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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Site linky
  2. It will depend on which video card you get. The PSU shouldn't be a problem. But getting a high-end video card to fit in there will probably give you problems.
  3. Roughly. Turn off the computer, unplug it from the wall, lay it down on it's side, pull out all the plugs going to the various sockets on the various parts, unscrew the PSU (there should be 4 screws holding it in from the back of the case), pull the old PSU out (it may held in by a latch after unscrewing it), put the new one in and go in reverse of how you pulled the old one out. It depends on the manufacturer. Mileage may vary. Normally larger wattage units are slightly bigger (maybe 1cm larger) than lower wattage-range units to accommodate some better features (larger fan, more circuitry, better power savings, etc).
  4. I think you guys are confusing freelancing with Work-for-hire. Work for Hire (or work made for hire) vs. Freelancer The people who worked on it don't own the copyright to RT:SC so it's not freelancing.
  5. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16883107398 Looks like it will fit a standard PSU to me.
  6. In this case, it could be both. But bets are being put on the LAM. If they want to put out a new animated series that will run off the success of a LAM, then they might want to hurry up and green-light the script that what's-his-face is making and start producing it. Otherwise, any new RT show is going to just sit there in development hell. But then again, a LAM could completely flop and kill any chance to bring a new cartoon out.
  7. While fine for a HTPC, a higher-end graphics card might be a problem on 2 fronts. 1) Power supply. A 8120n uses a 300~350W PSU. You're gonna have to update the power supply to something in the 450-500W range. Fortunately, this isn't the bad part (we'll get to that next). A new PSU in that range runs about $35-50 USD. In some cases, you can get something better than 500W in that price range. Just be on the look-out for some deals. 2) Now for the bad news. Most high-end graphics cards are fairly big. Like in the 10-inches-range-big. A 8120n is 15.6 inches in width. Anything high-end might not fit well or might not fit at all. In fact, you might need to remove parts to make it fit. So any card that you get, you'll need to be sure it physically fits.
  8. The Robot Damashii Q-Rhea is coming out in November. I have, unfortunately, not heard a peep about the 1/72 model. I suspect they are attempting to press the VF-27-mold to the factory on-time as opposed to getting a new mold out.
  9. This might help you with the cards, visually. Here's an example of the slots, visually. At the top is a PCIe x1 (or x4) slot. Next down is a PCIe x16 slot. Notice it is the longest and has a latch on it. The next 2 white colored-slots going down, are regular PCI slots.
  10. In order to make things easier when making recommendations for a new system, in the future, please include answers to these questions if you want a recommendation. Feel free to add additional details where applicable. "Recommend me a system" questionnaire (answer questions in the section that applies) Laptops 1) What is the intended usage of this system? (ex. Internet/Email/Office/Pictures/Movies/Gaming/Server/CAD/Media Center/etc.) 2) What operating system will you use? (ex. Windows/Mac OS/Linux/etc.) 3) How much are you planning to spend or What is your intended budget for this system? 4) How big of a screen size or How important is the screen size? 5) Do you intend to use an external display/monitor? 6) Do you intend on traveling with the laptop or will the system remain stationary? 7) How important is the battery life or How much usage do you expect on battery only? Desktops and Servers 1) What is the intended usage of this system? (ex. Internet/Email/Office/Pictures/Movies/Gaming/Server/CAD/Media Center/etc.) 2) What operating system will you use? (ex. Windows/Mac OS/Linux/etc.) 3) How much are you planning to spend or what is your intended budget for this system? 4) Do you intend to buy a pre-built or a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) system?
  11. You can also try the Dell Studio 16 or the Dell Studio 15 if 17" is too large. Both come with the option to upgrade to a Blu-Ray drive and can be reasonable under $1000. You can also try the HP G70t series. It has a 17" screen and you can order it with a Blu-Ray drive if you want. All of these can be bumped up in specs for below $1000. If necessary, RAM can be upgraded with via 3rd-party vendor (Newegg, TigerDirect, etc.).
  12. You'll probably want something with a 15" screen or larger. Now for the last question, what's your budget for this system? You said you don't want spend too much money. So less than $1000? <$800? <$600? (We really need to come up with a simple questionnaire for people to fill out before they post "Recommend a system for me".)
  13. It will be out when it's ready.
  14. How big of a screen were you looking at? Will this be your primary computer? If not, were you planning on attaching an external monitor?
  15. Talk to this member: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27001 My conversation with Robert Woodhead of Animeigo about a Gubaba plush toy someone had at a Macross panel back in the day was, "It's really really really rare. Good luck finding one."
  16. Still a "Concept". At this point, it's looking to stay that way.
  17. Sketch, DHX, how about both of you do me a favor and sit out this thread before I decide to ban both of you.
  18. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Macross_Galaxy_%28fleet%29 (Notice Macross Galaxy Fleet, not Macross Galaxy) The liner notes for MF vol. 3 DVD/Blu-Ray mention Galaxy left Eden about 10 years prior to Frontier. There's no listing in later publications however so it's possible that the liner notes got it wrong. Yes, wrong. I've seen it listed as the 9th fleet, the 21st fleet, and the 51st fleet. Which makes my head spin.
  19. If you want to rant about PG 00, we have a thread for that here. This thread is for the 1/48 VF-25, when it should ever come out.
  20. Well, you better make the time if you want to continue with the argument. Perhaps it's because the shows run a particular theme? Really, Macross 25 (Frontier), Macross Quarter (1/4, .25), VF-25, etc...All runs with the 25th Anniversary. Macross 7, Mylene is the 7th daughter, etc.
  21. No. This is Strike Gundam with bigger shoulder pads.
  22. No. There are probably more, but we only know of Macross 1, 5, 7, 9(?), 11, and 13. They have never said there were more or less, just that those mentioned have been story-relevant.
  23. Agreed. These are probably your best choices. And it will depend on how much gaming you plan on doing. You can buy additional memory from Newegg.com for much cheaper prices. You can buy your hard drives from Newegg or most other retailers off-the-shelf without much hassle. Now that the i5s are out, I will definitely be looking at the i5 750 or the i7 860.
  24. Legally speaking, there is nothing wrong with those statements from HG. It is only fan interpretation of those statements (i.e. substitute Robotech with Macross/Southern Cross/etc) that confuses the statement and makes it very wrong. Most legal documents are written to be very specific, with lots of vocabulary not used in normal-everyday conversation. If it wasn't, it would be "subject to interpretation" more so than it should be. And that would bring up more headaches. Again, this isn't our problem how they treat their fans and web community. If that's how they want to run their business, that's how they'll want to run their business. Neither do I. I would have to dig around for Southern Cross material and figure out who did what. After that, I'm not sure how much further I can go since anymore would involve looking at the contract between BW and Tatsunoko for Southern Cross and that's a definite no-go.
  25. That is a correction and a somewhat summarized version of the article posted a day earlier. The one you link to was posted on January 21st, 2003. This one was posted on January 20th, 2003. Which leads us to yesterday's post from Gubaba. TheLoneWolf makes a nice easy summary of the situation with links. No it doesn't. They don't take the time to read and digest the material. People don't understand how to "lawyer" the readings. Then people start listening to asinine comments from people like MEMO or when people like Seto, or you, or me, or anybody else who understands how this all works try to explain things, they get confused because they just don't understand how things work. Usually due to a lack of knowledge about how this all works. It may be best to point them in the direction of building the foundation before we start putting up the framework.
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