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Everything posted by azrael

  1. For some reason, I hear Pedro Pascal's voice with that Ithorian at the beginning of the trailer. Also in the Mandalorian, I think they established that big-time bounties are slim in the days of the New Republic. Maybe Boba, in his time of self-reflection, has decided to branch out of the bounty business...
  2. Perhaps a new perspective on life after being fed to the Sarlacc. Why bounty hunt when one can fine more lucrative ways to make a living? Little embezzlement here, little protection business there, control of numerous underworld groups...
  3. Please tell me they will not be using many slow-motion on all the action shots? The speed of some of those fights feels like they could pick up the pace a little.
  4. Caught this online. Was it a good point to stop? I guess. It had to pause somewhere. Guess that was as good as any point. I think Dune needs the political exposition. You kind of need it to explain why things play out the way they do. You need it to rear its ass into the story or else it makes hard to understand the "why" of it all. I know they don't like to intect it in to movies like this but Dune needs it. Plots in Dune take centuries to play out. Make it a little longer and throw it in. As for missing Shaddam Corrino IV, Irulan or others...yes they are needed in the story, just not early on/right here. They need to be in Part 2, but leaving them out of Part 1 is fine.
  5. And this thread has outlived its entertainment value.
  6. Fine. Meat goop.
  7. The human body can, surprisingly, withstand 30+ Gs. Granted for no more than a few seconds. IIRC, you have to hit somewhere around a sustained 20-something Gs or ~50-75 Gs instantaneously where you will get turned into meat glue. But you'll be unconscious 1st well before that happens at that many Gs.
  8. There is an Acer Swift 3 14" with AMD Ryzen* or Lenovo IdeaPad 5 14"* at Costco. Best Buy has a HP - Pavilion 2-in-1 14"*. *availability may vary depending on region
  9. What is your use case? WFH(word processing/spreadsheets/email/etc)? Media consumption? Programming? Creative solution (Photoshop/Illustrator/Premiere)? HP Pavillion? Asus Vivobook?
  10. PR headache...not technical headache. PR meaning the whole TPM-compatibility requirement. I just read the other day they put out a technical bulletin on how to disregard the TPM check via a reg fix.
  11. SSDs have a tendency to just die when they want to die. Having it work one day then die the next is par-for-the-course for an SSD. Oh Windows 11. Microsoft's latest PR headache... I probably won't update for another year. I don't see a real need on the OS-front to move away from Windows 10. I'm more concerned with my hardware upgrades...as futile as that is right now (stupid parts shortage and supply chain issues )
  12. Since this movie has now premiered and since this movie will not be available on home video for a while, this thread is on a 6-month spoiler lockdown. Any spoilers posted without tags will be deleted without warning. Also, if you can't read or understand Japanese, please don't try to interpret anything.
  13. test
  14. What else can we add to a New Macross-class carrier? http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/macross-galaxy/battlegalaxy-attack.jpg http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/queen-frontier/queenfrontier.jpg This movie? Yes.
  15. +1 Surprisingly, lawsuits are how a lot of things are get done/enforced in the world. We just don’t hear about all of them. And even fewer actually go to trial. Most are resolved in mediation/out-of-court.
  16. I swear this episode was a ‘80s movie plot. Kid(s) hold a house party while the parents are away. Parent(s) decide to come home early and kid(s) are in a mad rush to clean the house before the parent(s) get home. Parent(s) get home and find everything to be neat, clean and boring.
  17. *sees small group of people magically appear in a queue already* You know they haven't even announced a blue DX YF-29, right?
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