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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Unfortunately, we don't know how the VB-6 will be used. It's still too early to tell. From the manga, it appeared in the background at the SMS facility. So we know that SMS has a VB-6. As to whether or not it will see usage.....wait and see.
  2. I don't think that really matters since he left without much stuff anyways.
  3. Sony is a good choice, BUT, you are definitely paying a premium for it. Samsung is good but I've found the displays to be too variable at times. I could be looking at a 40" and find nothing wrong, then look at a 42" and find the colors not as strong or something wrong with the picture.
  4. Have you considered the WRT54G or the WRT54GL models? Have you considered a non-Linksys model?
  5. Graham is in Hong Kong.
  6. What can you say...Macross has it all.
  7. The VF-19P that Basra borrowed was one that the Zola Patrol just received and modified with the special sound sensor system.
  8. Exactly. It never made it. So I'll leave it in quotations, just like "Star Mirage".
  9. “Size matters not, ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?” She's older than she looks.
  10. "Phoenix" may be moved to nickname status like "Star Mirage". I've never seen it on any of the texts or Yammies.
  11. I think Ranka is imagining that part.... So on one hand, Alto has Sheryl and Ranka to pick from, and on the other, he has scary mini-Meltran wanting to kick his ass....Alto is a freakin chick magnet...He's not pushing the right buttons, he's pushing every button.....
  12. It's to grab some audience to the series.
  13. So....who do you think
  14. Would you trust someone like Ben? Probably not. But he made a good point. When a Virgin Mary or some holy symbol appeared, people flocked to it. If they discover Locke and his ability to walk again, you can bet someone is going to exploit the island.
  15. It may have come about since we have seen so few VF-19s in service. What people should keep in mind is that the focus of each series is very limited. You're only seeing what occurs around the characters of the story. There's lots more stories and people out there so we never see beyond the scope of the story. If Zola could purchase a VF-19P, then that must mean something. I see the lack of VF-19s in service based on need. M7 never needed VF-19s for most of their voyage so why replace something that's not broken, and the VF-11s on-board M7 were upgraded to C-versions. And they haven't run into any major problems until they met the Varuata army. But this was only M7. It doesn't say anything for any of the other fleets out there. There could be a fleet out there that went for the VF-19 instead of upgrading to the VF-11C, or VF-14, or whatever. The truth is, we don't know because the story isn't focus on every fleet, just 1 or 2.
  16. It may be something with the sporadic numbering. VF-1->VF-4->VF-5000->VF-11->VF-19->VF-whatever
  17. From the sound of things, this season will focus on the Oceanic 6, how they got off, etc.... as well as what is going on with those that stayed behind. Basically, filling in the gap of what happened until we reach last season's finale.
  18. Until we know what happened to the VF-19/VF-22 series, I can't say whether that's a good assumption or not.
  19. It should be Macross-13 (although, SDF-1 does appear in the game). Apparently that the FAQ on GameFAQs got that one wrong.
  20. Yes, they can make it "rain" in the colony ships. They made it rain on M7 in order to cool down the ship due to someone tampering with the environmental controls, making the place very hot.
  21. Anyways, start naming names. Perhaps MW should host a contest as well. Winner who matches the winner in Japan gets a prize?
  22. Fine, VF-0 "Zero" The Macross F website uses "Phoenix" as an example so I went with that.
  23. You'll also need a Japanese phone number, a cellphone plan, etc. as well as Japanese residency, etc. (hint: Start posting on the Macross official BBS and give our Japanese users some hints)
  24. VF-9 Cutlass VF-14 Vampire VF-17 Nightmare VF-22 Sturmvogel II VA-3 Invader VB-6 König Monster VF-5000 "Star Mirage" VF-0 "Phoenix" VF-11 Thunderbolt VF-19 Excalibur VF-1 Valkyrie VF-4 Lightning III VF-3000 Crusader (ones in quotes are unofficial)
  25. New info on the VF-25 from official site (from the naming contest): - The VF-25 is currently undergoing performance evaluations done by S.M.S.. - Combat performance is equivalent to the VF-19 and VF-22 series. - The VF-25 transformation system allows for a smoother and quicker transition from Fighter->GERWALK->Battroid than in previous generations. - The VF-25 is very customizable according to mission-specifics and pilot preference. - The Full-Armor system improves armaments. The Super-packs improves maneuvering performance. - (Already mentioned) The VF-1 Full-Armor system was restricted to Battroid use but the VF-25's does not carry this restriction. - Currently, the VF-25's Full-Armor system is limited to S.M.S. squadron leader-use.
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