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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I imagine actors, directors, film crews, etc. have been talking to their respective representing agents/bodies and re-evaluating their contracts and working conditions moving forward to make them more pandemic resilient. Black Widow was produced pre-pandemic so those stipulations are in play. P
  2. The lawsuit specifies a "wide theatrical release", which is what Disney did. The suit indicates that historically, the theatrical run is 82-159 days uninterrupted. Nowhere in the suit does it state that theatrical release was to be exclusively theatrical in reference to the contract. If Disney gave the movie that kind of release, then they have fulfilled their obligation according to the contract. I would like nothing better than to see Disney's ass handed to them, but this lawsuit throws out a lot of "traditional" and "normal" practices. The suit claims "exclusive" release but does the contract specify that? I'm not seeing a lot of quotation of the contract but more "agreement" of the parties. Again, "spirit", not "letter".
  3. Yeah, this lawsuit seems flimsy. 🤨 Also, who the F* wrote this: The only thing I see has merit is, (a) does Ms. Johansson's contract or SAG monetary compensation (if any) rules stipulate that a streaming or direct-to-home release must be done after an exclusive theatrical release? Yes? No? The rest is moot. Did Disney release the film to enough theaters to satisfy? I would assume they did. Spirit-of-the-contract is not letter-of-the-contract. Let me use a more appropriate saying: "If it ain’t on the page, it ain’t on the stage".
  4. The back of the gunpod looks like the VF-31's while the front is the Sv-262's. Wonder if it is just the Sv-262's redesigned to be compatible with the VF-31. The folding bicep armor is interesting. Wonder if that is in response to the VF-31's lack of a bicep. The new container pod definitely looks like a thermometer...or home pregnancy test kit.
  5. "companies to make enough supply..." The problem with this is this may not be possible quickly. We could go into supply chain, manufacturing, etc., but it just may not be possible. And even if they did, it will take time to make changes to supply chain and manufacturing. By the time they fix supply, demand may have waned. What I see is a failure to adequately anticipate supply chain and changes in manufacturing (again, see my comment about Just-in-Case vs. Just-in-Time manufacturing). Companies failed to anticipate how much things have changed in a year and how quickly things have pivoted. Yes, things changed quickly, but they could have used the "good times" to sort out supply chain and manufacturing woes to see less disruption during "bad times". "The second is for consumers not to purchase from scalpers / flippers." Easier said than done. When people want something which is in such short supply, they will go to lengths to get that product. We've been telling that to GPU buyers, yet 9 months in, people are still buying well above MSRP, from secondary markets, and likely being scalped.
  6. The answer to "why scalpers?" is, at its core, supply-&-demand. If people want it enough, they will pay for it. One thing that has been brought up, especially in light of the pandemic, is Just-in-Time vs Just-in-Case manufacturing. Each has their pros and cons but given our current situation, most manufacturing adopted JIT but at the same time, we're seeing high demand, which is breeding a much more lucrative secondary market.
  7. I think the 256GB NVMe is probably the better deal. At the same time, it has MicroSD card support so storage isn't too much of a concern.
  8. If the show continues on, I’m sure they’ll revisit Ryloth, but this thread will have to dangle for the rest of the season. The whole point was to plant the seeds for the Rebellion. Unfortunately, the do need to cover the existing threads this season; will the Kaminoians ever get Omega back, face off with Crosshairs.
  9. Just as a FYI, Freya Allan was ~16/17 when they filmed season 1. She turned 19 when they stared filming season 2 at the end of 2020. She'll be in her 20s if they make it to season 3. Kids do grow fast.
  10. The supply constraints are likely the case, given TSMC's current fab-to-supply issues. From what I hear, the chips are being scooped up as soon as they come off the fab. Basically everything being manufactured is already allocated to manufacturers. There's no leftovers being produced.
  11. Unfortunately Delta’s flight trainer, Messer, disagreed with that assessment. A person can be book-smart but lack that spark of improvisation and imagination that brings them up a level. That’s where Mirage is.
  12. Some episode directors for The Book of Boba Fett were named. https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1459162/star-wars-the-book-of-boba-fett-release-date-temuera-morrison-jon-favreau-disney-plus Jon Favreau Robert Rodriguez Bryce Dallas Howard Dave Filoni No word on who is directing which episodes.
  13. Only 6 episodes. A second season is possible. She-Hulk is currently filming, slated for early 2022. Hawkeye is currently in post and will premiere in late 2021. The next series will be What If..., followed by Ms. Marvel, then Hawkeye.
  14. Likely a pass. New stand? Woohoo. Bigger OLED? OK. I think mini/micro LED would be better but OK. Same SOC line? 👎 Feels like a spec-bumb upgrade.
  15. It's in the "..." pulldown menu.
  16. You can use CrystalDiskInfo to check on your SSD's health. Now if you think the SSD was affected by your power issues, then maybe you should consider getting a new one.
  17. If people run discrete GPUs, then a iGPU is taking space on the CPU die which could be used for other things. Given the current shortages and price gouging, AMD is finally realizing selling a "modern" Zen 3 on-die GPU-CPU might actually be beneficial to them since this shortage is probably is going to last into 2022. And while Vega graphics are workable-1080p-gaming-graphics, it's better than no GPU at all. Still better than Intel's not-worth-gaming-iGPU. Speaking of moving taskbars, I see another person with the taskbar off the bottom of the screen. Now that MS is taking that ability away, I'm noticing more people with taskbars being placed somewhere other than the bottom now.
  18. Mechanical drives don't make much sense now until you hit the larger capacities (>1 TB. 2TB SSDs are fine if you find them on sale, otherwise, borderline questionable worth). My only worry about the larger SSDs is when they mysteriously die. When SSDs die, they die. HDDs usually suffer a slow death and are normally easier to recover than a SSD if it comes to that (You can use some tricks at home on HDDs to recover data. SSDs require soldering for starters.)
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