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Everything posted by azrael

  1. To be fair, the place hasn't been updated in 5 years. The owner of that space may not even care about that site anymore. If he does...ummmm Actually, it would be the studio in charge of production (which would be Maguire Entertainment and WB) who would be spending money in the case of a LAM. HG just sits back and rakes in the licensing revenue. HG's role is to say, "We approve this course of action." In the RT-LAM, HG is the owner and licensor of the RT copyright. WB and Maguire Entertainment are the licensee. It would fall on the studio in-charge of production to either work out a deal for designs or come up with new ones. New designs, in the end, would be probably be cheaper for the studio in-charge and cause less of a legal headache since they can design those themselves and copyright those designs.
  2. Well, there's always MG Hi-Nu.
  3. It probably won't show until it makes it's appearance in the Chronicle.
  4. How about not playing the OST when you go to sleep?
  5. Considering they may be squeezing 25 episodes into 2 hours...yeh, there needs to be some creative editing. So...will Michael die on Gallia...hmmm
  6. http://www.robotech.com/gallery/mmitem.php?id=259
  7. There's always a chance to milk more from 00. It could be.
  8. They mention "Eagle Nest Aerial Tactics Center" where Milia was an instructor. That's about it.
  9. Since the Armored Alto isn't out yet, we won't know for sure what parts have been changed to fit the original model. Colors will have to be repainted on your own.
  10. sketchley, SchizophrenicMC, if you 2 want to carry this one-liner thing to PM, by all means. But enough of trading insults on the on board.
  11. Gaming laptops...hmmm HP HDX 18t runs just above 1k for a 18" wide screen basic model. MSI has a few that you might want to look at. The MSI GT725-series might be worth taking a look at.
  12. Haven't had a chance to look at it. But I'm not one for beta browsers. I may take a look at it. It's feedback. Low-profile keyboards doesn't make players feel like they're pressing something on the keyboard. They don't feel the keys as well as a normal keyboard. Lots of players don't even look at their keyboards when they play so with a low-profile board, many don't know what key they're pressing. Now for eugimon...
  13. It helps to know where these details come from...
  14. What did you have in mind? Did you want to go ATi or Nvidia? Dual or quad-core? What games did you have in mind for the rig?
  15. I don't know...episode 1 of MF seemed to reinforce that perception.
  16. Aretha Franklin and (in some instances) Bette Midler are "divas".
  17. 1st Diva VF pilot. Hehe. The Jenius' already hold the 1st female VF pilot (Milia) and 1st female Singer (Mylene). All we need now is some older woman pilot going after the young newbie pilots and she'd be the 1st Cougar VF pilot.
  18. It shouldn't. SMPlayer is just a front-end for MPlayer (not to be confused with Windows Media Player's EXE "mplayer2.exe"). And I've played vids with MPC and SMPlayer and neither have given me problems like WMP.
  19. It does sound like a driver so a new card may not help. Probably make make things worst. The other problem is DirectX. AvP 1 used DirectX 6.0. We're on 10.1 now. Lots of changes have happened since then. Try Media Player Classic or SMPlayer. I've had this problem on a test machine with Gundam 00 S2. Using MPC cleared up the issues.
  20. http://macrossf.com/fufonfia/fufonfia.html
  21. I don't think it's as big legal thing that has WB standing-fast on RT-LAM. The plot of RT alone is more than enough to get by. "Alien ship crashes on Earth. Earth gains a whole bunch of new technology from it just in time to enter into a war with some aliens." That alone is fairly generic to avoid licensing issues. After that, you can redesign a lot of things which is most likely to happen. Riding the wave of Transformers can be a good thing, but at the same time, it can be seen as WB's attempt to grab some of the transforming toy market. So we look at the larger market. Is there a market for this movie? I have to compare with what's out there. Speed Racer, visual very close to the anime, but with Americanized feel. That didn't work. DB: Evolution, visual similar with a altered story. That didn't work either. SF: Legend of Chun Li. That just didn't work. Transformers, not very visually similar to the original, lot of "in spirit" designs and story, but it's a hit. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, some visuals are close, most are not and the story is a bit different. We're waiting for the jury to get back to us on that. If G.I. Joe doesn't do well, it may make WB more reluctant to jump on this bandwagon. I'm sure there's more but those are the ones that come to mind. If RT wants to continue, it would be best to redesign. Star Trek did it and it seemed to have worked out fairly well for them. Now there's good example of taking old characters and designs and doing something fresh with it. It's within HG's scope to create "new" RT-stuff.
  22. For future reference, Beltane70 is correct. It does matter which PS/2 port you plug 'em into. It's mainly due to compatibility issues for older equipment. USB mice are fairly the norm leaving only PS/2 keyboards still being used. A common trend on motherboards these days is to leave a single PS/2 socket for keyboards with a pair of USB plugs next to it.
  23. Variety and many of those entertainment outlets are entertainment news publications. They are in the business of reporting entertainment news. Licensing RT for a live-action production is entertainment news. While TransBayformers and a few others, may have been gold, other productions have faltered. Now, TF:RotF will probably be a hit, but at the same time, G.I. Joe:RoC might be looking at a bust. And with other anime icons like those mentioned in the post above stumbling in the box office, WB is probably taking a wait-and-see approach to a RT-LAM. Licensing issues aside, the feedback from turning old series or comics into live-action movies has been quite bumpy. While we have a few successful franchises, we also have ones that just couldn't stand up.
  24. Using a USB wireless NIC would only affect your computer performance and the hit is negligible/non-existent. 'Net performance hits aren't much of an issue but since you are using the USB controller which then passes it to the chipset, then to the cpu, blah blah blah..., you are slowing things down slightly (when I say slightly, I'm talking 0.00000...-something seconds). As long as you have the USB NIC on it's own USB plug (not behind a USB hub), I won't worry.
  25. That and we're trying to bury this Ohnogi-worked-on-MF-nonsense under 1000 ft of dirt, several layers of concrete, about 10m thick solid titanium-composite armor and a moat with sharks with freakin-lasers on their heads. Nothing like disproving (i.e. beating) something down, shooting it, poisoning it, then throwing it into a sack and tossing it into a river. Oh wait, most of that didn't work on the last guy that happened to.
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