Now that I have an HD raw, yep, it's a animation hiccup. BF lost the gunship when BG hit it. It probably put up a PPB to block the main body but it definitely lost the gunship. So having it mysteriously reappear at the end means they gotta fix it on home video, if they fix it.
-I don't think Grace is dead. That body she dropped in there wasn't real. And considering she could just download to a new one, I don't think this is the last we'll see of her in this franchise. She'll "grace" us with her presence again.
-I think Alto deserves an award for most damaged VFs in a show.
-I find those who wanted a resolution to the triangle and were disappointed funny (yeh, I'm reading those posts on All those people who wanted a resolution to this, English and Japanese fans, you should have known he would pull this.
Time to get ready for that other big mecha show starting next week.