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Everything posted by azrael

  1. 1) They need to book locales in advance. 2) They don't have an idea of how many people will show. If they rent a larger locale, then undersell tickets, the promoters have to pay for the cost of those lost seats. Under-estimating, breaking even or making a small profit is better than over-estimating, then losing money.
  2. Yes. It's probably too tall or wide to mount below the fighter, so having it on the arm block is probably as good-a-place to put it.
  3. Perhaps as a HG-style 1/144, but right now, it's really up in the air.
  4. Well, in space, fuel is an issue since they don't have air as a propellant.
  5. The trend is to not over-write specifications. Otherwise, you'll write yourself into a corner down the road.
  6. Perhaps what we're looking at is the infamous Kobayashi Maru test.
  7. The VF-27 is actually faster. It can pull Mach 5.2+; Mach 9+ with PPB and ECA help. The VF-25 tops out around Mach 5+. Circled in red.
  8. Perhaps we'll finally be done with the VF-1J. Only 7 or 8 more VF-1 variations to go. The UN Spacy ship probably means "Ships of UN Spacy".
  9. Depending on how dark you want your gold, you can try a straight gold color. There's a chrome yellow from Tamiya, but I don't think I've ever used the one I bought. If you want a lighter gold, I would suggest champagne gold. There's a Tamiya pearl white out there. It's a tad darker than a pure white, but it does have the shining effect.
  10. Didn't the VF-1 and VF-11 have missile coming out from nowhere in the VF-X games? You can't really render some things (like internal pallets) in every game ya' know...
  11. And OST 2 makes another anime milestone. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...000-in-1st-week
  12. Repost: 1. She's a cyborg. 2. She's using the Vajra to spread her fold network. 3. The big people on Galaxy were behind Grace 100%.Can't say the rest about its citizens. 4. Dunno. 5. No comment. 6. She's a freakin cyborg. 7. Galaxy definitely provoked them first. 8. The Zentradi unit was probably there to survey and establish a military presence. There was probably no guarantee that the world would be colonized. 9. A natural asteroid field? 10. They were learning about the Vajra. Leon wanted the power grab. Grace probably would have killed him after he outlived her usefulness to her. 11. He wanted to meet Minmay. 12. Cuz he's got a override switch attached to his forehead. 13. Dunno.
  13. I keep seeing this but I have yet to see any text mention this.
  14. Nope. It runs off the Gundams' GN drives. It just happens to be able to store lots of GN particles.
  15. At least the DX 1/60s look sturdy.
  16. WAFO. For starters, it contains high density GN particles.
  17. Your question, as it is phrased, has absolutely nothing to do with Macross. And even then, you're gonna waste a thread on a simple question like that?
  18. What does this have to do with Macross?
  19. Both the DVD and Blu-Ray contents are the same. The Blu-Ray version, obviously, has better the resolution.
  20. Will your smartphone support 6.1 or will 6.1 support your phone?
  21. The VF-25 probably does have wing hard points but, I haven't seen any literature on it. Maybe in the Chronicle or in a later DVD liner notes. In episode 17, we see Alto's, Michel's and Luca's VFs carrying reaction missiles. So it has something. At this point, I'm gonna say that the missiles we saw in episode 1 were an animation mistake. Both DVD/Blu-ray editions and TV airings never fixed it. So it's either an animation mistake or perhaps there was something off-screen firing missiles at the red guy and Gilliam's VF-25 happen to be in the same direction. Internal hardpoints? I'm looking at the model and I don't honestly see how one could even fit a mini-missile launcher around there.
  22. I'm liking UVERworld's opening theme and Chiaki Ishikawa's (of See-Saw fame) ending theme. It's not making me cringe. Wang has a funny way of making sure CB is prepared for a fight. Leaking info to Ribbons, who leaks it to the A-LAWS. rumor/spoilers via a Chinese forum through 2ch. Some of it has proven true. I do wonder about the rest of the spoilers.
  23. Brera and Grace are cyborgs, so I'm not sure it could be even considered BDI/BCS anymore. Think more like the cyber brains from Ghost in the Shell.
  24. Ozma brought his full-armor into Island 1, although in GERWALK mode.
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