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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Whatever the hell that means... You know...we don't have any specs on the VF-27 or any decent pics of it so I'm not even gonna speculate about whether it belongs to NUNS or not. No. No one has said anything of the sort.
  2. Matsushita are kinda tricky. Matsushita normally releases to OEM so firmware updates are usually far and few between. You may have to flash the firmware with a UJ-845 version, but that has the potential of screwing up your drive, badly. I would check CDFreaks.com to see if they have a solution.
  3. Mobility 8.3 drivers Mobility 8.2 drivers
  4. Here we practice searching the newbie thread or reading the Macross Compendium.
  5. Set photos: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/05/16/ch...filming-gi-joe/ What's with the exosuits/armor?
  6. This has been making rounds.
  7. Anyways...back to Gunpla (hint hint).
  8. We'll probably have to wait a few episodes to get a better idea about it. Doubt we'll be able to figure it out this week.
  9. They could use a non-prototype model in those pics....
  10. Be nice now. Some people have never seen anything else besides 00, or heaven forbid, Wing. Just point them at a Gundam forum and feed them to the lions.
  11. The full name is "Macross Frontier". Short hand is "Macross F".
  12. Ahem -> http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=595768
  13. Now that Shinsen fixed their seeder issue, it's much better and I've re-listed their version. Those wanting AVIs are probably going to have to wait the TBS airing.
  14. At this point the spoiler notice should be over. Few mod notes -I have delisted the Shinsen raw (MP4). No seeders and it's incomplete so I can't verify the authenticity. -Raws that have shown up are 246.01MB 704x396 AVI (it's been reposted 3 times as of posting) which appears to be based off the version that showed up on NicoVideo (It's the FLV file that's floating around). -I have checked Share and the 2 raws mentioned above are the only ones I saw. If you want quality, wait for the TBS airing in the morning.
  15. Try going directly to Anirena's site (www.anirena.com) and look for it. At this point though, there's no seeder so you might want to stick to the AVI (or FLV) and wait a day.
  16. I think you're downloading the wrong one. There's only the FLV, the AVI encoded from the FLV (listed twice), and then the MP4.
  17. Yeh, it's the same as before. Different tracker though.
  18. There's a lack of quality raws this week. xxxHOLiC Kei only has 1 raw out this week itself and it's from a Chinese capper. Hopefully things will pick back up next week.
  19. Good. There must be a better raw out there then.
  20. It's called "budgeting your episodes appropriately". Good grief I thought we went over this already...
  21. They primarily get their raws from WinNY and Share. It may be a day or 2 before a good raw is available.
  22. We may have to wait for the TBS airing tomorrow.
  23. Don't expect the manga to follow the anime exactly. It's an adaptation, not a word-for-word translation.
  24. 2ch complains just as much as 4chan.
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