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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You have seen the current oil prices right?
  2. Gunpla prices are going up due to raising costs of oil
  3. Yep. It's replacing Shakugan no Shana Second, which ends March 27th.
  4. Thank you Cyde01! Saves me from butchering any translation.
  5. Unfortunately that's not quite what it says. Island 1 is approx 15km in length while City 7 was approx 6km in length (This includes the connecting dock to the Battle section). It says nothing about width. The monitor was hanging down at approx 2km.
  6. There really isn't anything to verify that Veda is a A.I.
  7. Time to borrow Mr. March's method of responding to many people. Graham You sure the school girl isn't a joke character? You know, a character with a high pitched voice that explains everything which normally isn't covered. And Macross 25's city ship is called Island 1 (and all the connecting pods are called Island 2, Island 3, Island 4, Island 5, etc. etc. etc.). As a whole, you call the fleet Macross 25 or Macross Frontier. ex: "I'm at the Macross Galaxy fleet and I need to get to Macross Frontier fleet." Within the fleet, you use the "Island" designation. ex: "I'm at Island 1 and I need to take the train to Island 25." I'll update you when I translate it. Because 15km and 6km are both used with "overall length". So let me (or someone else) try to translate it before you start saying anything. pensives_wetness It's more likely a district. Different districts represent different cities. The "San Francisco" area obviously looks like San Francisco. The "Shibuya" area looks just like ... Shibuya. Zinjo IIRC, Kawamori's last anime convention in the States was at AX in Long Beach, CA. And let me try to translate the measurements it first before you start saying this length or that length.
  8. Can't say much about upcoming models....but those pics are the Toys.
  9. Maybe it would be easier if Mr. March just watched MII...
  10. It definitely won't have the same love that the Yamatos have but it should be just as good as the other toys in the line. If it's a DX Chogokin, then it should be comparable to the rest of the Chogokin line.
  11. It really depends on the distributors and how fast they get them from Intel. Also, keep in mind that the first quantities are usually small. No one knows how they'll sell when they first come out. If they sell like hotcakes...well then you'd best be ready when they come back in stock.
  12. Looks just like you. Square-ish upper body with short arms and puny hands and head. Has your big feet too.
  13. No. Code Geass' 2nd season is moving to Sundays 5PM. It would have been better for MF being on Saturday. This whole Code Geass thing was noted in earlier because people where expecting MF to air right after Code Geass. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...-saturday-6-p.m
  14. Ouch. That hurts. A Saturday 5-7PM timeslot would have been better for new viewers, but I'll understand since TBS/MBS has been slowly losing viewers during that timeslot. That sucks though. Although, that means when I get to work on Fridays, it would have aired. hmmmm...
  15. The creators are or were a bunch of sci-fi fans so that's not surprising. The name Stargazer from Macross 7 was from Star Trek:TNG.
  16. Guess those rumors I saw heading toward the end of this season are coming close to being true.
  17. The 8800GT may drop in price with the 9600GT out now (in which case, I would get the 9600GT), but it may not move in price for months. Intel is always releasing new chips. The E6600 will probably not go down in price very much so if you want that CPU, you won't be paying much different now or probably 3 months for now. In fact, it's still around the same price I paid for mine 10 months ago.
  18. Macross F's webpage has been update with additional info about Wonder Festival. - Pics of all the shirts that will be available at Wonder Festival 2008. Each shirt is 3,000 yen. - "Weathered" Yamato 1/48 VF-1S will be available for 17,800 yen in addition to 25th anniversary-colored VF-1 and YF-19. Quantities are limited.
  19. Good grief.... Smifnwesson, if you want dubs, get the ADV version. If you want to save money and can live with subs, get the Animeigo version (i.e. the one RT.com is selling for $40, YES THAT'S RIGHT, $40 US).
  20. You do know this is for JAPANESE CELLPHONES USERS right?
  21. 00 Techno babble....
  22. Were you looking at replacing your laptop with a desktop or a new laptop?
  23. You might want to consider that spare wireless adaptor then. "agp440.drv" is normally loaded during Safe-mode so that's really not an problem.
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