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Everything posted by azrael

  1. At this point it's not up to you or any of us. Whether or not people believe Shaloom from now on should be something up to the people reading his "notes" should decide. I had my doubts when those notes first showed up. I continue to maintain those doubts (and they've been reinforced). The 'Net is full of crap, but there is a silver lining in all that crap.
  2. It's called "spin". You should look into it.
  3. Honestly, I'm not sure how anybody would confuse the 2. If anybody brought up that kind of argument, they would be laughed out of the lawyers' office.
  4. Made you buy it, didn't it?
  5. I suspect the verniers are located, 2/booster, 1 on each side of the chest piece, 1 on each hip, and 1 on each arm. The 4 22mm guns are probably located on the hips, behind the hip vernier. There's a picture in the Chronicle where it looks like they are barrels.
  6. I think Gubaba is closer to what the user may be asking for. Your reply is more of the actual definition of "culture". Nothing wrong with either one though. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/culture http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/culture
  7. At least talk of Dr. Manhattan's blue-shining wang has subsided thanks to Devastator's mechanical balls.
  8. Frankly, writers come and go. They can say, "We agree with this guy's approach to the story.", or "We believe this writer is the perfect fit for the vision we intend to create.", etc....blah blah blah <insert some PR statement>. If this new guy comes out with something they don't like, they pay him for his effort, and throw the screenplay aside and start the process all over.
  9. kresphy had a really big, wet and sticky, fanboy-dream. He should keep those thoughts to himself. And if people believe what Gubaba posted from Shaloom, then I guess adoption of the "don't-link/don't post" policy will be a requirement.
  10. Here's a thought: The person who drew the lineart was the someone who worked on the model and never saw the specs. Or vice versa.
  11. Both are the ISBN numbers for the same product. Most books are published with the ISBN-13 number. The ISBN-10 is an older standard but still used in publishing. For more information about ISBN-10 and ISBN-13.
  12. Nope. Those ports look a tad too big to be 22mm. For comparison, the hip guns on the VF-25 are 25mm. Neither the manual or the Chronicle mention where the 4 22mm beam guns are. So I'm not convinced.
  13. Let's pick it apart shall we? Exhibit A 1) Movies are normally 90-120 minutes long. I still have to spend 2 hours of my life watching the movies either way. 2) Now that just pulling out of his ass considering it was just announced a day ago. Makes it sound like "OMG we weren't going to have 2 movies". No one knew what was going on except the people making the films. 3) He's an Ohnogi-fanboy...and he's pulling out of his ass. Of course the staff is coming back...that's what your normally do when you go from TV to movie... 4) Nah, really? 5) See exhibit A, #4. The teasers have been telling us that. 6) How do you know where Yoko Kanno is? Is he stalking her? Exhibit B 1) They've been hinting at that since October 2008. 2) See exhibit A, #3 3) Considering his track record for translating....and exhibit A, #3. And it's probably from a rumor mill. 4) See exhibit B, #3. Exhibit C 1) See exhibit B, #3. 2) Talk about your most generic statements.... 3) See exhibit C, #2.
  14. No. kresphy had a wet dream.....
  15. Great, movie 1 is a 2-hour clip-show.
  16. Don't worry, kresphy will probably have a heart attack if they come out with more Macross directly after the movies finish. He's probably already bouncing off the walls already just from the info we got this week.
  17. I see someone is in Guitar Hero-withdrawal.
  18. Wow there partner, someone is hoping for more Macross quickly.... I would think we would be use to long 5+ year hiatus between Macross-projects. Yeh, I'm getting that Gundam-movie feel from these. The first movie will probably end with the Gallia 4-incident.
  19. Already being discussed in the Gunpla thread.
  20. I shouldn't need to remind you people of this should I... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRS90V8BQGo Just stop thinking when you watch Michael Bay movies. It will make it better.
  21. He still has puny hands.
  22. ISBN-10: 404867885X ISBN-13: 978-4048678858
  23. The SV-51 is probably gonna be a B-sheet with the extra parts from episode 5 of M0. "Project Suspended". So an entire sheet for that 1 episode..... Q-Rea....It would be nice to get a confirmation of "Q-Rea" or "Q-Rare", first. I don't want to have to wait for the 1/72 model to get that answer.
  24. Gundam 00 Archives is 166 pages at 620g. I would guess at 96 pages, MF Archives would probably come around 500g-mark.
  25. http://www.1999.co.jp/ems.asp Haven't seen it at HLJ or HMV. Amazon Japan has it: Linky
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