website updates: 3/14/08
-Macross F Radio program starts in April
Nippon Cultural Broadcasting, 25:30, airing every Friday starting 4/4/08
Manichi Broadcasting, 25:30, airing every Sunday starting 4/6/08
Guests include Yuichi Nakamura, Hiroshi Kamiya, Megumi Nakashima.
You can e-mail questions to them here. (Foreign submissions are allowed, but please remember this is a Japanese radio show)
They'll be covering a range of topics from including the Idol promotion, SMS fan club, etc. Please submit questions or comments to the link provided.
-Looks like there will be a event at a cafe & bar (whose name doesn't want to machine translate well) in Akihabara starting on 3/22, thru 3/30. You can get some goodies and an original drink. More details are coming.