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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I would say it's the other-way-around. HG was the one who halted work on any current RT works until WB produces their movie so that it doesn't interfere with the LAM. WB doesn't have animation rights, just any live-action productions as far as I know. Agreed. WB is just seeing $$$$$$$$$$$ with the RT franchise. Paramount jumped for joy after what Transformers brought them. It won't be Hikaru Ichijyu or Misa Hayase. It will be Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes. And Hollywood has a way of redesigning stuff for film. I won't be surprised if it looked like something from Stealth or if a F-22 made sweet love to a VF since the F-22 seems to be Hollywood's go-to girl for military hardware. It would be great for Macross since it RT would now have its own unique VF-1, SDF-1 and other things it can call its own. At this point, the best solution would be to start anew. You can't keep old fans around forever. Otherwise, you get left with the colorful crowd of RT.com. RT:SC tried, but without wide appeal, it's not going to grab new fans. RT:SC seems to cater to the old crowd. It doesn't seem to do a good job of grabbing new crowds. And that's not going to cut it these days. Fans of the old days are in their 30s and 40s. That's not a sustainable market.
  2. Essentially, they want to retell the entire RT saga, starting with the Macross Saga. And while HG isn't in charge creatively, they do have some say in what goes on. Otherwise, it would appear that they have no control over the property which would put them in a pickle.
  3. 1995 came by looking for you. Left some "Missing" flyers with your name on it. The movie that is coming out is for Macross Frontier.
  4. That's part of what they do as I said in my previous post. * *(Hence what Frank Agrama was being investigated for by the FBI in connection to the Italian authorities case against former PM Silvio Berlusconi. Agrama [not HG] was accused of buying up TV distribution rights then reselling them at inflated prices to get tax-free kickbacks. )
  5. Well, Tatsunoko did file an infringment lawsuit against Bandai Visual (which they lost) when M0 came out. So... A reboot would affect any of their works after the reboot. It still, unfortunately, leaves open the original license issue. For that to go away, Tatsunoko would have to opt-out of renewing the license with HG. Then, Tatsunoko would have to sell back whatever they own from SDFM and DYRL? (fat chance of that). As I've said repeatedly, rebooting can make Robotech, uniquely, it's own entity. They don't have to rely on Macross, Southern Cross, or Mospeada being the glue. They can avoid the license issue by making up their own designs. But a reboot needs to actually happen for it to all work. Robotech is just a puny piece in HG's collection. HG is a producer, acquisition and distributor of international media.
  6. http://ninteenpointzerofour.wordpress.com/...-preview-stuff/ The trailer will be out this week when Special Edition 1 hits the shelves this week.
  7. That's how I interpreted most of the video. Cuz the whole video paralleled Minmay leaving for South Ataria Island with Minmay leaving for Megaroad-01. I think someone's trying to read into this too much....
  8. If you don't want to dual-boot, you may want to consider using a virtual machine. VirtualBox 3.0.x does support Direct3D 8/9 and OpenGL 2.0. The games you want to run feel old enough that running them on VirtualBox might be applicable. VMWare does have support for 3D acceleration. (Additional link)
  9. 1990s stuff might have problems. If we're talking about Windows 95/98 stuff, yeah, it might have problems. But that's due to OS issues. Windows 7 is quite a leap in architecture compared to 95/98. Chances are that it probably won't work due to OS software and 32-bit/64-bit issues.
  10. I meant Grace. Heck if I know if it will grow back. I don't think we've seen Vajra stay alive that long after losing their heads.
  11. As a great doctor once said, "she's dead Jim". He is captain, or the "skipper" of Macross 7, as in his position on the bridge. His rank is "Colonel". Just as Global's rank was Brigadier General, his position on SDF-1's bridge is "captain".
  12. Genetic anomaly is the description I've heard on written circles. She must have had a heck of a time getting dates with Miclones....
  13. Last one ended up larger the previous. Last post: Well it's quite obvious as to which side of the fence you're on LOL you actually liked that script, so that tells me A LOT right there. I ask myself why is this person being such an ass? Then I realize oh he's a TSC fan, now it all makes sense! TSC fans are all rude, ignorant and just plain stupid, not to mention the first to be in line when it comes to drinking that kool-aid! It seems you've only come here to defend robotech, without doing your research either. All these people, despite your assinine attitude, have tried to be helpful and you still act like a jerk! Why is that? God forbid anyone have a different opinion than yours! Some here don't like robotech okay, so get over it, this isnt a robotech site it's a macross site! You chose to come here, so suck it up and stop being a wuss. Stop trying to pick fights and just respect the fact that robotech isnt the greatest thing ever. I don't care if this post of mine gets me on your hit list, I am just sick of your attitude it's totally uncalled for.
  14. Original Thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=153 Thread after that one: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29850 Last thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30858 No one knows the exact details of the 1984 contract between Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko Productions because this contract has not been made public. However, we can infer what the contract entails from Harmony Gold's actions and inactions. I'll keep this first post updated with the most reliable information. SDF Macross On October 1st, 1982, Tatsunoko Productions asked for and received the worldwide (excluding Japan) film distribution and merchandising rights from Big West as compensation for their animation assistance with SDF Macross. On January 15th, 1984, Harmony Gold licensed, and later acquired, these same film distribution and merchandising rights from Tatsunoko. However, the intellectual property rights for SDF Macross still resides with Big West. What this means is that Harmony Gold can legally distribute the SDF Macross footage outside of Japan (ie: the AnimEigo and ADV Macross DVD's) and edit the footage at their discretion (ie: Robotech). However, they cannot create any new animation or movies using the SDF Macross characters and mecha because they do not have the intellectual property rights. Comic books and videogames are excluded as these fall under the category of merchandising rights. Macross: Do You Remember Love Harmony Gold also has the worldwide (excluding Japan) merchandising rights to Macross: Do You Remember Love. However, they do not have the film distribution rights nor the intellectual property rights to this movie. What this means is that Harmony Gold can legally license the distribution of DYRL merchandise (ie: Toynami's DYRL Super Posable toys) worldwide (excluding Japan). However, Harmony Gold cannot release DYRL on video, nor can they create any new animation or movies using the DYRL characters and mecha. Comic books and videogames are excluded as these fall under the category of merchandising rights. On a related note, in 1988, Celebrity's Just For Kids released DYRL (as 'Macross in Clash of the Bionoids') in the USA under a license from Toho International Co. Ltd. In 1995, Best Film & Video Corp. released DYRL (as 'Superdimensional Fortress Macross') in the USA under a license from Big West. At Anime Central 2001, Robert Woodhead (of AnimEigo) was asked about DYRL and he said that nobody knows who owns the worldwide (excluding Japan) film distribution rights anymore. Macross II, Macross Plus and Macross 7 Trash The film distribution rights for Macross II and Macross Plus were licensed from Big West, by U.S. Renditions (1992) and Manga Entertainment (1995), for release in the USA without any involvement from Harmony Gold. Likewise, Macross 7 Trash was licensed from Big West, by Glénat (1998), for release in France without any involvement from Harmony Gold. In 2003, Tokyopop announced that they would release Macross 7 Trash in the USA under a license from Harmony Gold, however, the manga was never published and no official explanation was given. Harmony Gold said that they were not involved with Macross II and Macross Plus because "no one was minding the store" at that time (source needed). The subsequent Tokyo District Court ruling determined that Tatsunoko Productions (and by extension Harmony Gold) did not have any copyrights to the Macross derivatives (ie: Macross II, Macross Plus), thereby rendering the "no one was minding the store" explanation moot. The rest of the series As for the rest of the Macross series (ie: Frontier, 7, et al), Harmony Gold only has certain rights to these. In 1999 and 2002, Harmony Gold tradedmarked the name 'Macross' in the USA, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom. What this means is that any series and merchandising featuring the 'Macross' trademark would have to compensate Harmony Gold for the use of that trademark in those respective countries. Harmony Gold also trademarked 'U.N. Spacy' in the USA and Canada. In the European Union, 'U.N. Spacy' was trademarked in November 2007 and is held by Yugenkaisya Suneast trading (aka Suneast Co.Ltd) from Tokyo, Japan.* This is just my understanding of the current legal situation. It may not be 100% accurate, so any corrections are welcome. Sources: Harmony Gold et al v. FASA Corporation et al, 1996 WL 332689 (N.D.Ill.) Macross 7 Trash published in France by Glénat - http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=732684 “Fun at Acen” - http://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.mac...27c03d7fffd14ff “Tatsunoko Wins Macross Lawsuit” - http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2004-...macross-lawsuit “Macross Lawsuit” - http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2002-...macross-lawsuit Big West statement - http://web.archive.org/web/20020803190522/...ents/index.html Loo, E.:”Separated at Birth”, Animerica, 2003, Vol.11, No.1, p. 47 "Tokyopop to Publish Macross 7 Trash Manga" - http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-rele...s-7-trash-manga Tom Bateman states that Harmony Gold acquired DYRL merchandising rights - http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...mp;pagenumber=3 Canada trademark filing - http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-cipo/trdmrks/...ntIndexOnPage=1 United Kingdom trademark filing - http://www.ipo.gov.uk/domestic?domesticnum=2204547 European Union trademark filing - http://oami.europa.eu/bulletin/ctm/2005/20...1/003853926.htm United States, Germany and Spain trademark filing - These websites do not allow direct linking and must be searched manually. *A huge thanks to Bri for getting the trademark information!
  15. This month's Dengeki Hobby.
  16. No. Although other VFs have their own designations, "Valkyrie" can apply to VFs in general, especially after the introduction of the VF-1 Valkyrie. Depends on which series we're talking about. The AF-49 was a design based on the VA-X-3. The AF-49 is for Air Cavalary Chronicles while the VA-X-3 is for Advanced Valkyrie. http://mahq.net/mecha/macross/aircavalry/af-49.htm http://mahq.net/mecha/macross/advvalk/va-x-3.htm
  17. Nice to know someone realized my "matter of opinion" statement. mmmmmmmkay... Hmmm... Remind you of anything. Dammit! Why hasn't the law of averages taken effect!!!!??? Which works fine for Macross. Now RT...
  18. Between RT and Macross, that's a matter of opinion, laddie. Well then, what does make sense to you? By all means, tell us what you think the SDF-1's length should be. Amuse us. Cuz whether it's RT or Macross or any movie or TV show, camera angles and lighting can play weird tricks. Hell, I can make Seto's ass look like the Rockies with the right lighting and camera angles.
  19. Maybe some people don't believe the 1.2 km length to how many people were on that thing. But you know what? It's fiction with a touch of realism. Who cares? As long as it's not 1mm with 500,000,000 people.
  20. Ummm yeah, he's like a week behind on news. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/10/lim...le-helmets.html
  21. I would say, in the time it took us arguing with the user, that time could have been spent reading the thread and other threads to get a feel of the place, but then again who am I to judge ADHD in people these days. Roy hates everything except his crayons.
  22. Multi-response time!!!! Ummm...Have you looked at the first post. And Bri is always welcomed to edit it and PM his updated version back to me or any mod so that we can update that post. Seto, how many times have I told you to stop bringing your "friends" over here? It's called "bursting the bubble". It cuts deep. That's way too expensive. Obviously you haven't seen our recently cut operating budget. 49% (down from 51%) goes to Graham. Can we just give VFTF1 Dai-Shocker?
  23. I just find it amazing anybody reads and believes what he writes. Or does he just like the look of his CAPS-LOCK POSTS? (I would say the sound of his voice, but I can't listen to people via the forum... And yes, this is a rhetorical question) And as a kindly note, please direct all n00bs to read the first post of this thread, then proceed to read our previous threads before they jump back into this thread. The old threads should be required readings. Start here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=779396
  24. Chicks with guns. Big guns. I can work with that.
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