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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Comic-Con is next week (July 21-24). The Prologue episode premiered in Yokohama yesterday (today in the West) at the Gundam Factory. The Prologue episode's SDCC premiere will be on July 21 at 12:30PM (PST) in Room 6A. Series premiere will be in October.
  2. Can't say I like this show as I'm not into Garth Ennis' shock value-style comics. That being said...
  3. I think there's more to this thread which maybe explored as the series moves on.
  4. Episode 10 (season finale) I'm impressed with SNW after this season. Hopefully they continue. I'm still pissed about Hemmer. They better NOT bring in Scotty. It ain't time to bring him in. Not till we get Kirk's tenure as captain of Enterprise.
  5. Crunchyroll is just streaming the original 83-episode series. Meh and 🥱. Another year. Same olde panel.
  6. They haven't indicated when or where M7 movie will come. I suspect it may come later. We still have Zero MD7 M7 movie Fleet of the Strongest Women (maybe lumped in with Encore ?) Frontier movies on Blu-ray Delta movies on Blu-ray or theatrical release FB 2012 (maybe tied up with DYRL?) They haven't indicated whether II is a new film transfer or upscale. II had the least amount of release info of all then news this weekend.
  7. Doesn't look like it. Those will probably coming on the next round. It seems like they want to do some theater runs on those.
  8. Oh good. Now I'll just be old and grey (not old and white) by the time they release all Macross domestically. edit: At this point, I'm very tempted to NOT import Delta movie 2 in September. I can wait another year or 2 for a domestic release. Perhaps Zero and MD7 for next year's announcement.
  9. II and Plus have released in NA for so long, all it's doing is changing distribution hands. Getting those into Blu-ray format is trivial at this point.
  10. I suspect Zero and 7 are more of backburner titles they will eventually get to and less of a legal matter. Those titles are less well known to current audiences (Zero is 20 years old and 7 is 27 years old). Going with titles that are current and still, fairly, fresh in current audiences minds is a safer route, money-wise. Older Gundam titles got pushed aside in favor of the newer ones, so that’s my frame of reference. Zero and 7 are passing into “eventually”-release territory with every passing year. I just hope I’m not greying anymore when those come out. edit: No, I take that back. The more I think about it, I WILL be old and greying when Zero is released. I’ll be old and white when 7 & MD7 are released. The Frontier movies will likely be released to home video next. Then the Delta movies. Then, eventually, Zero, first. Then, eventually, 7/MD7. (X took nearly 20 years to be released and ZZ took near 30 years, so there’s precedent already)
  11. And what about streaming? Not that I stream anime (or watch any anime these days...) but ya know...streaming is more prevalent in the West... Edit: never mind. They're coming as box sets (please be small) https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-07-01/macross-frontier-macross-delta-anime-offered-on-home-video-outside-japan/.187277
  12. Uniform colors denote department. In the TOS era, Gold = Command, Red = Operations, Blue = Sciences. Rank is denoted by the bands at the cuff of the sleeves. There's a Memory Alpha article about it. In the pilot the colors were: Gold = Command, Bronze = Operations, Silver/Blue = Sciences. The standard uniform is the colored v-neck shirt over the black shirt/neckband. There's the dress uniform you'll see later. Women had the colored skirts. There's also a captain's green v-neck shirt/jacket. McCoy's short-sleeve shirt was like a medical scrubs uniform-variant. Same with Nurse Chapel's uniform (a medical skirt uniform). There are also the red workman's cover-all you see the Transporter room tech using. Here's a quick version:
  13. Franchises need a constant stream of new blood so 🤷‍♂️ I know I'm not the target audience for lots of these shows now so I'm not going to get all worked up about it (same for whatever new Macross shows come our way now). Hell, most of us here ARE NOT the target audiences for these shows now. Unlike Picard, at least they are trying to stick close to canon. People reacted well to seeing Hayden coming back (and we'll see more of him in Ashoka) and that's great. But my opinion is to use Prequel and Original trilogy characters sparingly (Sequel characters can burn and be thrown to that dumpster fire). If they do move forward with a 2nd season, focus on Luke getting to know "Ben Kenobi" more cuz Luke being friendly when they first meet in ANH should have a bit more context. My other focus would be to have Kenobi start feeling his age. That line where he says "I'm getting too old for this sorta thing..." should rear its head now.
  14. I've heard the rumor too. And while I would love a remastered DS9 on Blu-ray, I'm not holding my breath. The RoI (Return of Investment) for DS9 and Voyager remasters are not as great as TOS or TNG (with TNG not earning as much as TOS).
  15. Any opportunity to separate you from your money...🤑
  16. No one said you couldn't start a thread dedicated to Star Trek or Playmobil toys...Or a thread dedicated to TNG, DS9, etc.
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