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Everything posted by azrael

  1. See what kind of trouble you caused? From the looks of it, this is a in-house matter and not our problem over here at MW (unless it becomes a issue).
  2. Well the name is still "Sturmvogel" and it's not changing, so I don't see what the problem is. You can make requests. Whether or not it will be answered is another question. The articles take time; a lot of time, it's tedious work, and there is language in there that even native speakers are having issues with.
  3. Macross II.
  4. Say it enough times and eventually you'll believe it.
  5. What do you mean? You're the one who was yapping about it. Now who's got the big mouth?
  6. Nope. AFAIK, they will not be re-bundled with Super parts.
  7. Yep. YF-21 - Howard/Zeneraru(?) GV-17L VF-22S (Gamlin) - Hughes/GE GV-17L VF-22S (Max/Milia) - Howard BP-14D
  8. Unfortunately, the BP-14D, is referred to as a "multipurpose gun pod" so I won't be so sure that it's a beam weapon. And as a slight correction since I didn't get the issue till recently, it's also made by Howard (i.e. Howard BP-14D multipurpose gun pod).
  9. Definitely feels server-side, not a routing issue.
  10. Good grief... Have you guys been repeating 2003 thru 2004 all over again?
  11. But the models are molded with the second seat folded away. This description of the "YF-25" model sounds like it will come with the second seat in the upright position.
  12. So what kind of "panel" did this guy attend? If Tommy's panel was an artwork-and-Photoshopping session, was there another "panel" in the back seat of someone's car? (I kid. I kid.)
  13. Tommy Yune was there giving a Q&A session? I thought he was there for Artwork and Photoshop.
  14. Lost some access around the usual time today. Only browser timeout. Here's the bad: Here's the good: I'm tempted to say it was a fluke today since the outage didn't feel as long. If I can't reach the site for more than an hour, then I'll post those logs.
  15. From the HLJ website: In layman's terms, HLJ doesn't know when they will get another shipment of that item. They do it sometimes to prevent people from ordering when they have no clue on when their next shipment from their distributor will come. You can always e-mail HLJ and ask when they may get it back in stock.
  16. When I said "spreading to more blogs", I didn't think they would take it seriously.... I need to insult more Sheryl/Grace/Ranka fans more often. Bunch of whore-loving, blow-up-doll humping, pedophile fans. Yeh, translate that.
  17. The Armored kits are full kits, not expansion kits. The manual covers the entire step of building the base VF-25 model with the Armored packs.
  18. I looked over the comic adaption. So far, it's easier to follow than Bayformers:RotF.
  19. Again, the issue is with the Chronicle editors, not the translation. That's the way it's written in the Chronicle. That's what I translated.
  20. The Super Part kit comes with instructions only on what parts you need to replace in the original kit manual. It will not walk you through building the base kit. If you are building a VF-25 and then adding on the Super Parts standalone kit, the Super Part kit manual will have markers on when you need to switch between the original VF-25 kit manual and Super Part kit manual.
  21. That's what the Chronicle entry says. I think your fight is with the Chronicle editors, not me.
  22. "Storm Petrel" is probably the closest. I did run ウミツバメ ("umitsubame") by Gubaba and it came down to a literal vs. sound-translation. I can use "Storm Petrel".
  23. The VF-22S entry (M7 UN mechanical sheet 5A) in Issue #24 does clarify what they're talking about. The BDI system assists the pilot with weapon systems, chaff decoys/flares, and other stuff during combat when high-Gs are required. So it's not really needed to fly the plane. It's darn helpful, but going back from what we knew, the VF-22 is still a manual-controlled plane.
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