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Everything posted by azrael

  1. This ship is leaking now. You probably want to stay off the 'Net from now til opening day if you don't want to be spoiled.
  2. Please PM Shawn. He can change your email address. You should be able to reset your password once he's updated your email address.
  3. No they cannot transform. The only "transforming" section was the main cannon. The ship was designed to be modular which the SDF-1 crew later created the transformation system out to rearranging the modular sections to keep them together.
  4. The Chronicle mentions this so whether you believe it or not... This actually lines up with how power usage in Macross is distributed between modes. For VFs, power is devoted to the engines in fighter mode, getting the best performance out of the engines and less for other systems which are less advantageous in each mode. Switching modes redistributes power to other systems like the robotics motors, defensive systems (ECA/PPB) and weapons. The same concept applies to the capital ships. Switching modes reallocates power to systems that need it more. Of course they can reallocate in other modes but switching modes does it as part of standard operating procedure. Switching to battle-mode automatically diverts power away from engines, which will need less power, to defensive systems, barrier systems, robotics, or weapons, which need it more. That surplus of power can also feed the gunship to improve recharge time (rate-of-fire) or power output/shot. If you've ever played Star Wars: Squadrons, X-wing vs TIE Fighter, X-Wing, or TIE Fighter, the power distribution concept is the same.
  5. Part of it is lost in translation. It's written as 監察軍 or Inspection Army/Controlled Army/Supervised Army/Monitor Army; as in the controlled army of the Protodeviln. Over time it's just shortened to "Supervision Army". Yes. I actually answered this very question back in 2003 and 2004. The actual reason is so the gunship can main-line from the primary reactor(s) of the mothership, thereby increasing the rate of fire or power output. In ship mode, power is devoted to the engines. Battle mode redistributes power away from the engines to other systems like the gunship.
  6. Nope. Different area of combat, different fighter used. Not everyone uses the same equipment in different parts of the world. Also the VF-0's development and production was so rushed and sooooo small, the entire production line literally could fit on a single aircraft carrier.
  7. People's notion of how big space normally doesn't do it justice. Space is big. Really big. No bigger. Keep going. Still too small. Still no; keep going. Still not big enough. Nope, still not big enough. Nope. Nope. Still too small. Not even close. Stop trying to stretch. Even Mr. Fantastic can't stretch that far. Nope, keep going. Nope, bigger. Bigger. Still to small. Still too small. Give it up, you're still too small. You already tore your limbs off and you still didn't cover how big space is. It's by sheer luck NUNS is running into these fleets.
  8. No. There is no issue for SDFM and DYRL. HG owns the distribution rights for those. Period. Any perceived idea that there is a problem with those is fan whining. HG isn't making anything difficult. They are just staying in their lane. DYRL's video distribution rights are just lost to whoever has that, which not even HG has a real answer to.
  9. Netflix has a weird way of doing things considering no one really understands how they judge viewership. Season 2 may yet happen.
  10. Ok finished this season. Seeing that it's been 20+ years since the show originally broadcast (meaning it's been almost that long since I saw the anime) I'm going in with only a vague recollection. Overall, it's ok. Not so bad but not that good either. Production values were definitely uneven. Fight sequences were OK. Needs more work. Actors were fine. Story....ok. And yeah, I don't recall Vicious' characterization as it was presented in the Netflix show vs the anime. Nor Julia. Not a pro or con, just a "OK, if that's how you want to roll with those 2 characters...".
  11. Search for "Bully Maguire No Way Home" on YT. Have fun exploring that rabbit hole.
  12. So judging by the lack of Tobey and Andrew, they will only show up at the end. Like last 5 minutes of the finale fight, then to leave some parting words of wisdom for Tom.
  13. I'm leaning toward a "No" on that. Besides a cameo, and the fact she's getting her own show, we probably won't see her. Ashoka in Rebels seem to believe Obi-wan was dead (or very MIA) already.
  14. Usually media have press screeners 1-2 weeks ahead of release. I tend not to give too much weight to these since they flood the sub-Reddit and Twitter-verse as soon as they walk out of the screener. The problem with "TV" series is the 1st episode is intended to draw you in. What about the rest of the series? Are the filler episodes worth watching or do they drag the show down?
  15. Has that G-Saviour look likely because it starts off un-armored then gets the armor after the attack. Unlike the animes which start the Gundams off, ready to fight.
  16. Patty Jenkins’ ‘Star Wars: Rogue Squadron’ Movie Delayed (THR)
  17. I think Intel and AMD really need to compete with ARM-based CPUs. We're seeing what ARM can do with Apple's M1-line on . While Alder Lake is a desktop CPU, the laptop market is more lucrative and translating to that kind of power and thermals to a laptop CPU will be a harder sell. Apple appears to have gotten that memo. Scaling up is easy. Scaling down is the hard part.
  18. Intel Alder Lake CPU review embargo has lifted. Reviews are pretty positive for the new CPUs, but the concerns were on the money. The TLDR, the 12900k retakes the performance lead, but really does suck power and runs hotter. You will definitely need a better cooler (not to mention a new mounting bracket now that the CPU actually is longer) and likely a new PSU if you want to cover your bases. The big-little design, while useful, can only be taken advantage of on Windows 11. Value.....Alder Lake is worth the $$$, if you stick with DDR4. But Alder Lake supports DDR5, so keeping to DDR4 to keep the cost down puts it in a funny position. Otherwise, bravo Intel.
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