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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Abrams...That means there's a conspiracy in the GCPD involving the Court of Owls who are being manipulated by the League (Ra's Al Ghul's League). Batman's creation was orchestrated by the League as a backup tool in case the Court decided to go rogue. ...Or some ridiculous convoluted BS.
  2. FYI, This just means it's in limbo-status. They may not be moving forward with this now, but it doesn't mean they won't revisit it later. Their other projects may revive storylines or characters that could resurrect this project. TBD.
  3. https://www.lucasfilm.com/leadership/dave-filoni/ I’m glad this has finally happen, 9 years late. But…how much executive override does she have over his ideas?
  4. Egan is following up. edit: Apparently, it’s upgrade season. The Compendium will be back up once the upgrades are done.
  5. Guess someone needs to update the Order 66 montage. Spoiler'd for size.
  6. The posting options need to be restored on desktop as well.
  7. I think this version could have worked from MK X: Humanoid lizard in a somewhat ninja-suit.
  8. Who the hell edited this movie? Joss Whedon? There are parts missing from these scenes where I'm saying to myself "Wait..why did you cut to something else?" Even some of the fights seem to be missing an in-between shot.
  9. Considering there are 2 other posts about this, this one gets the lock. There is no "Part 2". We're done with these "debate"-threads.
  10. REMINDER: This is not a thread for discussing legal issues in detail. We have gone into length about that issue elsewhere. The funny thing with streaming services is videos go up and down every month thanks to the way shows and movies are distributed on those platforms. I sure there are removal dates entered in when those videos are posted to the streaming service and that may be why Macross Plus is no longer available. Simply put, its distribution period is over and no longer available on that platform. It likely had nothing to do with any legal issue. Just that the removal date came up and poof; no longer available. Streaming services are not obligated to tell us when media is no longer available on their platform. And since everyone and their mother, grandmother, uncle, 4th cousin,etc. are putting out streaming services, don't be shock if they show up on some other platform in a few months.
  11. Worded review? Keep it SFW. If you can't, don't bother posting. Pictures? Absolutely NO. >>>>>> No graphic or vulgar descriptions/depictions of sex or sexual content.
  12. Large creepily sexy-vampire chick is showing up in my feed again. I assume the Resident Evil 8's release is eminent?
  13. No comment. Not until they say what they are doing. The Gundam-diaspora is so large and filled with alternate universes that they don't even have to follow the anime. At all. Until they actually say what they are doing, it's not even worth commenting.
  14. I guess you can say hand-drawn is more "artisanal".
  15. I think we're done here.
  16. Will the next Macross be the last Macross? No. Will the next Macross be Kawamori's last Macross? Maybe. Possibly. Depends. Retirement just left and is heading to his place. Everyone knows this day is inevitable. Hell, it's coming for all of us.
  17. Again, HG still retains the merch rights to SDFM and DYRL. Any product using those designs still have to contend with HG. HG won’t stop BW from allowing sequel merch from coming over. HG still have a say on SDFM and DYRL goods. DX VF-31 with English booklets? Come on in. You’ll still pay enough to make you regret it, more or less. But that has more to do with the niche market surrounding such collectibles.
  18. Again, this will not change because of this agreement. You still need to get your ass into the queue.
  19. It just means HG won't stop them. Who Kitz Concept negotiates with is entirely up to them. But HG won't stand in the way. That's all this means.
  20. Yeah....collectibles. Sorry, but I see no changes. Why? It's got nothing to do with legality. It's economics. The product is a niche item. It's expensive to produce and market. And with the market size being small to begin with..sorry. But at least you there's a chance you can get the product, unlike those of us in PCMR (PC-Master Race) who can't even get in the queue just to get a $500 PCB with an oversized fan&heatsink on it. And PCMR is a much bigger audience than the >$100 collectibles audience.
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