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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So they're just "notes" and may or may not be from magazine interviews, books or what not.
  2. Episode 20, 21, 22? Then those translations are NOT from the DVD/Blu-Ray liner notes. We're only on vol. 7 which goes up to Episode 19 so they are not coming from the DVD/Blu-Ray liner notes and makes me wonder where all of this is coming from. Certainly the books, but definitely not the DVD/Blu-ray liner notes.
  3. No, he said it's the first one the transform with an Armored pack, not Super parts.
  4. I don't think I could justify the shipping costs alone for that thing....
  5. What do you plan on using this for???? I really won't consider 'Raptor drives since I consider space a more essential issue than speed. I'd scale back to a 24". Resolutions among most 24" and 26" screens are the same. Same goes with contrast, brightness and response times. If you have the desk space, a 26" would be nice, but otherwise, a 24" will do the same.
  6. Probably. The man is busy you know. Frontier took away 2 years of his life ya know.
  7. And trust me, we don't have much info published on it right now. Considering the spread that Battle Frontier's main cannon had compared to Quarter's, I would say it's lower. Powerful for its size but definitely not a true Macross Cannon. I said that? Really? No I didn't. As I understand it, the EX-Gear's control system allows it to read muscle movements (or something of that nature) for more precise control of the EX-Gear.
  8. TV Ants....better than keyhole but another P2P app. Lovely... 1st half 2nd half Epilogue/next week
  9. The vol. 6 DVD/Blu-Ray liner notes cover says, in English, "Lost Peace". That's my answer and I'm sticking to it.
  10. Enough with the WTF-1 yapping. This thread is for the Macross Quarter toy.
  11. In any case, it's wrong. Really wrong.
  12. Yep. Good thing I'm avoiding those. Concerning the airframe design load, that's on the airframe, not the pilot, hence the wording "Maximum airframe design load".
  13. Exactly. Engrish can make it's way into publications. I'll double check the DVD liner notes though.
  14. I see we are catering to a certain "Tech" crowd there...
  15. Unfortunately, the size of the scans makes it hard to make out some characters properly (and yes I did start when those scans show up yesterday). Considering DVD/Blu-ray vol. 7 came out this week, the Fan book is also coming and then I have the 1/72 model...I'll look at it in the order that I receive it. And judging by my tracking numbers, The Fan book and vol. 7 will reach me first.
  16. Yes, we're on #4 already. Old thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28513 Last post:
  17. So we're not even close to finishing the SDFM-portion of the timeline....lovely. At least no VF-1.
  18. Exactly. Keep in mind that I'm writing some of this with the intention of having Chronicle in-front of you as you read it, so you have a reference to what else is on the page. The paragraph has a picture of the head lasers highlighted so it made sense to me what they were talking about. Maybe it's just me, but my initial read at it made sense when translated.
  19. It's about the head lasers and why they went with lasers instead of bullets.
  20. [ Note: Details are somewhat verbatim and sound like history lessons so I may or may not get back to that stuff. Still editing, not final ] Mechanical sheet: VF-0S Page 2 Standard Equipment Mauler Laser machine gun The head of the Battriod is equipped with laser machine guns from the Mauler company as fixed armaments (2 barrels). Deployment of live ammunition was waived due to problems with internal storage and equipment miniaturization introduced by OT. Howard GPU-9 Gatling Gunpod The VF-0 can appropriate armaments from existing fighters but mounts an external-type Howard 3-barrel Gatling gunpod. It can be equipped with heavy armor-piercing or AHEAD ammunition fired at 3 adjustable rates-of-fire at 60, 1250, and 2500 rounds-per-minute. It has 550 bullets [number of bullets/shots] and is driven by a 90-H.P. motor supplied with electricity from the main body. Page 3 GERWALK GERWALK-mode was created due to an incomplete transformation in an initial test of the VF-0. This form recognized as a supplement form in the transformation of fighter-mode to Battroid mode and served as a cushion in helping a pilot, who was not familiar with a VF (especially battroid), understand the concepts. In combat, operation is similar to an attack helicopter. Battroid The OT-application armament of the VF-0, SWAG energy conversion armor system, functions in Battroid mode; the form which is most effective. Adopting laminated/layered armor of OT-origin which increases its strength when a electromagnetic pulse is added, the machine has overcome the lack of strength in Battroid mode and the problem of elastic-resistance (elasticity). The power required to drive this system is provided by the engine output which is converted to electric power.
  21. Try this: -Disable system restore and reboot into safe mode. -Delete the cookie file in safe-mode.
  22. The VF-0 uses a 35mm gunpod.
  23. There are things Graham knows. There are things Graham cannot say. And then there are things Graham just says to mess with your head. The DX is worth it if you don't want a display piece. The 1/72 model kit is a display piece. Now you can wait for the 1/100s but those aren't perfect (i.e. they're part-formers). It really comes down to what you want out of the DX that will decide whether think it's worth your money.
  24. 'Dollhouse' premieres soft; 'Terminator' dives At the same time though, Friday's episode is up on Hulu.com and they haven't said how many times the video has been accessed since showing up.
  25. Alto Saotome isn't good enough for you huh?
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