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Everything posted by azrael

  1. There will be plenty of cameras there already. Wonder Festival is a fairly large toy convention in Japan.
  2. Most shows are on temporary hiatus until the strike is resolved. Shows with lots of fixed sets are at biggest risk of being cancelled due to rental costs of those sets. At this point, most shows will not complete their full 20-something episode seasons. Those that will are the ones that have been delayed, ones that were done ahead of time, or ones that aren't part of the WGA strike. At this moment, many shows may lose their original timeslots because of reality TV shows.
  3. So there will be a side story in addition to the manga adaption of the anime. Lovely.
  4. It's been posted on the larger non-anime specific torrent sites (MiniNova, ISOHunt, etc).
  5. Maybe a hallway of Macross stuff? Interesting variation of the Q-Rau. I guess the big gun makes up for the smaller barreled-arm cannons. One wonders where SMS gets the money to have a VB-6 in their arsenal. I guess the VF-171 is Kawamori's answer to making a proportioned VF-17...but like Graham wonders, where can they stick a gunpod on that thing. It feels like they made a VF-17 anorexic and called it the VF-171.
  6. We don't have an actual date. All we know is April 2008. We'll get a more exact date as we get closer to April.
  7. Ummm ok.
  8. Principal filming on The Dark Knight finished last year and it is currently in post-production. He was actually filming or going to film The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus . Brandon Lee passed away during filming on The Crow, so there won't be a terrible need to do any CG cut-n-paste on TDK.
  9. Well that was unexpected....It could be possible that he went into cardiac arrest while taking whatever pills he had but will have to wait for the autopsy report.
  10. I believe that is just a VF-25 with Super parts. Again, I do not believe it it is a new fighter. It's just a posing doll/model for the VF-25 with full armor or Super parts.
  11. Considering the context of the scene where it showed up, it's more likely that it's just Ozuma's full-armored VF-25 in concept stage/posing doll for the animator(s). In the footage, Kawamori was talking to one of the CG animators and the 3D wire model looks for Ozuma's FA VF-25 exactly how this fighter ends up.
  12. http://animeigo.com/images/macross.t
  13. Nope. Only thing we have is "Ozuma-type" and "Alto-type". No official designations have popped up yet.
  14. I believe it's Ozuma's full-armored VF-25 in it's early stages of design. The wing-engine blocks would be representative of where the boosters are. It also transforms exactly like the VF-25 from what I've seen. In the scene, Kawamori is talking to the animator so I'm guessing he's explaining how the full-armored VF-25 is transforming.
  15. I have reviewed the links Bio has passed to me (Yes, it is the 25th anniversary Special, and yes, they are on the 1st post of this thread) and it's mostly a behind-the-scenes look at MF from the Satelight studio. There's a short history lesson about Macross' origins with SDFM/DYRL?. The focus is mostly on MF. And you see how a VF goes from Lego blocks to CG. It appears that they learned a few things doing Aquarion which they've passed on to MF. You production-philes should probably take a look.
  16. Rumor roundup. Salt is on the table, help yourself.
  17. Modifying my earlier comment: At least The Dark Knight teaser trailer had dialog from the movie...
  18. The shield on the Full-Armored looks like it has a reactive armor covering on it.
  19. Teaser trailer sounds really boring.
  20. I blame EXO...and the guy posting above him.
  21. Too many to count.
  22. Reminder: Please do not post file sharing links. If you have a link, PM a mod and it will be added to the 1st post of the thread.
  23. Have you looked at the pinned topics lately?
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