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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You guys should realize by now that people have way too much time on their hands to be thinking if we have this and the WTF-1 thread. We're getting answers and more questions each week. All we can do is WAFO.
  2. [AiA] didn't exactly drop it. The translator Shouta, is unfortunately going to be away for the summer and will not be able to work on it. [AiA] may pick it up, but it will be done without Shouta.
  3. It's available for pre-order right now from HMV (they do ship internationally and do have an English version of their site). At the price though, you may want to see if a Japanese bookstore will have it (like Kinokuniya, if you have one near you) or bunch up your order. At $6-$7 USD/volume, shipping internationally will be painful/volume.
  4. I joined somewhere in the middle of 00's airing. But anyways...
  5. So you're telling me you don't have a life...
  6. The VF-27's seems more akin to a greneider-style rifle (i.e. your choice of rifle + grenade launcher). I would say Mikhail's rifle fires only semi-auto. Full-auto would seem somewhat hap-hazard for a sniping-based rifle.
  7. I just find it pointless since the answer is probably coming this Thursday... Which is why I'm not bothering with these speculation threads. You should be glad you don't suffer as much with Gundam...
  8. I really don't know. A good chunk of the question of will probably be answered this coming Thursday, anyways.
  9. The instant we started talking about Macross, I checked my sense of realism at the door...Hell, anytime I watch anything that's not a documentary, science or nature show or reality TV (although, there are times...), my sense of disbelief (or belief) takes a coffee break. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=598984
  10. I told you people will be shooting it down for weeks.
  11. Yes. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ple.php?id=5902
  12. I'm ending this poll. You guys have too many polls open at this moment. Wait for one to fall before starting a new poll.
  13. Something tells me the hardpoint attachment for the gunpods on a VF-25 isn't on the arms, period. The fact that I can see the pistol grip on those VF-25s probably indicates that the arms hang too high for the grip to reach in fighter mode, so the attachment of the gunpod to the VF is not the pistol grip.
  14. It refers to the collector's toy line. Our usage of "Chogokin" is usually short for "Soul of Chogokin" (SOC). It may or may not have die-cast.
  15. I think for Michael, the seat goes back into it's normal fighter position when he goes prone in Battroid mode.
  16. Dunno. Depends on the Advisor. This one has the "tiny hands" (yeh, tiny hands. Go ahead with the tiny hands jokes...).
  17. This is why I'm not joining the speculating game...I'll just wait and see what happens.
  18. News updates: 1) I think its sheet music for "Don't be Late", right? (coffee is wearing off...) http://www.music8.com/products/products_de...M8__and__QH1111 2) Yahoo has opened up a fan club site "Frontier Magazine" for Frontier: http://macrossf.fc.yahoo.co.jp/ And this popped up on Animesuki: http://animejapan4u.blogspot.com/2008/06/m...-and-novel.html Michael is Zolan? Someone wanna get the novel and confirm that?
  19. Which reminds me, if anybody does karaoke with that song, they better do the frakin dance.
  20. Seriously though, you don't need the spoiler tags anymore.
  21. This is what you get for cutting the budget and using StormTrooper Marksman, Ltd. as your trainers.
  22. For you no. In fact, everything you post must now be in spoiler tags. Just you and only you. Anyways, spoiler ban is over. If you haven't watched it by now and don't wish to be spoiled, please dispose of your trash at the appropriate bins around the room and exit the room. My comments: -I think the Zentradi should box the Quamzin/Temzin line. They seem to cause nothin' but trouble. -This 33rd Battalion seems to have command issues. -Well, at least Michael never has to worry about lunch. He's got more than enough for the next 2 weeks... -Ranka's entrance to the battlefield and the Zentradi reaction reminded me too much of Fleet of the Strongest Women. - Alto... you better respect that girl now. She got your ass out of a tight spot. And I saw that glance you made at her in the cockpit, too. -As I said, the ball is on Ranka's side. It's gonna go to Sheryl, then back to Ranka, then back to Sheryl, etc. The writers won't be doing their job if they did keep you people guessing. -Really, I'm not sure it was a bright idea for SMS to hire Alto...1st VF, he trashed it. #2, he trashed it AND it was destroyed. Now this one takes a crash landing. He's a insurance liability. Finally...as I said previously, I'll leave the appearance of SDF-1 to next week. That came outta nowhere so I don't even know how to respond to that.
  23. It seems to vary from fleet to fleet. M7 used separate ships for certain functions (entertainment, agriculture, military, etc) plus warships. M5 kinda followed the same scheme. We never got a good look at MG but it looked the same as MF. MF comprised of 1 City ship with interlinking Island modules serving all the functions of manufacturing, agriculture, etc. Plus they're all surrounded by military vessels. But they all seem to have a ship or module dedicated to manufacturing, one for amusement, one for agriculture, etc.
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