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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I haven't quite given up on it, but my interest in the show is waning. I wasn't really paying attention to it on last night's episode. I was kinda listening but my eyes were not focused on the TV. The thrill is gone, IMHO.
  2. Every time I see these 1/60 DXs, they look sturdy to me. Hearing the musings from the 1/72 model thread, and I wonder why people are treating a display piece like a freakin toy. The 1/60 is a freakin toy.
  3. This is probably because we're use to the characters now.
  4. I do wonder if the NMCs are actually in reference to just the Battle sections. MF DVD/Blu-ray vol. 1 liner notes use "25th New Macross". I'm also confused if the Island-class cluster is in reference to City+Island/pill-shaped vessels. The city-vessel is called Island-1 so why would it not be.
  5. You've been trolled.
  6. And what role is he taking in that? If he's just doing mecha designs, I think I'll skip that.
  7. $12.99 for a 600 yen book?
  8. "Development Hell" can mean a lot of things. There needs to be a script to sell. I've heard from a few non-news sources they are actively trying to find a director while working on designs right now. Basically, they are trying to find people to make this movie a reality. They could literally sit on this for a while. Directors have been attached to films, yet no movement ever happens. This is really "hell" since they are trying to get out of development and into production.
  9. Kinda...sorta. The rift that formed the the Republic before the Evil series started grew bigger as they spent their time confronting the Protodeviln. By the time they finished with them, they lost nearly 85% of the population in the Republic. Without much of a Republic left, everything fell apart.
  10. We've done threads about the Supervision/Inspection Army and AFOS, but nothing on the Protodeviln. We've never gone in-depth about them because of the lack of materials. Since the Evil Series got possessed by those other-worldly beings, it's also hard to gauge what the actual Evil Series' capabilities are. Heck, Protoculture locked them away and threw away the key and never looked back. Probably because killing one of those things is near impossible.
  11. From the sound of it, it sounds as if they focused on his recent works and stuff he researched during his travels. M7, as I know, didn't require Kawamori to go around the world for. He already did that before Plus.
  12. http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=106628 http://www.apple.com/quicktime/guide/hd/recommendations.html Seems to depend on the video quality. You'll need to re-encode the AVI. You'll also need to be sure that you are using the correct sub script that matches the video. If you are using the gg scripts, you'll need to find a non-MBS broadcast raw (They used mostly TBS or CBC broadcasts). Or edit the sub file to match the timing.
  13. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=673047
  14. -Loved Plotmey's dive. That was a great way to bust down the front door. -I wonder if Soma has her own version of Hal in that head of her's. -I hope they give Arios a shield. It feels naked without one. -Feds and A-LAWS seem to suffer from Stormtrooper-shooting syndrome. You know, I don't get why a few people are amazed at the GN-XIII's actually using their GN Shields. I'm more amazed they aren't doing the "scream a loved one's name" before they die.
  15. MKVs are a container format. http://www.matroska.org/ The issue is many people who are using MKVs are encoding the video in h.264 or some new video codec.
  16. No reason why a Ghost couldn't use an external fold booster or have a ship defold and send out a Ghost. I doubt Ghosts have internal fold systems. Chances are, Brera and his VF-27s hitched a ride with the 2 ships from Galaxy, hid during the fight, came in as needed, then hitched a ride on the remaining ship.
  17. Not sure. DVD/Blu-ray vol. 2 has some line art, but it doesn't specify how they convert it.
  18. I'm sure they'll go into the Destroids. It just may not be as extensive as the VFs. Certainly not as multi-tier as the VF-1 (I sense DYRL? VF-1 articles too).
  19. To paraphrase Mikimoto, "because he's a genius. Growing old is a state of mind for average men. (laughs)" It probably is MQ, but we'll save that for another thread.
  20. Isn't that the point of the boosters?
  21. 'Star Trek': New Movie, New Vision (Entertainment Weekly article)
  22. Just to let you kids know, Bandai has made ship models before. White Base, Musai-class from MSG, Archangel and Minerva from Gundam SEED, and Ptolemaios from Gundam 00.
  23. We know he's a Kataron/Catalon agent. As for his motives in joining CB, it's too early to tell.
  24. gattai = Coalescence, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Coalescence In other words, to combine.
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