It's a note in the Compendium. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/VF-25
Yeh, things have a tendency to get lost around here.
Mr. March
Just so you understand, that was just 1 machine translator I took that text back to then and translating the jumbled English into some coherent sentences gives me a headache to no end. I scrutinize those machine translators much more now and I run them through using a gauntlet of of machine translators (and it gives me a bigger headache). But it's no substitute for someone who actually can read the original Japanese text. If I ran that line through the gauntlet now and tried to formed a sentence, it reads more like this: "Its form is reminiscent of the VF-1 but it can be said that its combat performance makes it a legitimate successor to the VF-19 and VF-22 series." This is using Google, BizLingo (Excite), Yahoo, Livedoor, Fresh-EYE, Dictionary.com, Alta-Vista, and So-net to translate.
It's also something that was on the Info page on the official website. So it may not make it to the official texts for the VF-25 (they have removed a couple posts on that page).