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Everything posted by azrael

  1. There are a few Linux-based CDs that can reset the password on a XP system. Otherwise, if your friend still has the restore discs or just a copy of Windows, I would just reformat the systems and start from scratch. I would do this option only because I'd rather start from scratch and not have to deal with any previous software issues.
  2. Frontier is, for the most part, over, so, this is now a general news thread. Old thread Tired of posting a new thread for 1 news item? Got a scoop? Post it here. No discussions.
  3. I'd be more concerned about the engagement ring than the decals. If you can save up for a ring, you can save up for a set of decals.
  4. Well...Terence Howard was dropped from the series so yes, Don Cheadle is Jim Rhodes/War Machine.
  5. There are holes on the display base for the Ghosts. And each Ghost has their own display adapter for the display base.
  6. Yes, if you disable the SLI component (i.e. remove the bridging device), yes, you can have your 3 monitors. You can go up to 4 at that point. Your games will only be able to use 1 card instead of 2. But with a GTX 295, I won't worry that much.
  7. For the Japanese impaired: Mechanical Sheet *VF-17 Nightmare *VF-11B Thunderbolt [i guess this is the B-sheet] *Civilian/Private vehicles *VT-1C Ostrich Character sheet *Gamlin Kizaki [Again!!!!?????] *People of UN Forces [Maybe the M7 people I guess] * Saotome School Timeline Sheet *Fire Bomber Debut History Sheet *Vajra breakout on the Frontier Fleet Technology sheet *OverTechnology Glossary Sheet *SMS thru Emilia Jenius Goods Sheet *Bandai Macross Fighter collection
  8. I've seen this problem on the Gundam-side of things. With as many fans and all these translators out there, I see very, very, very low amounts of Gundam knowledge translated. There's just too much ground to cover. No one is going to spend enormous amounts of money or time to find every morsel of Macross material out there. Time and money are finite. And eventually, something will slip through the cracks. It's a similar issue I'm discussing on another board. Someone wants to verify a blog posting about a magazine article from 5 years ago. At this point, it's gonna be really hard to verify because the magazine issue it old enough to be hard to find and not enough people remember the article anymore. Sure you can posts blocks of text, but will it help? Do you really want to posts blocks of text and scans? I don't think you're gonna transcribe an entire book online and then scan it just for good measure. There is no good solution to it except for people to go out, get their own copy and translate it themselves and verify with your translation. And I doubt people will do that.
  9. It's been in the Compendium for years. It even says Shinnakasu Heavy Industry (the Japanese company in question) licensed it for manufacturing.
  10. Yes, it does include the kit. I still say it's steep for a kit with new decals though. It would probably be easier to just sell the decals but oh well...
  11. No one said those VFs were VF-1S's Perhaps they are taking a que from the fact that it's 2009. The story takes place in 2009. It's 2009 right now. Yeh, and? Who said they were writing this from any certain perspective, i.e., the end of the VF-1's service time or in-continuity?
  12. I vaguely remember it going like that. IIRC, Yuuichi Nakamura said maybe he would fly something new for the movie to which Kawamori just smiled. "New" could be that baby-blue VF-25 Super we've been seeing or that YF-25 1/72 limited edition kit.
  13. Definitely had issues with the forums from ~12PM PST till time of this post. Browser just hung there with a partially filled status bar. The main site loaded just fine. Over the weekend, things went a little more smoother but my browser did hang for a bit, accessing the forums, but the duration of that was about 30 minutes.
  14. In a political forum, perhaps? Topics like these get preachy and we'd rather not get caught up in it.
  15. I think that plot point is permanently fixed into the Snake-Eyes/Storm Shadow-mythos now. I've seen it used in various places outside of Marvel Comics's take on the franchise.
  16. It's also a Toynami-based design so as far as we can tell, it's legal, however much it's a rip-off the Yammie it is.
  17. I see the RSS feed got killed as well. so...did turning off stuff help any?
  18. Minus the boobies.
  19. Or people could just start hosting their pictures off-site and enforce a attachment quota. Maybe it is time to purge attachments. We may need to prune out the membership, maybe remove accounts that have been inactive for the past 5 years. Speed/performance of MyISAM vs high-volume robustness of InnoDB.
  20. No problems so far. Will keep an eye on it.
  21. Win 7 plays no role in multi-monitor setups. That is driver-based. Also, As of the 180.x Nvidia drivers, multi-monitor in SLI support was added. As for a 3rd monitor, you will not be able to do that. A GTX 295 has 2 DVI-out, so you can plug in 2 monitors. The second video card's outputs are turned off in a SLI configuration since the 2nd card is the slave-card. If you want a 3rd monitor, you will need to add another video card.
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