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Everything posted by azrael

  1. You sure about that? The body language is saying join up but the face is telling me to run and hide cuz they won't pay me enough to take this crap.
  2. Looks like Alto definitely. Maybe Ozma. Large-scale models get a lower number of releases than smaller models. We may not even see Super parts for these guys.
  3. They've had the prototype for a while now.
  4. At that price range, you'll be looking at a Nvidia 9400 GT-based or Nvidia 9500 GT-based card. On the ATi front, you'll be looking at Radeon 3450, 3650, 3850, 4550, 4650, or a 4670.
  5. Visual Studio? I think that's a bit of too much overkill over Dreamweaver. Its strong suit is for programming in C/C++, Visual Basic, Java, Python, C#, SQL, etc.. It can do all that including web coding in HTML/XHTML, XML-based stuff, JavaScript, CSS and more. Visual Studio is an all-in-one programming suite. Dreamweaver is a more web-centric development tool.
  6. Don't worry, they're setting themselves up to be let down later. If it's not a PG-style kit, we can say "we told you".
  7. At least it's just HP and not an industry-wide recall like the one from a couple of years back.
  8. Deep Discount DVD has it the collection DVD set at the cheapest for $27.19, free shipping.
  9. I won't be so quick to call it a PG unit since it's still a prototype. And Bandai does make large, non-PG models like this one: http://dalong.net/review/seed/le1/le1_p.htm
  10. It depends on Customs and the US postal service in the area and when they get the mail from the airplane. Customs is usually fairly quick about processing parcels. Once you see the "Inbound of of Customs", that usually means it's cleared Customs. After that, you are at the mercy of the US Postal service.
  11. I'm splitting the talk from the 1/72 thread. Drool about it in here.
  12. Normally when we see the grey resin, that's a indicator that it's a prototype.
  13. Glad I waited on Exia. Now I can waste my money on MG Exia.
  14. Ya never know. They may bring out a VF-171 later.
  15. IIRC, early texts describe the SP-55X as "conventional ammunition". It was only later that they gave this "conventional ammunition" a designation, namely "SP-55X". And those text (one of the early issues of the Chronicle) describes the sniper rifle as a gun that uses gunpowder/propellant and electromagnetic rails to accelerate the round/bullet/projectile. So it sounded more like a hybrid weapon than a "true" rail gun. Later texts haven't bothered to repeat the wording. Now the Chronicle's VF-25G article may clear it up but until then: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=737188 Edit: Correction, they have repeated it in the 1/72 kit manual. It describes the SP-55X using gunpowder/propellant and then gets a boost from the rails. And everything I've seen calls it a "SSL-9B Dragunov Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle", not "SSL-9B Dragunov Electromagnetic Rail Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle".
  16. About time. Are we done yet? Which ship? So we get to know about the motorcycles and cars; lovely. In that order. Lovely. No seriously, are we done yet cuz I'm gonna start b*tching about this like the VF-1? Good god that's a lot of people. Time for M+. Listen to my song!
  17. The shirt-thing is a automatic -10 in geek-cred, IMO.
  18. Just to add, current sharpshooters/marksmen use special ammunition for their weapons. It's equivalent to match-grade ammo. Often hand-loaded by the user. So while it may look like normal ammo, it certainly does not act like it. So while a SP-55X may fit an olde GU-11, chances of it working in a GU-11 are highly questionable.
  19. As Dax said in "Trials and Tribble-ations" They sure packed 'em in on these old ships.
  20. BTW, I hear S2 is going to be on SCIFI in June. So those of you who missed with us a few months ago can yap about it here. http://www.scifi.com/schedulebot/index.php...9&feed_req=
  21. As EXO said here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=747002 Credit goes to bandit29 for thinking this would be a bad movie.
  22. Don't think the Ozma-ver will. Just the armor+support pieces.
  23. My mouth is on FIRE!!!!....................Bomber
  24. Keep in mind, because Galaxy was a hub for new technology and new ideas in science and they continually evolved as they traveled. It may have looked like a New Macross-class when it left Eden. Who's to say they didn't redesign the bridge of Battle Galaxy to allow for cybernetic interfaces and complete automation after they left Eden. Who's to say the Mainland didn't evolved into it's present state from a City-like ship.
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