each series has it's demerits but I've generally liked it on the whole. I can't say much about MF since the series has yet to be seen in its full form.
  4. Nope. Only game guides. The intro sequence actually has a more-or-less written English version of what the narrator is saying. The copy of the intro on the 20th Anniversary DVD is fairly clean enough for one to read and I would suggest taking a look at it.
  5. Maybe. The 2nd ending theme animation was probably for the girls....
  6. From the sounds of it, it will be set prior to TOS. Bruce Greenwood is listed to portray Captain Pike.
  7. At this point, when HG folds and sells off its assets. And why all this talk of remakes? Have you people gone Hollywood? Run out of ideas?
  8. Basically, terrorists activity has spiked in 2050 in the deep space colonies. To deal with this treat, the UN creates or dispatches a Special Forces group "VF-X Ravens".
  9. The series spins off from T2. T3 follows it's own timeline as the Salvation-series of movies will follow T3. The SCC series goes in a different direction than T3 so it's in its own timeline. I watched the leaked pilot a few months back and I didn't really pay attention to what they aired on TV. Which scene are you referring to?
  10. Looks like it. It may be from the Thrones.
  11. The prologue to VF-X 2 sets the back story for the game and how the VF-X Ravens were formed.
  12. It was in episode 2 of the OAV, right before Myung was about to be killed by Sharon. You do see Guld in the dark room hacking the computer. So i would say briscojr84's assessment is close. If Guld didn't want Isamu killing him, then the thought of having live ammo during tests would have put a very bright light on the YF-19 team. The rifle was suppose to be loaded with paint rounds/test rounds, and yet the thing fired live ammo. So that would have gotten someone on the YF-19 team in trouble, if not the whole team.
  13. I like the new themes. I hated the 1st ending theme, but this one is more tolerable.
  14. Every colony can contact another colony. The UN does have a vast communications network in space. We don't have any specs on the VF-25 so we don't know yet.
  15. Their forum, their rules.
  16. You can always go learn it..... 5-minutes in and it sounds like your standard interview and promotional stuff. A few nods to previous Macross series. This is probably something more for production aficionados. Tales behind-the-mic and all that....
  17. I would say it's substantially bigger, considering they can fit a small bridge in there and given the population size of the Frontier fleet.
  18. M7 = 37th long-distance colonization fleet And I'll mention this again, the "Island" designations appear to be internal-fleet designations only. The City-ship (and fleet) may actually be City F or Frontier or City 25 (or whatever letter or number their on) to every other fleet out there. But to everybody in this particular fleet, it's just Island 1, Island 2, Island 3...etc.
  19. Chances are no, in the sense that they weren't used to form the unit from nothing, more likely fill its ranks. Organizations like NATO probably would have been just absorbed and divided into the UN Armed Forces and other UN-based organizations along with the rest of their resources.
  20. Already posted: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry538246
  21. The City-ship and all the "pill" ships may be City-25 or City-xx (who knows how many city ships they have these days). If you notice in the maps, the City ship was designated Island 1, and coming from it was Island 2, Island 3, Island 4...etc. The entire group may be City 25 but each individual unit was called Island xx.
  22. Usually it's crazy talk. If there are guests on, it will be your standard interviews and stuff. If Megumi Nakajima was on, then I'm guessing the first round of questions will be how she like working in this line of work, yadda yadda yadda.
  23. IIRC, Sharon and Roslyn were running after Hera during Roslyn's last hallucination. I think Sharon and Helo are looking at .
  24. Unless you happen to be the wingman of a guy who stole your date last night at the bar....
  25. I don't recall seeing those ships either. But there's only been 1 episode so... It's a 2-D issue/hand-drawn issue. Most animation these days use some CG whether in scenery, coloring, or even full animation, CG is a cost cutting solution so I expect things to look different. On that note, the Island 1 module does look bigger, which may account for the fact that it is a larger population and less skyscrapers, i.e. dome is taller so everything fits underneath. M7's population was only in the hundred of thousands. M-Frontier's population is in the millions (I believe it was close to 10 million or something in that range).
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