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Everything posted by azrael

  1. That and we're trying to bury this Ohnogi-worked-on-MF-nonsense under 1000 ft of dirt, several layers of concrete, about 10m thick solid titanium-composite armor and a moat with sharks with freakin-lasers on their heads. Nothing like disproving (i.e. beating) something down, shooting it, poisoning it, then throwing it into a sack and tossing it into a river. Oh wait, most of that didn't work on the last guy that happened to.
  2. 5 minutes of new footage and no dialog...Really...what do you want to talk about? Yoshinol is much better when going on an acid-trip. You should try it.
  3. At least the broken TV and remote incidents will go down. At the same time, I think hospital ER visits will rise. "My friend did a combo move while playing Tekken on my Xbox. The force feedback was great until hit #2 of 100. After that, it was all a blur."
  4. Because for most people, it works and works well. The memory footprint is much less than Vista's. It's faster than Vista under the same conditions. It is still a very stable OS for many people. There's also a lot of programs that were coded for XP. That's why people still use it. It still works and as long as it does, people will still use it. New =/= better as Vista showed us.
  5. Gotta remind myself to pre-order it. Comes with: 2 LEDs Chrome plated GN Long and Short Blade, GN Sword and GN beam rifle muzzle Comes with parts for Exia Repair http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/06/mg-...res-others.html
  6. I'm working with Win 7 RC1 on my VM and I've noticed it to be much more polished than the Beta. But, I have notice some initial higher memory consumption compared to the beta. Nothing that would turn me off like Vista did but something I've been keeping tabs on. I'll definitely switch to Win7 when I rebuild my OS around X'mas but I'm hoping they don't pull any funny business with the RTM/final release.
  7. 1) Doesn't mean Chris Nolan will actually do a RT film. He wanted to film The Dark Knight in IMAX cuz he was working on it the actual production. There's no director attached to this production so it's hard to gauge what someone wants when we don't even know if they will actually work on it. And as of Feb. 2009, Chuck Roven is no longer involved in this project. (Linky) 2) Normally they don't disclose the amount for things like this, unless it goes to open court. 3) If they hire a director or start casting then we have a script/screenplay. Lawrence Kasdan wrote something up. Then Alfred Gough and Miles Millar came on board. Normally, we hear of script reviews as the studio either leaks it or starts fishing for a production staff. As Einherjar said, that's the one of the few ways we know if anything is being done on movies.
  8. Who said anything about hiring actors. We don't even have a script yet. You're throwing out names and words like "Chris Nolan", "A-List celebrities" or "IMAX". We're not even at that point.
  9. Keroro Gunso's parodies would pertain more toward the original Japanese property holders, if anything. So that really isn't in HG's territory. HG has a what would be a 3rd-party license, not a copyright.
  10. As this is a News thread, I expect comments regarding MF news, not comments about the 1-yr old TV series or some previous series. Consider yourselves warned.
  11. Notes: The only reason I decided to work on this was by accident. Really. In working on the carriers and ships, I decided to see what they said and found some interesting info contrary to what we have been told. This will be the only parts of the article I will post. * Acknowledgments: Thanks for Gubaba and Renato for the grammar help. VF-22S Strumgovel II Principal Pilot Gamlin Kizaki Aircraft Introduction In the competition, "Super Nova Project", centering around the development of AVF (Advanced Variable Fighter), the YF-21 was beaten by the YF-19 trial prototype, but its active stealth capabilities and payload abilities were evaluated and so it was adopted in small numbers as the special operations forces machine, the VF-22S. The main improvement from the YF-21, the brainwave control system BDI (Brain Direct Image), which was its greatest feature, was significantly simplified, accompanying a manual operating system within a corresponding cockpit. Due to these changes, it succeeded in reducing the enormous cost and in simplifying the equipment, the weight was also reduced. In addition, its pet name, "Sturmvogel", is German for seabirds, like the Storm-Petrel [sea Swallow]. Cockpit The cockpit is primarily manually controlled but is equipped with the brainwave control system for assistance. The seat is equipped with non-contact connector for brainwave control. The layout is changed in Battroid mode.
  12. You really don't need a mouse pad if you have an optical mouse. Unless your table is a glass table, you really don't need one. Don't think there is, at least on the consumer level. At the same time, anything you may apply to the rubber may actually wear it down as it makes it more flexible.
  13. Now now, be nice to the newb. Most newbs don't understand that if we haven't talked about for more than a 6-months to a year, the project is probably dead or has suffered a lack of interest.
  14. From what I've seen, and as others have stated, calling Ozma's group "Skull Squadron" is most likely, incorrect. "Skull Team", "Skull Squad", or "Skull Group" is probably a much better term. If we go by US Army group sizes, calling them "Skull Platoon" probably won't be correct either. A "platoon" is about 16-40 people made up of 2-3 squads. A "squad" is about 8-15 people, depending on function and is made up of 2-4 fireteams.
  15. Besides security updates released between SP2 and SP3 it has the following updates, enhancements and new features: MMC 3.0 MSXML 6 Microsoft Installer 3.1v2 Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) 2.5 IPSec Simple PolicyUpdate for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Digital Identity Management Service (DIMS) Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) 2.1 Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1 Wi-Fi Protected Access2 (WPA2) "Black Hole" Router Detection Network Access Protection (NAP) CredSSP Security Service Provider Descriptive Security Options User Interface Enhanced security for Administrator and Service policy entries Microsoft Cryptographic Module Windows Product Activation SP3 does not change XP UI or experience compared to SP2. You may encounter compatibility issues between programs or drivers that were functional in SP2 but not functional in SP3. But any updates to those programs, if available should remedy that. Neglible. As mentioned, there isn't enough of a change between SP2 and SP3 that would really affect your experience. No. It will not install IE7 or 8 or new versions of Media Player. However, if you have newer versions of IE or Media Player, you will not be able to uninstall them after installing the service pack. Windows XP SP3 white paper
  16. I suspect that the Chronicle will not cover the games and just stick to the animated works. The games will probably get mention in the merchandise sections, but I don't think they'll get recognition from the other sections. I'm digging around for info about the Gundam Fact Files, but I suspect it was the same. They only covered the animated works and left the games in merchandising sections.
  17. Maybe they just want to stick to the animated works and not the games. Not place them out of canon but just not cover them. I wonder, did Gundam Files or whatever their "Chronicle" was called, avoid the games?
  18. Come on, you know you want to b*tch about Mylene's million outfits just like I complain about the VF-1's many entries.
  19. Or this could all be an elaborate story just to mind-frak all of you.
  20. If my memory serves me, Graham talked to the people at the Satelight booth at the C3 convention in Hong Kong, recently. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=742836 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=743122 Do the creators know about MW? Probably not. Do they care? Probably not.
  21. They've never said what the official language of the Macross universe is. They've used English in various places like VF-X and in Macross Frontier (ep. 1 Deculture edition). Keep in mind Shin Kudo is Japanese-American and was part of the U.S. Navy and yet they were all speaking Japanese. I'm gonna blame it on the "Universal translator"-effect. Why are Hikaru and Roy speaking in Japanese when they probably are speaking English? Universal translator-effect.
  22. As long as you don't ask what kind, what their made of, or where they come from...yes, "doggie" treats. They are the legal owners of the SDF Macross animation reels so they can license that footage to HG. They do not have rights to the original story, character art or mecha art, which is the legal property of BW.
  23. So we're spending the entire Timeline sheet on Sharon throwing a temper tantrum with Myung and Guld getting his freak on with Myung...
  24. Unlike the RT mods, we get paid in doggie treats...and some tan/brownish substance which Shawn makes us drink. Tastes like blood, sweat, melted toy plastic, and Graham's gunpower mix which is strangely addictive. Then we chase it down with beer. Shawn only gives out Yoshinol as yearly bonuses.
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