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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I can't imagine that there's enough material for a magazine. Gundam I can see, but Macross?
  2. Some of us still want Macross publications ya know.
  3. Just to chime in about the VF-19->VF-171. I don't think UN Spacy actually replaced the VF-11 as their main fighter. The Compendium notes that the UN Air Force was the primary consumer of the VF-19. UNS certainly bought a few, but it doesn't clearly state that the VF-19 actually became their (UNS) main-line fighter. The description for the YF-19 even says this: If anything, I think UNS went from VF-11->VF-171 for their main VF, not VF-11->VF-19->VF171.
  4. I think the main focus will be on the animated works (SDFM, DYRL?, FB2012, II, +, 7/D7, 0, F). The other productions like the games will probably get smaller 1-2 issue long sections.
  5. It hasn't been clearly mentioned before. And certainly never mentioned in published materials. I'm still trying to make sense of the tech-jargon and a few other things so I'm not done with it (although it is giving me a headache). Couple other things the manual mentions is active stealth in the text under "Wing". It also mentions using air in atmosphere and propellant in space. It does list the Battroid height (w/head lasers) as 14.53m, while the official site and liner notes use 15.59m. I'm waiting for the VF-25S to show up to see what it says.
  6. It has never stated that it was 400m long. It said it was "equivalent to a 400m-class vessel". I've seen this in the liner notes and the official website. I don't know how people get that it was 400m.
  7. The warp nacelles are okay but yeh, I'm not liking how far forward the main deflector is/how far back the neck/saucer-section is. If they could move the neck forward so it's closer to the main deflector, then it would be better.
  8. From a NY Times article, they were working on episodes for the last half of the season so we won't see much till then. There's also talk of getting Bryan Fuller back provided "Pushing Daisies" doesn't get picked up for the full season (which is heading to a solid "Yes" right now).
  9. *looks at hair on floor* Yeah, that's already happening pulling the info off the VF-25 kit manual...My stubble is having a better time than the hair on top of my head.
  10. There is some decent amount of information on the VF-25 in the model kit manual. The tech-jargon is really driving me nuts though. Apparently, the EX-Gear is suppose to help with G-force issues.
  11. Let's just keep this just to translations and not fan-fic theories. You do know we have a fanworks section....
  12. Agreed. But it does make me wonder how the production staff is pronouncing "Arch". "Arch" as in the architectural structure or "Arch" as in "Ark"
  13. Agreed. You can't tell much from a small drawing. For a ship that's suppose to be ~7-8 km in total length, the camera has to sit pretty far back to capture everything in the image.
  14. IIRC, the model kits uses "SMS 007", which would seem to indicate it's just the 7th VF-25 in SMS.
  15. Yeh, I can actually watch the live stream an hour earlier, thank you DST.
  16. 1) Newbie thread. 2) We have a schematic: 3) Animation can fool you. Don't trust it.
  17. I like the theme songs. Trilobyte, 0-Raiser, and Arche(???) Magazine interview translations http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p...;postcount=7736
  18. As Zinjo said, FB2012 is essentially the cutting-room-floor-edits for DYRL?. There wasn't anything really new in it. If anything, it's a sub-section of DYRL on the production side.
  19. Bingo. Blu-ray's dominance really came at a bad time. When upconverting DVD players are $50 USD or less and Blu-Ray players are $250+ USD, you gotta wonder which one people are going to stick with. Maybe when people have money, people will switch to Blu-Ray. But right now, a lot of people are clamming up when it comes to that check book.
  20. Translation of text: So it is built off the bones of Throne Zwei. Upcoming episodes: http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p...;postcount=7659
  21. There will be a lot more. Working long hours, the animators missed lots of things. The DVD/Blu-ray releases will probably fix most of the mistakes or add the detail they had to go without now that the animation crew can actually relax.
  22. Skull-04 was his callsign/radio designation. The 007 is probably his plane number.
  23. Been occupied with the stuff from 2059:Memories. And I just got issues 6 thru 8. As I said in an earlier thread, I got a boat-load of Macross in the past 2 weeks. It's gonna take me time to digest and get back into work on the Chronicle.
  24. Lunar AVIs are ok. I prefer Shinsen or Menclave (whenever those 2 will get back to Frontier).
  25. Nope. It's more of an episode guide to the TV series. It has some character descriptions, some mecha descriptions, but that's about it. It really focuses on being an episode guide.
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