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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Seriously, it takes an impressive amount of jerry-rigging to compare 2 different universes' tech. More than most people would probably want to think about unless they drank enough booze to turn their liver into a lump of coal. So let's not go into this anymore. And BTW, "versus"-threads of any kind are frowned upon here.
  2. Due to Daylight Savings, I'm not going to stay up an extra hour to watch the live stream for the last few episodes. At least I won't have to deal with the lag anymore. Heck, the lag on March 22nd or 29th is gonna be murder. 1st half 2nd half Epilogue/Next week
  3. The name "Jonbenet Ramsey" came to mind in that Mylene pic. Just wait till that MF JAV comes....
  4. You could have saved most of the rant for a blog..... So...you don't want Ohnogi anywhere near the movie I take it? And we should be glad we got the harem ending instead of pleasing the Sheryl 'shippers?
  5. The original Animeigo release is discontinued. The release has reverted back to HG's distribution which you can find here: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93 At $60 for the entire boxset, this is well worth it compared to the ADV releases.
  6. That will be the movie version.
  7. Yah...it's out. http://hlj.com/product/YMT00085 (cheaper)-> http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10081201 And our thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28832
  8. You can look at the publicity stills: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0659363/
  9. IIRC, the 1/72 model kit manuals also say "reduce". I don't recall any text saying that ISC completely eliminates the burden on the pilot. It's either been "reduce" or "support" which would imply that they do feel something. Maybe not much but something.
  10. And if you freeze-frame this section, you can see Misa's heart breaking when she see's Hikaru's reaction to Minmay's face as Kaifun pulls her away.
  11. Of the info I've seen, Louise isn't taking the pills because any Innovator-related treatment. The novel for S2 indicates that the medication contains nanomachines which repair telomeres. How you want to interpret that...that's up to you. Also, Ribbons mentions to Louise in episode 20 that they gave her medication to help deal with the cell abnormalities and that he has a new medication for her to try. And those new pills from this week appear different compared to the breath-mint-like pills that we've seen.
  12. Old thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=26580 Last post:
  13. Not to mention the amount of power 2 GTX 295s are sucking down...
  14. So we're spending an all of this issue's Timeline section on Hikaru's day off..... Really?!?
  15. No, not really. SCC and the movies use different continuities as they fit their stories. Obviously, the direction T3 went won't exactly work for a TV series that needs to run for a while. So they adjusted it from T2 and went on their own road from there for the sake of a TV serial. Now for Salvation, IIRC, they wanted to spawn 3 new movies. They could use T3 and then make their way back to the original, but where would be the fun in that. So the used T3 as the starting point and then tweaked it from there, hence all that business of "this is not the future my mother told me about..."-line. So the movies follow their continuity and the TV series follows its own continuity for the sake of storytelling.
  16. Well, according to Greg Grunberg (Parkman), they are coming back next season, minus some of the current production crew.
  17. VF-25F HD-color version. Re-colored for the movie. Comes with Sheryl and Ranka decals. Frankly, chances of Bandai milking the design are fairly high at the moment. The current VF-25s are all the same design with different heads and accessories.
  18. Not really, otherwise all those A-LAWS and Federation soldiers would probably be dead after 4-years of using those MSs.
  19. Ribbons making Louise an Innovator was done during the 4-year break between S1 and S2. Regene, seen in the season 1 finale, was probably taking Louise to see Ribbons. wolfx is right on what he said. Regene has been watching things himself. If Revive and Hiling suspected that Setsuna has become an Innovator, Regene probably has suspected it, too. Ribbons had Ali shoot Setsuna so that he would die a very slow death. GN Tau particles has already shown to have negative effects on cells. Louise is taking pills to counter the effects. Lasse's last check-up showed his condition getting worst. Setsuna's condition would be worst if he didn't have 00 spewing GN particles. Considering Grah...Mr. Bushido has Trans-GrahAM, his body is probably being flooded with GN-Tau particles, which can't be good for his health. They stole O-Raiser because that's the only one they could get to. Anew couldn't reach 00 so she took a shuttle.
  20. I doubt even Egan remembers where the heck he's pulled information from all those years.
  21. From the more detailed texts I've seen, ISC only works on the cockpit/pilot, not the fighter. S-versions of the VFs have always been the "luxury"-end/higher-end of the VF-line. Tweaked engines, updated avionics packages, no limiters, etc.. All in the same VF package.
  22. Bring 'em on. They actually quoted me. I should have trash-talked all the girls more often in those polls. And here's what he originally said:
  23. Setsuna has a girl already. Gundam. Also, I haven't been happy about that singing-bit from the start. I know MF had a nice impact on singing and anime, but singing, in Gundam, doesn't save the galaxy.
  24. Considering how the VF-25 and the VF-27's wings fold, probably exactly the same. Talk about a juicy opportunity for another toy.
  25. Nah, we'll just have SK-purists vs. the AC nuts. Just. Like. Gundam.
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