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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I think it's more along the lines that Ranka recognized that Brera was playing the exact same tune she was singing.
  2. You had to pick an episode that was animated by AnimeFriend, didn't you? But ok. The Sound Buster modification basically allowed the gunship to take Sound Energy, contain it, then using the gunship's fold subsystems, fold that energy onto a target (namely Geperuniti). They squeezed off a fair number of shots before the damn thing overloaded. In hindsight, this is probably something Miyatake should have designed but probably skipped over. But it would be silly for any aircraft carrier to not have some anti-aircraft weapons/CIWS. But keep in mind that SDF-1 IS a gunship which holds fighters. The NMc's are carriers. We're comparing 2 different classes of vessels here.
  3. If it's anything like the Gundam 00 Official Files, I'd be better off getting it from the bookstores or getting it in bulk from HLJ when it comes. At $6-7 an issue, international shipping/issue is quite a waste.
  4. I don't seem to recall them using it in more than once/engagement. Also, I'm not sure SDF-1 is the best of examples as the ship was plagued with issues. Macross 13 is a good example of the New-Macross class gunship usage. Now, while the New-Macross class gunship may or may not be as powerful as SDF-1's, I would say the modification options I have with a New Macross gunship are make it much more versatile in usage. The Sound Buster modification is a good example.
  5. There is promotional material with the spelling of "Lanca" or "Lanka". But as Gubaba said, Japanese "R"'s do not have a distinct sound from "L"'s. For consistency's sake, we use "Ranka".
  6. There was an online chat held with PJ and del Toro responding to questions. Online chat transcript Here are some of the juicy bits:
  7. There is no way to search 4chan. Like its Japanese counterpart (the 2ch image boards), content on 4chan doesn't stay on their system for long. After reaching a certain bandwidth or time, the threads and contents are deleted. This is why lots of stuff gets re-posted on 4chan. The best thing to do with 4chan content is grab it ASAP because it could disappear at anytime.
  8. I took a look at their episode 8 release (since this episode had lots of dialog) and between [AiA-IZ], it's about split. Some of the language jargon reads better in AiA-IZ's in some cases, some of it reads better in Lunar's. Ex. 1 AiA - It's a school to learn about traditional culture and technology. A school that focuses on the heritage of Frontier's top specialists. Lunar - Frontier's top specialist training campus, with a focus on inheritance of traditional culture, technological learning, et cetera. In this case, Lunar's phrasing feels better as it doesn't jump to a new sentence and doesn't feel as awkward. It feels a bit more consistent. Ex. 2 AiA- I'm looking forward to it too, Alto. Lunar - Take me under your wing, 'kay, Alto-kun? In this case, AiA's feels better. The situation is that both Nanase and Luca are happy about the fact that Ranka joined the school and they get to see each other more. The rest of the episode goes about the same where I might have preferred AiA's over Lunar's and vice versa.
  9. That's the Shogakukan Production official page. According to Egan's notes: -Volume 1 goes on sale around Mid-July (Not sure if they'll keep this release date). -Issues will be printed bi-weekly and the first volume will come with a binder. -Volume 1 is 590 yen, Volume 2 onwards will be 690 Yen. -There's no ISBN # on it so most places may not be able to list it.
  10. That's assuming it is an Athrun MS.
  11. I won't worry about when Shinsen get out their subs. Like many groups, they do many series and they do have real lives. Their subs will come when they are finished. And it's bad practice to ask when a group will release a sub. They release it on their schedule, not yours or the producers.
  12. Sounds like a good next month.
  13. My feeling is that it's not quite a BDI system of olde. I've pondered this with Mr. March and I do get a sense that our VF-27 pilot may have cybernetic implants. And I'm thinking more along the lines of Ghost in the Shell cyber brain-style implants. Instead of transmitting signals to the brain or interpreting brainwaves (which can be bad as we saw when Guld thought about pushing Isamu's face into the dirt), it might be reading nerve signals. If I move my arm, my brain sends signals throughout my nervous system to contract or extend muscles which move my arm. Thinking about moving my arm becomes separate from the actual act of doing it.
  14. The general sense I'm getting is everybody is downloading the early releases, but some are downloading those first to figure out what is going on and waiting for later fansubs to archive. Personally, I'm watching the MKVs but I hate those due to issues with it back when it first popped up. I don't keep them. I prefer AVIs or MP4s to archive since I don't need to worry about soft sub issues.
  15. Most of the TV stations I've seen listed on KeyHole and TVU are general broadcast stations so it's not surprising that you won't see a cable network.
  16. 25 or 26 episodes is a good and normal run. Beyond that, well, that's for the network execs to wager on if they want a second season. We'll know more about the episode count as we move on. But right now, we are looking at a 25 to 26 episode series.
  17. Looks like there will be 1 more Seed MG in Autumn. http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/2008/05...finite-justice/ Can't guarantee the rumor.
  18. We just need a good Alto x Ranka episode and all will be fine.
  19. Bitch, whine, moan. You suck. No, you suck. You can't spell. You don't know crap. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 1 cup of coffee ain't enough for this...
  20. Lighten his load perhaps? Give those missiles a decent target to hit? Make him a smaller target?
  21. And that's 12 hours. Spoiler notice is over. And good catch by Egan. -Mikhail Buran = Michael Blanc (you can see his name in the scene with Cathy and Ozma) And "Mikhail" and "Michel" are both correct since that's the pronunciation in Russian and French, respectively. As to why they call him "Mikhail" or "Michel" escapes me. Which makes me wonder if Luca's name should be spelled "Lucan" since his name sounds Italian.
  22. Unlike Gundam, Macross only makes recaps episodes if their run gets extended. M7 never had a recap ep. SDFM only had one cuz they got an extension as they were producing the show.
  23. Only because it helps in functionality...
  24. All I see is NicoVideo FLVs of some of the other shows that came on today. Things will probably be slow for the time being. Good thing it was a filler ep this week.
  25. Yeh well, the budget was spent on episode 7. Quit ya whining. .
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