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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Now, imagine if this spread onto one of the more popular blogs or worst...2ch.
  2. There's a term called "domain parking". I suggest you look it up. (which as Roger mentioned, we did mention somewhere in the many pages of this thread in more or less terms)
  3. We need someone to post a CBC or MBS stream on keyhole. 1st Half 2nd Half Trans-AM CAT!!!!!! Hey, they actually had a 1/72 VF-25 commercial. Epilogue/Next week
  4. Mod note: We got our discussion thread here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21950 My one sentence response: Watch it.
  5. Considering licensing Robotech is a different licensing matter compared to Macross, I don't know why there would be a problem with Robotech.
  6. Got it earlier this week so trust me I have it covered. It's in the queue behind Official Fan Book. My RVF-25 also just shipped and will follow after VF-25F w/Super Parts.
  7. Actually, according to Official File vol. 3, Anew wasn't aware she was an Innovator. Her consciousness was sealed off and she never knew she was a spy. Revive probably unlocked her consciousness as soon as Seraphim grabbed the pod.
  8. Get back on topic or I'll lock the thread and start issuing vacations.
  9. It was a typo in Gubaba's writeup (which was later corrected). It should have read YF-24 Evolution. (Typo found) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=699320 (response) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=699450
  10. Actually, I would say the events of VF-X2 was the olde boys trying to hold onto the old power structure. What Kawamori says makes sense. As the UN grew into space, governing became harder since there's now a considerable distance between Earth and the new worlds (much like the British Empire and the American colonies). It moved to some more like the real-world UN model. Each world has its own government, own economy, etc. which can survive on its own with minimal affect on the rest of the galaxy. I'm sure the NUN has a General Assembly, Security council, galactic court of justice, etc., which deals with affairs affecting the galaxy (like certain lady trying to take over the galaxy with a bee-like race) I'm guessing as well that since the NUN is a city-state/decentralized government, corporations don't have to go before the UN command and make proposals for new mechs. They can just head straight to the local governments and pitch their ideas, which is why we have the VF-25 and VF-27. There's no Earth-middle man and designs don't have to come from the top down. Local governments can create their own VFs without having to wait for the larger NUN body to approve the design and have it passed down. They can create localized VFs if they want (now there is a problem there, if you think about it) or keep current VFs like the VF-19, VF-11, VF-5000, or VF-171.
  11. Not quite. It was the pic someone trolled on 4chan. They took a pic of the mech from KISSDUM and 'shoped a VF-29 tag on it.
  12. Why not bring back that VF-29.....
  13. I'm sure they'll be specs...repeated specs, but specs. The rest will probably be devoted to toys, models, old artwork and Hidetaka Tenjin artwork...probably in that order of majority.
  14. *cough* http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10170636-2.html */cough*
  15. From Vol. 7 liner notes: Battle Frontier A variable stealth space attack aircraft carrier with the abbreviated name Battle 25. It is connected at the tip of Island 1 and takes charge of guarding the convoy. Main power: Thermonuclear reaction engine matrix Main Engine: OTM Macross heat pile cluster system Length, overall: 1,681 m Width, overall: 521 m Weight, gross: 16,550,000 t [Yeah that's it. There ain't much text.] Ranka's mobile phone (Giant Salamander) -A organic material system is used to make it similar to a floppy/soft living creature. -Data and music disks are supported. Typical mobile phone -A holographic screen is produced above the dialer. Sheryl's mobile phone The device is a type of microphone. It can also be used as a whip. [There's some small lineart showing the whip]
  16. So no one checks Ngee Khiong in this thread... VF-25G from this month's hobby magazines
  17. *head desk* That's only 8 lines of dialogue in what will probably be a 60/90/120-minute movie....That's what...15...20 seconds of dialogue, total.
  18. Things in bold are the things you need to worry about with this setup. An ATI 4870x2 will handle the gaming. The Core i7 will give you lots of wiggle room in video rendering. The Creative sound card is nice and all but the on-board sound will probably handle it (especially with the i7 CPU on there). Audio mixing software would be my concern there, not so much hardware. mikeszekely's assessment is pretty good. This setup will last you a long time. I think your 22" will work out. I would save the money and skip the monitor. Also, as mikeszekely's suggestion about the HTPC, I would look at a micro-ATX board with an Nvidia-based or AMD/ATi-based chipset. I would not recommend going with any Intel graphics chipset. The Nvidia and AMD/ATi chipsets should have much better support for HD video.
  19. We didn't say we didn't like it (The show doesn't start until April, jeez). Some of us here are just gonna pass since fictional sport shows aren't our thing. Now, some people here will give it a look at and we'll see what they say about it.
  20. Yes, it was a joke by those particular subbers. At least with the raws and live stream, I'm saved from the joking around... You should be glad they didn't insert the Gyao Next commercial. Although I would have liked it if they threw in the Gunpla commercial where the guy goes Trans-Am and builds a Gunpla in 2 seconds. It's not like Setsuna didn't know that would be coming. He told the man that he would shoot Anew if he didn't. He was just letting the man vent his anger.
  21. A Mylar balloon?
  22. We all knew it was coming....One of those 2 were gonna die this episode. We just needed the details. Darth Louise doesn't work for you huh?
  23. Pad the votes then. If you want a certain VF100, then get the Japanese consumers to push for a certain VF then. Or find some way to get Graham into Bandai's front door.
  24. No and no. Apparently there's never enough to tell about the VF-1. The Chronicles should tell you that already.
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