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Everything posted by azrael

  1. From 2 months ago: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&pid=726107
  2. As I've said, the best solution to RT is to do a reboot of the franchise. They can avoid license issues with Macross and they can take it in whatever direction they want. They can throw out Minmei and the whole music-stuff they don't like do whatever they want. They need to do a Star Trek-reboot if they want to keep this thing going.
  3. This may work for you: http://piyushgaryali.wordpress.com/2006/08...nable-it-again/
  4. Everybody wants to hurt/kill/maul/violate Uwe Boll. Get in line.
  5. Well, that's what happens when you add more stuff to a model.
  6. Given the extra 171m that Battle Frontier is compared to Battle 7 or Battle 5, I would say it's slightly bigger to account for the extra length.
  7. New clear pics of Armored VF-25F Alto. At least it can stand in GERWALK mode...
  8. Most DIY motherboards have a single PATA connector for legacy. So you will be able to hook up those hard drives and pull the data off/reformat. Laptops aren't really far behind. Only a generation behind so you'll be able to get by with a fairly recent laptop. Since laptops are all-in-one systems and desktops, you can mix-and-match, there is a price difference. Considering your uses, I'd recommend a 15"-17" laptop. These would be considered in the realm of "desktop replacement". Since you want to throw in gaming, I'd recommend avoiding laptops with Intel video chipsets. The Dell Studio and XPS lines or the HP HDX 16t/18t and dv6t/dv7t with their ATi/Nvidia graphics chipsets would be preferred. You're looking at about a $800 minimum due to the better graphics card. Most files can be moved from Mac to PC and vice versa with little issues. For the Mac side, you can get away with the Macbook for video editing since it uses a Nvidia 9400M video chipset. The only downside is the 13.3" screen so video editing on that size may be problematic. You can attach a larger monitor so that option is open to your wife. If she plans on working from the laptop exclusively with no external monitor, I'd recommend the Macbook Pro for the larger screens.
  9. The 1/72 models are display pieces. You build it, you display it. But if your over handle it, it will be floppy, the decals will start shredding, it may attract some unsightly marks, etc. The 1/60 DX toys are meant to be mishandled, transformed hundreds of times, and are solid toys. The 1/72 models sacrifice durability for looks and you have to build it yourself. The 1/60 toys sacrifice looks for durability and you don't have to build it.
  10. Not to mention I've already mentioned it's from the box that comes with Vol. 9 DVD/Blu-Ray.
  11. Or Ebay, Yahoo Auctions, etc.
  12. How big are we talking about? Since you're going to be traveling with it, size can be an issue.
  13. Same here. I'd rather not be involved in any way with what some of you want to do.
  14. Having the head lasers pointing to the back would make it hard to get a gun-lock since you're being shot at and if you're too close for missiles.
  15. Now just apply a downward force and.... show us some Yamato QC.
  16. Well, you would think a guy of his age would be over his fanboy-crush with that idol. Let's just say I don't see too many 65+ year-old people going after Patti Page for an autograph, unless you're a stalker .
  17. Same way we developed airplanes. Studied the Vajra and fold quartz, trial and error, and lots of crash test dummies.
  18. Let's try to keep this to toys and the "pig" flu. And unless you decide to import your toys from Mexico....I'm just going to say, "meh."
  19. Talk about compression. Guess we'll be moving on to M+'s timeline real soon then. They could save this for the end of the publication instead of doing this now...For all we know, we might end up with 6 binders worth of stuff.
  20. Those are from the box that comes with vol. 9 DVD/Blu-Rays discs.
  21. Paramount Pictures just confirmed that a new trailer for G.I. Joe will be before Star Trek in theaters and even better, it will hit the Internet first on Friday May 1st. The trailer will be released by MySpace at 4:30 PM and then we will have it right here on Trailer Addict.
  22. Roberto Orci: Frank Welker To Officially Voice Soundwave
  23. I don't think they fix your playback issues. The readme file that comes with the patch seems to indicate certain time stamps. Now they may fix those glitches that would correct the playback, but I'm not sure since I haven't bothered to download the rips.
  24. You can stop staring at me now....
  25. Here are the numbers: 'Heroes,' 'Chuck': Dramatic seasons, typical finales
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