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Everything posted by azrael

  1. 1) Newbie thread. 2) Macross Compendium
  2. This did pop up on the Newbie thread (Link). It appears on the Japanese (I think) and French Wiki. The issue with it is we cannot verify its source.
  3. No, that's just too much Gundam in the blood...
  4. The best way to look at the animation in comparison to the timeline is to view it as a historical perspective. Is what happened in the animation "exactly" what happened in real life? Well, that's up to interpretation. It's like watching a WWII or Vietnam drama film. The events are close but the finer details are questionable. IIRC, in MD7, someone says to Basara that it was Basara's efforts in Sound Force that defeated the Protodevlin. Basara's reply was he didn't defeat anybody. And that historical note also came up in M7 concerning how Max met Millia in the episode where they are doing a DYRL? remake.
  5. Doesn't seem that bad. But then again, it is a display...
  6. I guess this answers Niki's status this coming season. http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=7225
  7. I'm just going to wait for some documentation on this whole NUNS debate.
  8. YES! No more painting mouth vents! And are they giving us a Striker attachment (see lower right corner)....
  9. A "sword with a funky ring guard"? His weapons are pretty exotic to have any real term for them...
  10. Is the Lenovo running the same exact specs ?
  11. It's a Chinese sub. = Not English
  12. 1) Questions like these belong in the newbie thread. 2) You answered your own question. It's anime. It's fiction. It's ain't real.
  13. It's Chinese. The Chinese subs have been out and crawling out since Thursday night.
  14. For the most part, I'm leaving the nitty gritty stuff of Frontier to Egan. I'll translate the official site descriptions but that's as far as I'll go. I'm only adding material that I have actual printed material for or physically own (like CDs). I'm not pulling anything from animation. If it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage.
  15. 1) We don't know what the currency in Macross has been. 2) The economics of Macross has never really been touched upon.
  16. I think you guys are reading it upside down (as Renato said). The only things I see are the paper-to-CG VF-25, the Vajra red lobster and scenery....
  17. It better be correct. I spent about a half hour reading 7 or 8 different machine translators as well as having Egan look over it.
  18. I wonder if Brera has cybernetic implants. It might not be a coincidence that it was mentioned in this episode.
  19. Which eyecatch are you looking for? There's always the old site.
  20. Bandai's Gunpla/toy factory. If you notice, he's playing with 1/144 Exia and a GN Arms Type-E
  21. Lovely. You probably need this one (mind you I was looking at the European site when I was looking for drivers which is lacking a bit): IntelĀ® Chipsets Drivers Installation Utility: http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/swu-downl...689&os_id=7
  22. You probably won't find it among the Windows drivers. This may be something you'll need to look for. I don't know if we can help you unless you can find a specs sheet for it.
  23. There's a CAPTCHA code you need to put in on the second link to download the driver. Scroll down the page and you should see it.
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