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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I use this one. It's good enough but it's not as over-anal as MVPS. The rest of the time I depend AdBlock and NoScript to handle the rest.
  2. AdBlock for Chrome does work. It may load a few ads before removing them, but it does work. Granted it produces that partial speed bump due to the design of Chrome's rendering engine, Webkit, but it does work. It's those other times I rely on having my host file to never even let it contact the outside world. I found it easily by right-clicking on the URL bar and checking off "Menu bar" and "Bookmarks" as soon as I started the Beta. Expect it. Frankly, I just don't understand why there is this need to get rid of the menu bar in programs. I blame Microsoft for that. Ever since IE 7, Vista, and Office 2007 there's been some marketing war against having the menu bar. Which is why I'm glad it's still there in Mac OS. I gave up on Opera. Managing the "Blocked Content" became a chore after a while. I spent more time blocking things then I did actual browsing. It's probably the forum software. I've experienced it in a few spots with vBulletin boards and IPBs. Especially with pictures.
  3. Blame the new look on Chrome, Windows 7 Aero desktop and every other modern browser. Everyone is getting rid of the menu bar and making access to browser configuration as sparse as possible. It wasn't hard to show the good olde menu bar though. It's a beta so I expect that there's some debug code in there and still many bugs. I tried Beta 4 but sensed the beta-ness of the release and got rid of it. Consider reporting the secure connection to the addons to Mozilla. You may get a response.
  4. Well, you can try with the BW v. Tatsunoko and the Tatsunoko v. Bandai court documents. Those are in Japanese. And yes, I'm well aware that court documents, in any language is an excruciatingly painful labor to understand but hey, it's a start.
  5. Anyone of our more fluent members out there wanna explain, probably in PM, to yui1107, in Japanese, the contents of the first post and point of this thread? Please? Unless she's a Robotech fan...in Japan.
  6. Well, it would depend on what kinds of goods are being sold with that name. And you'll have to deal with first-usage trademark rights which would belong to HG since BW abandoned the trademark. And first-usage rights trump first registration in US courts. Going to trial is ALWAYS costly which is why you never, ever want to get to that. I don't think yui1107 quite understands what this whole thread is about, period.
  7. US Trademark Office - keeping a registration United Kingdom Trademark Office - Managing your trade marks
  8. Where did it ever say that in the court documents? The only things I saw mentioned in BW v. Tatsunoko docs pertain to the domestic (Japan) production of SDFM. This is more of a copyright-reasoning than a trademark issue. Because HG has a trademark on the word "Macross" when pertaining to the animation and merchandise, you're not creating a financial burden to them, you're staking claim to something you don't legally own. Bear in mind there are other issues with bringing Macross over, i.e., the music. Also, name/brand recognition would probably be something that would also factor greatly into marketing. Calling it "Frontier" doesn't have as much recognition as calling it "Macross Frontier".
  9. We have people who run on Island time...
  10. Gonna have to agree with this. The court cases between BW v. Tatsunoko and Tatsunoko v. Bandai/BW focused on domestic (Japan) issues. There was never any issue regarding international issues.
  11. Or it could be a Optimus stand-in.
  12. BTW, those of you who like to import cheap, like me, and don't care for the PS3 game, the DVD is up for pre-order as well.
  13. BTW, anybody going to New York Anime Festival, you'll get to see it, courtesy of Sunrise. Gundam 00 Film to Premiere at NY Anime Fest in October (ANN)
  14. It will come when it comes. So quit asking. I think I need to start banning people for asking questions like this.
  15. If I understand it correctly, the same key will work regardless of 32 or 64-bit versions for like editions, but it has to be for the same computer. So, for example, a key for 32-bit Home Premium will work for the 64-bit Home Premium on the same computer, but it won't work for either 32 or 64-bit Ultimate editions nor on a different computer. Or a 32-bit Professional serial will work for a 64-bit Professional, but it won't work for either a 32/64-bit Home Premium nor on a different computer. However, a site licensed copy of a 32/64-bit Professional serial will work for an Enterprise edition. But only a site licensed version.
  16. Because it wasn't a formal announcement. Just a "Hey, we're working on something..." It wasn't given any set name or date or even if it was locked in for release. So why report a maybe... They have nothing left to talk about except comparing the size of their 'Net penis. No new shows/books/comics, not much in merchandise...Nothing.
  17. I once pointed to Takayuki Yanase's site (Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Darker than Black) for his F-22-bot artwork. Any better? I would think most people who discover anime would probably skip RT over the hoard of other shows and the new ones that come out every TV season.
  18. Is the fan connected through a Molex connector (4-pin) or is it plugged into a motherboard plug?
  19. I said this many times and I'll repeat it again, chances of WB using the animated designs is very slim and will look different. Legal issues aside, animated designs probably won't translate well to the big-screen. Especially 25-year old designs. If they could, (like Speed Racer), it would probably look silly.
  20. Are you using a stock cooler or are you using a after-market cooler? The fan speed is a bit high for those temps, but is there any case cooling to move the air around? The temps are okay but with the CPU fan running that high might mean something. Depending on the fan/cooler and a number of other factors, at those speeds, ideally, it should be cooler. Did you scrap off the heat pad and apply your own thermal paste or did you just use the pre-fixed heat pad on the cooler? If you used both the heat pad and your own thermal paste, you're actually creating a thicker layer which can be problematic. How you applied the heaksink/fan might help. You can always replace it with a better fan or a quieter fan, but whether or not it will bring down the temps depends.
  21. Concerning the iPad, I agree with mikeszekely. In my limited dealings with it at work, I found it to be a good companion system. It's not as bulky as a laptop and it's just the right size for easy reading. As an iPhone user, I find that even landscape mode isn't big enough to view some pages after a while. The iPad is good for quick e-mailing/social networking apps and web browsing when I don't want to turn on a desktop or laptop nor do I want to use something as small as a smartphone. If you want an e-reader, I'd get an e-reader because it is easier on the eyes and has much better battery life. But if you want something a bit more portable than laptop but not with something as small-screened as a netbook, I'd consider the iPad or one of those Android-based tablets (when they come out). It can't do much but what it can do, it does well. Try Audacity to down-sample your recordings? And I take it you've tried calibrating Dragon? It should have gone through a tutorial and made you read something out loud to calibrate it.
  22. I would have preferred Freedom first, then Strike Freedom... but it doesn't matter since I don't normally go for the PGs. PG Strike Freedom was redesigned by Katoki....I think I prefer the BEE-Craft artwork...
  23. Unless the OP needs Media Center, I don't think it will be much of a problem if he qualifies for Home Basic. iPhone does have tethering enabled. But you will be subject to a data plan for it. Meh. Just use some duct tape.
  24. Yes. Basic only allows for 8GB of RAM and 1 physical CPU while Premium allows for 16GB of RAM and 2 physical CPUs. While CPU support is not a problem, being limited to 16GB of RAM can be a problem in the future. Otherwise, both are perfectly fine for gaming.
  25. Yoshinol came from one of the old mods, Yoshi. Unfortunately, it's been so many moons that don't recall the circumstances of it. I think that was a side-effect...
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