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Everything posted by azrael

  1. 18,800 yen..... Let's check the Magic 8-ball... http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~ssanty/cgi-bin/eightball.cgi "Outlook not so good."
  2. Sheryl's Aimo.....It sounds like she's putting the emphasis on certain notes and holding some notes TOO long. *Yuck* Sounds horrible.
  3. I probably should have made that clearer. It's not a spelling error. More like a footnote for me to go back on. The characters in the liner notes are written as "ドラグノフ". I could have left it as is, but after repeating it out loud to myself several dozen times, it sounded more and more like the SVD rifle (and with guns, I have some knowledge of those) so and after researching a few pages of the SVD (mainly for pronounciation), I wrote it as such.
  4. They mention that each one stems from the YF-24. KA-BAR perhaps?-> https://www.kabar.com/index.jsp
  5. Please use the Newbie thread for questions like this. We also have an existing Macross Frontier music thread.
  6. This was from the DVD/Blu-ray vol. 4 Liner notes: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=685579 Judging by the info I've seen from a few places, what they said about the VF-25's first test flight seems to make more sense than the VF-25F kit manual. The VF-25F kit manual says the first test was over Eden. The liner notes and Chronicle said it was some system that MF ran across for resources. Official File vol. 2 mentions that Shinsei Industries sent designs for the YF-24 to the fleets. And since both the VF-25 and VF-27 are based on the YF-24, it makes some sense that the first test flight was not done on Eden but was localized to where the Frontier fleet was.
  7. You could have just used the newbie thread.
  8. D) All the above.
  9. Maybe a misprint. Model Graphix is a modeling magazine so I won't put too much faith in their writings. Advertisements, yes. Reproduction of production notes.....maybe.
  10. It helps when people point someone in the right direction: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=23490
  11. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... . Bastards....I just got another binder....
  12. BTW, do they list the Battroid height?
  13. A blog posted an interview transcript and it mentioned that all Innovators are neutral (gender-wise). So there's no real male or female version. That blog also mentioned a new weapon by the name of " ". http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kouryakukan/e/ea861e...5810663ef0e2ccb Other bits:
  14. Back to the VF-1 so soon? Ugh....
  15. I do like the look of those "wing boosters" on Sinanju's back.
  16. I wonder if those QF-4000 are SMS-specific Ghosts since they employ fold communication for telemetry data. The AIF-7S is the NUNS-version.
  17. More notes, this time from Official File vol. 2. VF-27 The wording sounds as if the VF-27 was never intended to be piloted by a non-cyborg-type pilot. It also states that due to low airframe versatility, it's not intended for mass production. The text also doesn't know if the green-colored VF-27 is slightly different compared to Brera's VF-27.
  18. Cuz the OP should be linking to the actual article, not the admin page. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...crisis-proposal
  19. Great Mechanics DX issue #5 and the Chronicle already noted that the sniper rifle uses electromagnetic rails in the barrel to accelerate the round. Both indicated, IIRC, that the bullet used gunpowder to get it going whereby the rails would then take over.
  20. The special goods in vol. 4 is the "Bird Human" movie insert. Directed by George Yamamori And the promotional roadshow of the movie is around July 12th, 2059.
  21. Notes from the vol. 4 liner notes. (i.e. why Az is really hating the changes being made as we get more notes) New stuff: VF-25G -gunner kit built into EX-Gear -SSL-9B Dragunov(?) anti-armor sniper rifle for long-range precision shooting with an error margin of less than 10cm at a shooting distance of 20km. Uses SP-55X 55mm ultra-high-speed armor-piercing round. RVF-25 -Controls guidance of a maximum of 6 unmanned QF-4000 Ghost via Fold Wave. Named Simon, John, Peter. -Aegis Pack Custom AP-SF-01+ - radome detects targets by fold waves and search operations are possible at the speed of light. Maximum detectable distance is approximately one Light-day when deployed in outer space. Slightly modified stuff: Prototype first test flight: June 24, 2057. Macross Frontier fleet came near a newly discovered star system (in the M55NGC6909 planetary cluster) for resource collection. A series of test flight programs began on the 3rd planet (designated Messiah 025) where the atmosphere was deemed suitable for testing the new variable fighter along with the Uraga-class carrier "Shanghai III" served as an orbital base for testing to be carried out. Why am I annoyed? 1) Battroid height for the VF-25F is listed at 14.53m. Originally it was 15.59m. VF-25S was listed at 15.59 in the liner notes, then the kit manual lists it at 14.53m. I'm waiting for the Chronicle confirm what is what. 2) 1st test flight date is the same. Location...ugh. The VF-25F kit manual says it was on Eden. Now it's on a different star system. 3) AIF-7S Ghost vs. QF-4000 Ghost. I'm confused. Are they 2 different models or was this changed? Right now, the editing gods probably hate me, and the feeling is mutual.
  22. It was a test of the engine. As a prototype, we can allow the YF-19 to test things which won't make it to production craft. They were probably changed during the course of the competition. Why? Why not. It's a test.
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