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Everything posted by azrael

  1. According to the Bandai press release, the run time is 82 minutes. The 2 editions of episode 1 only account for 59 minutes. So episode 2 has to be on that volume.
  2. Hey, I'm giving the kids who want to read the thread without being spoiled 24 hours to look around. After that, it's their fault for reading our spoilers.
  3. Obviously, some people don't notice the pinned threads...
  4. That might be considered stachatory when she's in miclone mode....
  5. We know. -> http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=579746
  6. We know about that. Egan did see the episode when I asked him about it earlier today. We also have printed material that says "Lanca". So until otherwise, we will accept both but we will be posting under "Ranka" in the Compendium. Egan = Egan Loo, owner and operator of the Macross Compendium.
  7. Mod mode Read the 1st post. Then read the post below it. It will be done when it's done.
  8. Good episode. . Oh and I've talked to Egan and we're gonna accept both "Ranka" or "Lanca" until we get a definite answer. So we'll accept both like Linn Minmei/Lynn Minmay.
  9. I can imagine that. Mikhail decides to hit on Alto-hime and Alto comes back with a fist, "I'm a guy dumbass!"
  10. Looking at Random Curiousity's shots,
  11. Save the translation talk for another thread please.
  12. I don't think we can help the cel animation. It's probably farmed out with the CG done at Satelight.
  13. It means you're reading into it too much....
  14. You sure that's not Engrish? Wah wah wah.
  15. Are they gonna change the ending each week??? Or is this gonna be another Aquarion when the ending credits changed after a few eps? Ah man..no more Nyan Nyan commercial? What's the eyecatch this time? There's also the 24-hour spoiler notice in effect if you want an excuse.
  16. That thought came on me as well. Perhaps the ship we see in the opening is not Battle-25, but an SMS ship. We've already seen a bridge or control center for the SMS crew.
  17. Mod notes: Asking when a raw or fansub will be released is a no-no and very annoying. Random Curiousity's (which is linked in the first post) blog is a very good indicator of when a raw is released and we have plenty of people watching torrent sites for both raw and sub releases. If you are that impatient, go help out the raw providers or fansubbers. If you are not patient enough for that, move to Japan and watch it on TV when it comes out.
  18. Wait for the DVD/Blu-Ray disc... *cough* News thread */cough*
  19. Heck, try summarizing the entire Macross history in 3 sentences or less.
  20. Both him an Mikhail are part of SMS and we have seen him in a flight suit in the OP.
  21. Welcome to the Macross Frontier Episode 2 Talkback Thread Previous Episode thread(s): Episode 1 Deculture Edition/25th Anniversary special Guildlines: Macross Frontier episode file requests, file offers or any audio/video sharing links of any kind or format are not permitted anywhere on the forum beyond this post. This includes, but is not limited to BitTorrent files/links, YouTube, Veoh.com (formerly Stage6) or related video-sharing or video streaming site links, Rapidshare/Megaupload/etc. links, full audio soundtracks, etc.. We will provide download locations for you. Any user-post in violation of this rule will be deleted without notice. Repeated offenses may result in a ban. DISCUSSION ONLY. Send a PM to a mod if you have a file sharing link that is not listed and it will be added within 24 hours or send Boinger a PM with a link to the file to be added to iMacross. This thread only covers the episodes listed in the subject. Do not post comments about another episode not covered by this thread. (i.e. References are OK, but do not post a critique about episode 1 when this thread covers episode 999). This thread(s) is about current episodes only. Please reserve mecha talk to the Mecha Thread and news for the News Thread. Do not cross-post. Please reserve all talk about future episode spoilers (i.e. rumors or magazine scans of future episodes) for the News thread. Previews for the next week's episode are excluded from this rule. Do not ask when an episode will be aired or released (this includes fansubs). Please use spoiler tags for the first 24-hours after an episode airs. For summaries and screenshots, please check out Random Curiosity's Anime Blog (Please remember, no image linking from that blog. Text links only.) Image hosting services Flickr ImageShack Photobucket Episode download links General sites (Raws and subtitled, but mostly Raws) Tokyo Toshokan AniRena Nyaa Torrents Aniserv Subtitled versions AnimeSuki (Various groups) Scarywater.net (Various groups) Baka-Updates (Various groups) share@DHMY.net (for Chinese subbed versions) Shinsen Subs Gattai (no individual site available, See Animesuki or NyaaTorrents) Anime in Action & Infinite Zero (no individual site available, See Scarywater.net) MyA Fansubs (Malaysia fansub) Full Moon Subs (French) AnimeOne-Gekkostate-Menclave Other iMacross thread Surf Channel streaming (for users that do not want to download files to their hard drives) Gattai .ass subtitle file Shinsen sub version (MegaUpload) Poll and thread open at 12:10PM EST/9:10AM PST (that's 25:10 JST). Release information: Raw: Avaliable Sub: Chinese: Avaliable, English: Avaliable.
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