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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The Chronicle only mentioned the 180-figure once. Haven't seen it since. According to the Chronicle, Gamlin's VF-22 used the GV-17L. Max and Milia's VF-22s used the BP-14D.
  2. So now there's a litmus test for RT fans? An 8-oz cup. Plenty of Appale Genki will be avaliable. And should you fill that cup before the end of those 27 hours, you will have hold it. Additionally, Simon Cowell will also be there to provide commentary. 36-times, per track, in a row. Get it right. And in 10 words or less. Oh and by the way, we normally serve steak, with plenty of salad, and cake for your meal.
  3. Just jiggle the heat sink to spread the thermal pad around when you press it on the CPU. That should fix the holes. I won't worry too much about air pockets if you wiggle the heat sink around when you press it on the CPU. If you're really worried, scrape off the thermal pad and apply some AS5.
  4. I don't think that's normal. But then again, assuming you were going to use it, when it gets pressed onto the CPU, the pad will probably spread out and fill the holes. Even with the holes, there's still coverage so I won't worry that much. It's not like the pad is missing 15%.
  5. I'll believe it when I hear they've greenlit a script. Till then, they can keep talking.
  6. With the explosive force of that salad, you sure it's not Michael Bay's pineapple salad?
  7. Those are intellectual properties. "Intellectual Property" is a vague term so I really hate using it. http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/ As I said, the lady could have asked the question better to limit Yune's answer. Otherwise we get the merchandise/trademark answer, which is yes, they can use it.
  8. So they're gonna tease me with a glossary entry for the VF-4? I want a actual Mechanic sheet for the VF-4.
  9. Yep. Again, he's talking about merchandising. Comics, toys, t-shirts, novels, blah blah blah. And that's the money-maker. Those "derivative works" that he mentions are "products derived from the series". He's not really muddying the truth, more like just answering it from the merchandising side. The lady asking the question kinda shares part of the blame since I'm not sure she quite understands the situation and "how" she should have asked the question.
  10. Just out of curiosity, I decided to do a search in the US Copyright database for "Macross" (I'm not sure I can directly link each reference but it's easy to do a lookup anyways. Linky) And then this: Majority of the references, as I understand it, of Macross relate to SDFM. I need to find the Japan Copyright and Trademark databases just to see what's listed in there.
  11. The kids at Crytek (the developers) developed their game engine as a way to properly bring real-life elements, or realism, to games. Things like movement, water effects, animals, physics, lighting and shading, surfacing, depth of field, parallax, blur, really really really large areas without the need to load section by section, etc etc. etc. Those things require some powerful graphics to properly replicate on both the CPU and GPU side. This is why the CryEngine is used as a benchmark for graphics cards because many of those features really pushes graphics cards to their limits. When most people want properly to test their system, they'll use something running the CryEngine system to see how well their setup does. Most games use a certain amount of textures and shaders, while the CryEngine usually uses double or triple that amount, which is why it pushes systems.
  12. Yeah, I'm sure that's covered somewhere in comics. That is, if you consider it promotional art. Serial #75750692 Serial #76288366 Serial #76385551 Serial #76382155 Serial #76480124
  13. I doubt he'll get scolded, my boy. Notice how they keep using "Macross" and not "Macross franchise" or naming specific series in the "Macross franchise". Their trademark applies to "Macross", which is in reference to "Super Dimension Fortress Macross" or "Chou Jikuu Yousai Macross (Ma-Ku-Ro-Su). But as we've mentioned, they have a mark on "Macross" or "Ma-Ku-Ro-Su" or 「マクロス」 as well as the Chinese, Korean, or any Asian spelling of that word (It's all in the USPTO database for anybody to lookup, and I really suggest anyone interested to look it up. LINKY). And yes it applies to drawings. So there is some truth to his supposed statement, just not the exact truth.
  14. Not at the moment. Maybe when Bandai's exclusive agreement ends down the road. But by then, will Yamato still exist? We'll see. The group, later known as Supervision Army, were brainwashed, or I should say mainipulated Protoculture citizens (and Zentradi, this part is kinda iffy) used to fight against Protoculture by the Protodeviln. They didn't call themselves the "Supervision Army" until after the Protodeviln were sealed. They differ from the Zentradi, for the most part, since they are not genetically made. The SA are real people and not genetic warriors.
  15. I would probably consider those the highlights of the symptoms. There were more conflicts that probably contributed to the overall problem and the eventual decentralization.
  16. This gets asked practically every page so here's my pre-recorded response:
  17. Yeah, it's a gimmick, and really something that enthusiasts, or I should say, something that people with expendable incomes can enjoy. I say aim for a respectable card and you'll probably end up spending less and have acceptable to really good quality.
  18. I think the official word is no. Just a coincidence.
  19. Did I say stoning? I meant "open season". Fishing lines, rifles, nets, etc.. You name it, it's legal. How about some variable tanks????
  20. Yah know....I'm gonna authorize the public stoning of anyone who's even going to suggest a remake/reboot. Are we that creatively impaired?
  21. +1. I know you're probably in shock over your daughter's death and finding out she had another life away from you, but maybe as a medical professional, you should realize seeking help might be a better solution than "that". *points at angry mob*
  22. Which MBP is it? IIRC, Nvidia did issue a recall for the 8400M/8600M graphics chip.
  23. Well, we'll see. This reminds me of when the iPhone came out. Hell, I was bitching about it. Three years later, I have one.
  24. BTW, Hulu will have the episodes up 4 days after they air for those who don't want to download the episodes. http://www.hulu.com/caprica
  25. Keep in mind e-readers, like the Kindle and Nook use E-paper displays which barely use any power by design. The iPad is a straight LCD screen. They did what I expected them to do which was make a e-reader/tablet hybrid. While I'm still sore about no Flash-support in the iPhone OS 3.2, I'm starting to see the revitalization of the Flash vs. HTML5 argument. And with all things Apple and me, I'll consider it when I'll actually have a use for it. And right now, I don't have a use for a e-reader or tablet.
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