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Everything posted by azrael

  1. As sketchley noted, there hasn't been much literature on this VF-25A. Yes, I'm sure we're well aware that it appears in the series, but the amount of written info has been hard to come by. In 49 issues of the Chronicle (unless it magically appears in #50), there's been no mention of it. The Chronicle even mentions the VF-27-Beta and Gamma, in writing, but there's been no mention of this "A-version" of the VF-25. Not even a model for Bandai to milk the G-mold from.
  2. Or the VF-25VJ Vajra Aggressor... (IIRC, both of those showed up in Model Graphix)
  3. As I understand it, the OAV/HD/cage version fixes a few problems with the ver. Ka model (waist movement, restricted joint issues, etc). It also has a different, perhaps anime-correct, color scheme, and adds a few details. Yummm. Does this mean we're gonna get more ver. Ka-Gundam W kits? They sure like making Katoki designs into MGs.
  4. Maybe. Happinet Online (linky) has it listed as Deathscythe EW. What that "EW" means, I have no clue. I threw out the ver. Ka because I don't recall the TV series Deathscythe mounting the beam scythe being mounted on the backpack, but on the back skirt. It could be the TV version but what's with that "EW"? Are they trying to distinguish it from something?
  5. Upcoming Gunpla details (Ngee Khiong) So more ver. Ka Gundams from Wing?
  6. I'm not sure having PJ do the film is a good idea if the reason he would do it is to protect New Line's and Warners' investment in the series. In MGM's case, Stephen Cooper is the current CEO. MGM was trying to get bought out but they didn't responded to offers by Warners, or allowing Ridley Scott & Tony Scott to take over. If MGM doesn't sell themselves off, they're gonna enter into bankruptcy proceedings, which would kill any chance of any film from them getting made for at least 10 years. MGM has been on life support since, well 2005/2006. It's hard to get something going when there's practically no money in the bank and they're loaning a majority of the time.
  7. It's probably best to set this in the same category as the VF-1 Master File, fun for reading but conflicts with the official data and should be considered un-official until noted otherwise.
  8. You gotta remember, in this age of the 'Net, people have instant access to reviews and whatnot so they expect a instant response. And then there's pack-mentality, i.e. "I'll have what he's having...". I say the best response is, and feel free to quote this for future reference : Go pick fraking a series. Watch it from end to end. Come back and let us know what you thought. Cuz chances are, you might not like what I like. Will someone give David his daily Grace-dose? Think he forgot to take it today.
  9. But that's only within the UC-timeline. Once you start branching out of UC and into the AU-timelines, then things get a little mixed and jumbled around.
  10. Don't know many 58-year-olds that wear a skirt that tight...or that short.
  11. However, it is still considered an AU in the Gundam-world, which is why it uses the "Correct Century"-timeline.
  12. Nah Lisa looks like she was definitely smokin' some Protoculture. I thought RT had substance abuse laws...
  13. How about keeping the home router up, and running a ethernet line from that router to a switch in your room?
  14. *looks at cover* At least the contents make up for the cover...
  15. It's not really the punishment-sense of purgatory that is common in mythology. It's more like a rest-stop or train station/bus stop/waiting room. People are there because as Eloise and Desmond said, they're not ready yet. And BTW, (Linky)
  16. 1) Yes. They've done it and are doing it now. 2) They could do that. 3) Ideally, that's what HG and most other businesses want to do. While they could, most would not prefer the middle-man. HG could force a certain distributor or wholesaler via license contract. This would affect the 3rd party seller (i.e., BBTS). If they can only go through a certain distributor, that would affect their pricing. Which means they would have to sell at a certain price to recoup the lost from the contract. They would also have less bargaining room if they couldn't set a price point with the distributor. Ideally, the best line is manufacturer->distributor->seller. Anybody who gets in-between there would affect the bottom-line of anybody after them. So yes, you could do that but it's going to affect someone after which might make things less attractive. In other words, this is more a matter of money.
  17. I'll reply under the cover of spoilers till the end of the day since it was airing till fairly late and people might not have caught the entire finale.
  18. At first: Then: with a little Then: Then: Then: Then: Then: Finally: Great ending.
  19. If people recognize May'N and Megumi's names, then you can bet people will be flocking to the concert. If you want to guarantee yourself a seat (I'm not gonna say you'll get a good seat), then buy the tickets. Otherwise, wait 3+ hours in a long line for tickets.
  20. Well, ever since 2007, when they announced that LOST would end this season, they put in answers and other endings into the show throughout the course of the show.
  21. It's already been mentioned in the Scoopda thread and the AX 2010 thread
  22. Great...EXO LOST his marbles....
  23. If Richard ain't dead, he's gonna be pretty sore in the morning.
  24. Is Michael Bay still directing? Yes. Will there be more explosions? Yes. Then changing the bimbo isn't going to change the movie.
  25. Built-in flotation pods, mini air-bags for rough rides, etc. I'm sure it's one one of those reasons...
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