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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Having more than 4GB of RAM. No. You'll need to do a fresh install.
  2. Then you may just want to spend the money on the replacement screen. Dell will replace the screen but you will have to pay for it. You can have them send you a replacement screen and you can install it yourself. Give them a call to see if they sell replacement screens for your model. Otherwise, you can buy one off Ebay.
  3. I know. But come on, they shot Tiera Erde. He's not dead and they're getting a sequel in that show!
  4. What is with people and remakes these days? It's like no one has a frakin imagination these days. Everything gotta be a remake of something old. Good grief.
  5. So getting a retelling instead of a sequel of MF is Hiroshi Kamiya's fault. That staff are a bunch of Michel-shippers. Mikhail!!!!
  6. I would probably go with the Asus. The processor is a little beefier and will probably last you longer than the Gateway's processor. Considering the advertised specs, I'm fairly sure it will last you 3-4 years. If you don't plan on gaming or watching HD video, the Gateway would be sufficient.
  7. Now, you've answered #4, and #2 won't be hard to figure, but #1 and #3 still need some details.
  8. I would say it's best to refrain from making grand theories in general with Macross. Stuff changes in Macross all the time. Hell, I'm looking at the VF-19 entries right now and the stuff on the Compendium, to the info in the M7 Master Collection liner notes, to the info in the Chronicle has changed over the course of time. Talk about a headache of a rewrite. I don't even think Kawamori and co. has that much detail running through their heads. I would say it lists the information that's "story relevant". There are thousands of more ships names out there but are they relevant to the story? No.
  9. ...mmmmkay. And I thought our Yoshinol days were fun...
  10. http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/htm/4047153192.html
  11. The week's episode will be online on Saturdays. http://www.hulu.com/v Otherwise, look for a torrent.
  12. It's called "lighting". Max's hair is purple in that light.
  13. At least . Too bad we only get a month of this before Winter Break and the Olympics supersede the schedule for 2 months.
  14. Have some tongue-and-cheek: http://whedonesque.com/comments/22240
  15. Those are Jegans. They've been around since CCA. I've been waiting for years for a MG Jegan.
  16. Just out of curiosity, have you tried deleting com.apple.airport.preferences.plist, NetworkInterfaces.plist, and preferences.plist form /<Your Main HardDrive>/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration By chance do you have a lot of 3rd-party codecs installed? Is this a desktop system or a laptop?
  17. If you use Time Machine, you can downgrade back to Leopard: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?t...91&tstart=0
  18. Yes, you can use SATA 3.0Gb/s drives on your SATA 1.5 Gb/s controller. Unfortunately, you will not be able to achieve the 3.0 Gb/s speeds using a motherboard that only supports 1.5Gb/s speeds. So you can get any one of those drives, just don't expect transfer rates to be sparkling unless you upgrade.
  19. Opening and ending theme animation in anime in general should always be viewed with a big artistic license and never believed that what happens there will necessarily happen in the show. They highlight certain points but they're glorified. That's the point of the theme animation, it's to grab your attention.
  20. Episode 16: "Kung Du Dandy".
  21. There is a "porn" clause in the FAQ ya know. http://www.robotech.com/content/guidelines.php Corporate liability. Don't want to get sued.
  22. Ermmmmmm...Then explain Hikaru, Max, Milia, Hayao, Roy, and every other VF-1 pilot going into combat without the sealed helmet or mask in atmosphere. Edit: And Hibiki and Ishtar.
  23. That's double rage right there. Well, at least Macross 7 has a sheet. Although I think it's a B-sheet.
  24. http://dalong.net/review/mg/m09/m09_p.htm Dalong is your friend (you can enable the English menu at the top of the frame in the MG section)
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