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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Steelfalcon is horribly out of date (not to mention it's an RPG stats site). The stats on the site were last updated 10 years ago.
  2. Storm Shadow...Much better. Keep the mask on. Destro....where's his mask? How about showing us what they look like with the mask on before we seem them without it... edit: And what's with Heavy-Duty's mini mingun?
  3. We talked about it a while back: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...onverting+armor
  4. It's Nanase.
  5. Any scans of the article text? I think some pages are missing.
  6. Well, it goes with Kawamori's idea of not basing the VF-25 on any real-world fighter.
  7. It was only a matter of time. Bandai already announced higher prices on Gunpla a few months ago due to rising oil costs.
  8. Learn to use the search button: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23490
  9. I'm just surprised people are already deciding based on 5 episodes....
  10. Lipstick, make-up...Sheryl is a 2059-equivalent of a Revlon girl.
  11. *cough* 25th Anniversary */cough*
  12. Posts moved from old thread.
  13. Start a new thread with a poll at request of OP.
  14. Mod update mike_s_6 has supplied a copy of "SMS Team Song: That Girl's an Alien" ripped from the Macross Radio show. Download is in the first post of this thread.
  15. No. They said the Vajra use energy converting armor similar to the VFs. Reactive armor is armor that either explodes off or produces an electric current that fries anti-armor ordnance.
  16. 00P manga (and magazines).
  17. And my ramblings are proved yet again that no one reads....
  18. *looks at Shinsen BT page* 582 seeders, 514 leechers ......I think something is wrong at your end....
  19. Astrea is more a prototype for Exia. Sadalsuud was the prototype for Dynames. Plutone was Nadleeh/Virtue's prototype.
  20. Marvel already announced IM2 in April 2010. There was a press release today.
  21. Terrance Howard (Jim Rhodes) has stated he would rather wait for a 3rd movie to don the War Machine armor. I won't mind that as well since he should try out the IM armor before stepping into WM (like the comic). We'll just have to wait and see what they want to do for 2nd movie though. There have been some nudging to weigh in on Stark's alcoholism in the next movie. This would give Rhodey the best chance to try on the IM armor.
  22. Have you looked at Dalong.net? X1 Full Cloth
  23. If it does have Zentradi, they're probably all miclones. I'm getting the feeling that Galaxy is much smaller compared to Frontier. Subtitle file is in the first post.
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