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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Well, for some people it's April 2nd so....
  2. Now, whether he's as good as Max...that's yet to be seen. But we know he's the best shooter in the fleet.
  3. http://macrossf.com/radio/radio.html The Macross F Radio show has opened it's page. Listeners can submit questions via their submission form. Please note that foreign submissions are allowed but that we won't hear it since they don't broadcast outside Japan.
  4. Funny you should mention Tron. Although very off (and probably why it didn't make the list), we do create accounts on games, forums, and whatnot that represent us in the online world. And although they don't go around the online world trying to crash a server they are used to combat others in a gladiator-type setting, in a sense. That is, unless it's a bot roaming around WoW.
  5. Road Warrior = Mad Max
  6. The context of the article isn't "10 Best Sci-fi films", it's "10 Best Prophetic films". 2001: A Space Oydessy is pretty low and for good reason. And I would place Space Tourism on the "Undecided" list considering we are still a ways from it. We still get pre-flight instructions on what to do in the event of a plane crash. To say we will need no training is is still somewhat off. We will need to know how to put on and use a space suit. It's not like grab the mask, place it over your nose and mouth and pull the elastic cords to tighten. I would consider Minority Report higher than Gattaca though. The Running Man and The Truman Show, I would consider higher than Minority Report. Reality shows are a dime a dozen now. And although video editing hasn't become what Photoshoppin' an image has become, you can always string a set of photoshopped images together into a video.
  7. If anybody wants to know where Mikimoto is these days and why he's not on MF -> http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...pleseed-tv-show They're probably using DR Movie like everybody else. Lots of productions these days are being farmed out to China or Korea. Most of it is the in-between animation. But yeh, everybody does it these days. It's the cost of business.
  8. From the sound of things, it doesn't sound like this collection will contain a large amount of info on MF and may need to be revised later on for Frontier. From the sound of things right now, it appears they may only have enough info to print up to M0. There's a good chance this may be the case, in which case, yeh, don't put your hopes so high.
  9. VF-X usually refers to the game, Macross VF-X. It also refers to Variable Fighter-Developmental. The VF-X Ravens are 727th Independent Special Command unit featured in Macross VF-X 2 that your character is a part of.
  10. No. That's just a fan work. As for a Korean company working on the animation of MF...yeh, EVERYBODY does it. This ain't new.
  11. For all we know, they may never touch on it, or it comes as an afterthought. "Oh, Sheryl's family originally came from Earth."
  12. Until the next series comes out....
  13. As I've said elsewhere, The introduction of the GN-X felt cheap. They've beaten the Gundams a few times only to be saved by some secret. Then they get handed the GN-X and it becomes a free-for-all. Graham's entrance into the battlefield with his GN-equipped OverFlag felt very out of place for me. He really didn't have a point for being there except to cause more damage. I would have preferred that his character been left out of the battle. Good thing they left Nena out of the fight. That would have been much worst. The series did start out good, but I do agree it didn't feel right on the last few episodes. I felt character development was a bit sparse and that there would be some reliance on Season 2 to fill in the gaps. It would have been better if they filled in a few more gaps this season.
  14. Poor Alto...poor boy never gets a break from trouble these girls cause him.
  15. Because Episode 1 only showed us 2 VF-25s... As I've said, we've only seen 2 versions. If they're going to appear, it probably won't be in episode 1 as we've seen.
  16. You've got 5 days to get a new HD or start clearing room on that HD...get cleaning already. 00 Gundam feels like a mix of Exia and Astray Red Frame.
  17. We've only seen 2 versions...we don't even know if there will be an "A" version yet.
  18. Feels more Eureka 7 or Armored Core to me.
  19. I don't think she goes to school anymore.... Thoughts: -Great..Ranka's 1st day in that classroom and Michael is already sucking up to the squad leader's sister.... -At least we know where the cream puffs come in now.... -I sense Alto will be the unwilling victim of Ranka's mishaps. Poor guy...
  20. Welcome to the Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread Previous Episode thread(s): Deculture Edition/25th Anniversary special Guildlines: Macross Frontier episode file requests, file offers or any audio/video sharing links of any kind or format are not permitted anywhere on the forum beyond this post. This includes, but is not limited to BitTorrent files/links, YouTube, Veoh.com (formerly Stage6) or related video-sharing or video streaming site links, Rapidshare/Megaupload/etc. links, full audio soundtracks, etc.. We will provide download locations for you. Any user-post in violation of this rule will be deleted without notice. Repeated offenses may result in a ban. DISCUSSION ONLY. Send a PM to a mod if you have a file sharing link that is not listed and it will be added within 24 hours or send Boinger a PM with a link to the file to be added to iMacross. This thread only covers the episodes listed in the subject. Do not post comments about another episode not covered by this thread. (i.e. References are OK, but do not post a critique about episode 1 when this thread covers episode 999). This thread(s) is about current episodes only. Please reserve mecha talk to the Mecha Thread and news for the News Thread. Do not cross-post. Please reserve all talk about future episode spoilers (i.e. rumors or magazine scans of future episodes) for the News thread. Previews for the next week's episode are excluded from this rule. Do not ask when an episode will be aired or released (this includes fansubs). Please use spoiler tags for the first 24-hours after an episode airs. For summaries and screenshots, please check out Random Curiosity's Anime Blog (Please remember, no image linking from that blog. Text links only.) Availability Raw: released English sub: released Chinese sub: released Malaysia sub: released French sub: released Episode download links General sites (Raws and subtitled, but mostly Raws) Tokyo Toshokan AniRena Nyaa Torrents Aniserv Subtitled versions AnimeSuki (Various groups) Scarywater.net (Various groups) Baka-Updates (Various groups) share@DHMY.net (for Chinese subbed versions) Anime in Action & Infinite Zero (no individual site available, See Scarywater.net) Gattai (no individual site available, See Animesuki) Shinsen Subs MyA Fansubs (Malaysia fansub) Full Moon Subs (French) AnimeOne-Gekkostate-Menclave Other iMacross thread Surf Channel streaming (for users that do not want to download files to their hard drives) Opening theme animation (Rapidshare), Ending theme animation (Rapidshare) Anime-in-Action/Infinite Zero subtitled (Megaupload) Gattai sub version (Megaupload), Gattai .ass subtitled file (Sendspace) Shinsen sub-AVI (FlyUpload) (ver. 1b, MegaUpload)
  21. Oops. That should say: I believe this means VF-25 does not... From the looks of the TIAF display, looks like we have letter designations now: VF-25F (in Alto colors) VF-25S (in Ozuma colors) Please let it not be a misprint.
  22. I believe this means VF-25 does not have the cooling problems that the engines of the YF-19 and YF-21 had.
  23. Nope. Old. ---> http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=561054 Old --> http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=561054 Most of the mecha specs I got in my earlier post.
  24. Mr. March & Zinjo *Kicks bodies, grabs wallets, starts buying frenzy*
  25. Now for the news: 1) Broadcast of Episode 1 time slot change (Only for episode 1): MBS 4/3 (Thursday) 24:55 CBC 4/3 (Thursday) 26:05 TBS 4/4 (Friday) 25:59 TBC 4/4 (Friday) 26:19 SBS 4/4 (Friday) 26:49 HBC 4/7 (Monday) 26:29 This is the only scheduling change noted. Things should move back to regular times after next week. 2) Tokyo International Animation Fair details *Stage event 11:40AM-12:10PM, 3/30 Shoji Kawamori is scheduled to give a little talk and Megumi Nakashima is scheduled to talk about her character, Ranka. There will also be a live performance from May'n. There will also be a screening of Macross F before the event. You must go to the Satellite booth for admission tickets. Tickets will be handed out starting 10AM. *Satellite Karaoke At the Satellite booth, there will be an open karaoke. Songs will range from DYRL? to MF. *Karaoke contest March 29th 1PM - 4:30PM and March 30th 12:30PM - 4:30PM Details are subject to change. Number of karaoke participants is limited. Please follow staff instructions. *Macross Chronicle announcement Kawamori will be there to talk about this 25th anniversary publication. *Macross F T-shirts will be on sale Same as the Wonder Festival shirts. 3,000 yen/shirt. http://www.tokyoanime.jp/ja/index.php 3) Macross Chronicle encyclopedia has been announced. It will present mechanical, character and technology information. Details are still in the works.
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