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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Considering that we have the EX-Gear system and ISCs in this generation of fighters would indicate to me that g-suits have either hit their pinnacle or only so much can be done with a suit.
  2. That's called "4 years of letting yourself go". Although, Ian didn't seem to mind her in that small uniform.
  3. It may be best to note that the VF-25F/S kit manual uses "design" and not "ultimate" to describe it's load limit. By design, its load limit is that amount indicated. But it's not necessarily the ultimate limit where it would snap into many many pieces (of which you'll probably have to factor in speed, weight, etc of the time it broke into many pieces). This is also a good time to remind us that newer products don't have to be faster or carry more weapons, etc. than their predecessors. The VF-25 and VF-27 incorporate EX-Gear (the latter still up for debate) and ISCs to compensate for stress on the pilot. Having EX-Gear also gives the pilot a better ejection system than the previous sitting-duck-escape pods. The VF-25 and VF-27 still perform about the same within atmosphere compared to their predecessors.
  4. Chronicle, a VF-25S model and MF DVDs. Importing costs money. Heck, Yamato is out of the question. Good time to be a young Macross fan. Ones who have disposable income and room to store all this stuff.
  5. If it comes to that, I'm gonna give up trying to keep up with Macross. Macross is small and easy to digest. Gundam is like a 25-course meal with side dishes to the main dishes...
  6. We need some more live streams....Streams are getting more congested every week.
  7. Here's an interesting Romanization for you folks from the Official File #2. Klan Klang
  8. IIRC, V.2 Zeta built upon some of the lessons from Zeta Plus.
  9. Agreed. Companies do have a habit for re-numbering a product which corrects a slight issue with the previous model or just numbering a different product when it is structurally and internally the same as a similar model. A Glock 17 is just a larger model pistol than the Glock 19. Just because it has a higher number doesn't make it any different than the Glock 17, it's just a smaller variant.
  10. No idea. An ad from last month seemed to indicate that the unit was unmanned. That "cockpit" area was called a sensor so it may be an UAV or a remote-controlled craft.
  11. I wonder if by listing the Active stealth antenna under the "Wing" section, then mean that those protrusions on the wing root are the stealth antennae for the fighter. The wording is "Maximum airframe design load" as in an aircraft's design load limit.
  12. BTW, those helmets are an interesting way of giving the Klingons their forehead ridges back.
  13. HG 0-Raizer MG G-Armor, ver. 2 And everything else (Mr. Bushido's Ahead, Gadesa, 1/100 Cherudim, etc.)
  14. HG 0-Riser/Rasier/Raizer (or however you wanna spell it), HG GN Archer This one is a HCM-pro but it's a better pic of the GN Archer: http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/7865/1227238998683dz2.jpg
  15. The DVD liner notes already pointed out the PPB system and the PPB-reinforced knife. A good chunk of that stuff was copy/pasted from the VF-25F manual (I checked the VF-25S listing when the scans at HobbySearch when they showed up). And I already noted the Active stealth system back here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=681989 And the way the VF-25F manual describes it, it sounds like the EX-Gear only helps the pilot when connected to the fighter (they note it as "EX-Gear system"). By itself, an EX-Gear is just a powered suit. Seeing this on the VF-25S booklet seems to confirm that. SWAG may only apply to the VF-0.
  16. They way these Romulans look...they almost look like the Remans from Nemesis.
  17. Lineart time: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5803/005oe1.jpg http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/8033/006pa1.jpg And just in time for episode 8. Louise wearing that dress to the party....I think I'm gonna need a few...dozen wine bottles to even consider hittin that. That's just a hideous dress.
  18. 1) We don't know. It has never been addressed. 2) It is mentioned in 3 publications: Macross Guidebook, Macross Graffiti, Macross Times. We have never seen it animated or otherwise.
  19. HLJ likes using "Discontinued" as a way of saying "No ETA from supplier" and "Cannot accept orders because we don't know how many we are going to get". I would check back next week on the Thundercracker. They may update it later.
  20. We'll find out whether or not this was a good idea on May 8th, 2009.
  21. At this point in time, Hollywood is going to do lots of stuff that people aren't going to like. Star Trek included. I may complain about designs or continuity and whatnot, but in the end, I'm not going to let it get to me. Who knows where this movie is gonna go. Whether or not I'll like or not hasn't been decided since I haven't watched the damn movie.
  22. "0-Raiser". I think it's due out in December.
  23. Bandai probably realized with the VF-25F that they should have put in for larger production runs. Hopefully now, supplies should be a little better all around.
  24. According to the novels, he was.
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