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Everything posted by azrael

  1. They said "several years" but they don't specify what "several years" is. The liner notes in vol. 3 mention 10 years and I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere in the material I have. It may be mentioned again in Great Mechanics DX but I don't have those issues. It also may be mentioned in vol. 9's liner notes, but we're still a few weeks from that coming out.
  2. Last thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29174 Yes, We've had that many posts. Last post:
  3. The original thread will be reopened at a later date. You do not need to recreate a thread.
  4. You can always stick a piece of masking tape over the webcam if you're paranoid.
  5. If memory serves me, Galaxy was a high-tech fleet that was constantly on the forefront of new tech. I'm sure their ship(s) went through periodic upgrades as they traveled. Perhaps Battle Galaxy also went through upgrades.
  6. http://screenrant.com/weekly-tv-wrap-april...9-brusimm-6635/ Something to keep in mind tonight as you guys watch Dollhouse tonight. I haven't been watching the show beyond the first episode and an episode or 2 on Hulu.
  7. Didn't Macross 1 launch in 2030?
  8. According to the Official Fanbook, Frontier launched in 2041. Alto was born in 2042. Unfortunately, it doesn't say whether or not his family immigrated to Frontier or if he was born on-board the fleet. According to the DVD/Blu-Ray liner notes, Galaxy launched around 10 years prior to Frontier's launch.
  9. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/VF-25_Messiah
  10. We're talking about the models here, not how pilots trash their fighters.
  11. TBS, Japan = Tokyo Broadcasting System TBS, US cable = Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. And let Graham be a cranky old man. And shouldn't you people be looking for streams at this time of the day?
  12. It's guessing for the most part. Sheryl, according to records, is 17 years old by the time Frontier starts. So she would have been born around 2041/2042. Global was attacked in 2048, so that places Sheryl's age at 5 or 6 years old (that year that Global was destroyed was mention in the Official Fanbook). And wasn't the V-type virus paper published with Mao's, Ranshe's, and Grace's name on the paper. That would place it before Global was destroyed.
  13. It's comparatively smaller. When I go to stores, I see an entire wall dedicated to Gunpla, and yet a shelf or 2 dedicated to Patlabor. I'm not saying it's ridiculously smaller, because that's probably not the case. But if a a Gunpla kit gets 10 units made (let say each unit is a palette's worth), then chances are, a Macross or other series kit may only get 7-8 units on an initial run and let the market decide. But at the same time, Gunpla is comparatively small next to model cars or airplanes. The thing about PG kits ARE that they're expensive. On average, I see more modified NG/HG and MG kits than I do PG kits. $30-75 USD is not as bad as $200+ USD. Plus you have to build the kit. So that's time and money to consider in the market.
  14. Not at this time. It's very rare for a non-Gundam kit to get PG treatment. There has to be a serious demand for it or else Bandai won't go through with it. Start a polling of people in Japan and put some pressure on Bandai.
  15. Isn't the TBS airing on Fridays? You guys could wait for Friday and watch it then. Or convince someone to start a TV Ants channel for MBS.
  16. Feels like 2001-2003 all over again, doesn't it? Now if only we Shawn could restore the old boards...
  17. Only 1 hour. It was hoped that this would be a season finale, not a series finale, but not all shows can get a 2-hour series finale or an entire half season to wrap-up plot lines with style and grace.
  18. Sony has a USA subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, who handles all of their businesses within the United States. Why would Sony Japan want to use translators when they already have a corporate entity in the USA? Same with Toyota, Honda, Pioneer, Bandai, etc. They have an business group set up in the country to handle their products. They don't need translators when they are already established in the country.
  19. You can e-mail HLJ and see if they can break out a canopy for you. Another way to do it is make it yourself. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=489215
  20. A VF-1 is 14.23m. A VF-11 is 15.51m in length. That's just a little more than a 1 m difference, i.e. that's not a lot.
  21. They probably realized that the market for RT was much smaller than most of us imagined, thus unwilling to pay for it. As for that fan-art becomes HG-property, i.e. trouble (hence "no unsolicited materials"), it's nothing really new. Many companies have this in their fine print.
  22. They might not be able to. If a network decides to not carry through with any more scripts, then a show can just end without fan-fare or anything. It just ends. Happens all the time. Normally much sooner, but it happens.
  23. Yet another reason for us to go silent on translations. Make them spend money hiring their own translators.
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