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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yes, that's 3 issues so far with no VF-1. And we're spending an entire Timeline sheet on the Chirstmas episode?
  2. Can you take a picture of it without the port-side booster? Might make it easier to compare.
  3. Remember, they said no new TV series. They never said anything about a OAV, Net OAV, movie, game, etc.
  4. SDF Macross: A New Translation? Come on, where that loud "NO" I wanna hear?
  5. That would be up to whomever is in charge.
  6. If memory serves me, Terence Howard was the first actor signed up for the part in the first movie. I heard he was paid more than Downey. His role was bigger but they scaled it back. But that's between Favreau and Howard.
  7. Bear in mind that the VFs in Frontier were done via CAD. There's no pencil works because there were never many to begin with. Those drawings that we have seen were those made for the 1/72 model sculptor to use and very rarely do those get released by Bandai. Zinjo is correct that the Red and Blue books have almost all the lineart from the series.
  8. It's still a tentative date. It may be that the August-timeframe date is when they'll have a press release and officially announce the title of the movie, who it features, exact premiere date, etc.
  9. I didn't watch it till morning. I'm not staying up an extra hour just to watch it. Okay, maybe for the series finale but not this week or next week. We're you waiting for my commentary???? It wasn't a killing field, but otherwise, it was a demolition derby. As for Patrick
  10. That's not Grace.
  11. That would be a cheap way of getting a movie out of this series...Just think...3 movies with re-worked animation of the series we watched a year ago (yes, by next month, it will be a year since Frontier came out)....I hear Gundam 00 is getting the same treatment...
  12. Nope. Only descriptions.
  13. Emily Blunt was originally cast for the part but had a scheduling conflict and dropped out.
  14. Also keep in mind import fees if people buy it overseas. Just imagine the shipping costs on that.
  15. That's funny cuz the initial reports were pointing at Marvel low-balling the actors and the director.
  16. I'm waiting till all the issues are out to rip it apart.
  17. Should this new movie kick-off into something good, Bryan Fuller might head up a new TV series.
  18. In that case, giving it to Patrick would be a mercy-kill.
  19. Awww hell no. Given his record with MSs, I'd rather have Patrick die than any harm come to 0-Gundam.
  20. Unfortunately, you can't mount the gun pod in fighter mode since the antenna is there.
  21. Considering the people they are facing are using GN-backed armor which, as we've seen in season 1, is near impervious to conventional weapons, it's not like they have much of a choice.
  22. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=244 Please use the newbie thread for questions like this.
  23. Agreed. You do not need a powerful computer. If you are in the market for hardware, I would suggest external hard drives for backup as you will need to backup your site and contents routinely if you decided to run the site on your own hardware. Since you are most likely to run the site from a webhosting company, I would suggest you spend some time and research web hosting companies and compare rates and features. If you are planning on running your own hardware for your business, I would suggest you look at Dell's Server sales site. As for designing, I would suggest taking courses in Adobe Dreamweaver. I would recommend you look at content site managers and/or e-store software if your business sells any products.
  24. Crysis makes every machine into its b*tch. There hasn't been a setup out there that hasn't cried when playing Crysis (pun intended). If you want to really test out your system's graphics and CPU power, play Crysis.
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