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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Mod warning You newbies are not reading the first post. No file sharing links. If you have one, PM a mod.
  2. Most people don't realize it cost money to make these shows and that the more images they use, the more money it's gonna cost. Kawamori says they have this much money and Director Kikuchi has to work within those limits. And they have to compact as much story and action into 24 minutes, including opening and endings and eyecatches. The Deculture edition was about 28 minutes, only with an ending theme. I'm sure they would have wanted to go with the Deculture edition, but they have to work within time constraints. Ronald D. Moore complains endlessly in his BSG podcasts about these constraints. Anime productions are no different.
  3. Egan is suppose to look over all the entries made, but there's lots of info there to sort out. We're taking the Compendium and moving to a more modern format and it is taking some time. Perhaps the best thing for those of you who are contributing is formatting and categorizing.
  4. Reminder Spoiler tags are to be used only for the 1st 24 hours. After that, you can post spoiler tag-less. *looks at clock* It's been 24 hours since it aired.... Names for the 2 versions: Deculture edition = Deculture edition The episode that aired this week = Broadcast version
  5. I actually preferred some of the character interaction in the broadcast version. The original scene where Alto confronts Sheryl while she is getting in the car makes a bit more sense this time because Alto had more interaction with her than we saw in the Deculture Edition. Also the park scene makes a bit more sense and adds to Alto's frustration with Sheryl. The Deculture edition just had the park scene, and I believe Director Kikuchi wanted to emphasize Alto's frustration with Sheryl a bit more.
  6. Yeh, they took some elements of the manga. Sheryl...
  7. Exactly. So please quit your whining about some group isn't fast enough or where is it, blah blah blah. This is why I have listed all the resources you need in the first post. When someone has it on Rapidshare or what not, they will PM a mod and we will post it on the 1st post within 24 hours.
  8. Reminder: Please don't ask when something will be released. The guidelines state this. It will be released when it's released. Asking for it only makes people move slower.
  9. Standard filename format. The part that says [OPED...] just says 'formal version", so yes, this is the proper file. The format for most files coming off WinNY or Share is: <series name><episode #> [name of episode] (source, encoding and screen resolution) [comments].<extension, avi, mp4, etc.> Thank you tokusatsu downloads for teaching me that.
  10. I blame Aniserv for this mess. Stupid uploader who posted the December version. Hopefully this won't happen next week.
  11. We're still working on the copy-paste of the articles. Trust me, it's taking some time. Especially the formatting. The old site is still here: http://macross.anime.net/index.html
  12. We don't back anybody. We can recommend which is a better version. Some people preferred Shinsen. I preferred Anime-in-Action/Infinite Zero's. It really depends on what you're looking for in your translations and subs.
  13. Reminder: Remember to read the 1st post of the thread for guidelines and for new little things (*hint hint*) And BTW, Random Curiosity's blog is a good indicator for when you should be hunting for episode as he will be blogging about it this season. A link to the site is in the first post. In other words, whoever just downloaded the Aniserv torrent, you've just downloaded the wrong file, if you haven't figured it out already.
  14. What part of no Youtube links did you people not get?
  15. Chances are it's the Deculture edition. The actual episode aired only about 3 hours ago.
  16. Just episode 1. But most of us have seen episode 1 back in December so we know what will happen already (which is why I attached it to the episode 2 thread). We just get to see some lovely new animation and the themes this time around.
  17. ALTO-HIME in the opening!!!!!! :lol: :lol: No wonder the poor boy never hears the end of it....
  18. Definitely new scenes in there:
  19. Just to claim first post rights. New poll is up. Poll topics will normally be about the episode or something about the episode. But given the fact that many have seen episode 1, we'll jump to other aspects of the show. Please remember to observe the guidelines.
  20. Any Windows 32-bit OS can only handle 4GB of RAM. But it can't exactly use all 4GB of RAM. It's a hardware addressing limitation of 32-bit OSs. You also need to take into account that some of that memory is also reserved for hardware which is almost no one can get Windows to see all 4GB of RAM. Keep in mind that memory is shared among applications. They're all sharing the same amount of space in memory. Which is why you should lose some programs or any software running in the background.
  21. It will probably have the theme songs added and all the other proper broadcast stuff (sponsors, ads, etc). The rest....can't say. Wikipedia does have it's uses...
  22. Exactly....some people don't know how to read their clocks... It won't air until most of us are at work...tomorrow morning.
  23. IIRC, we won't know the results until May.
  24. Small blurb on the blog: Bandai Channel is going to have all Macross series from SDFM to M0 available for viewing. In addition, on April 4th, the first 5 episodes of M7 will be available for viewing, free of charge. See the Bandai Channel for more details.
  25. I'm gonna chime in and say none of the ones listed by gerwalk25. All would be horrible remakes. As for the IGN list, V would stand a good chance of a remake. Heck, they're working on one right now. The Greatest American Hero...no, Chuck and Heroes seems to be doing good right now. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.... I think Alias filled the hole for a while. Voyagers...could work, but I'm not seeing how I could work in time travel. The Prisoner could work as a remake. Lost in Space...nah. The A-Team, aren't they making a movie? The Time Tunnel...I'm not sure bouncing around time trying to prevent or alter things which can't be altered is somewhat self-defeating. Quantum Leap, I would say, did a better job at this idea. Affecting the people around historical events can be much better for the audience. Amazing Stories... N. O. Mystery Science Theater 3000, heck no. It went on for how long? Why remake it...
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