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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Tommy Yune came to present a Using Photoshop panel, not as a HG representative.
  2. If they go with the "alien tech" route with the Mandarin, then it could work. Cuz in the 1st film, Tony had the advanced tech. The 2nd film had someone else matching his tech. The 3rd film can have someone with technology beyond the Iron Man technology.
  3. +1. Never knew we had a litmus test for fandom.
  4. Heck, even when asked by the by the judge, BW said no one from BW participated in the actual production of SDFM.
  5. So no one got the Grace shower scene huh? David's chances are improving...
  6. I Feel The Need For A "Top Gun" Sequel (Dark Horizons) This is the 1 part of the article I find funny:
  7. A movable waist hopefully? It includes water-slide decals and is a slight repaint of the original Mk II v 2.0. It's more matte and comes with water-slide decals. But the mold used is the original 2001 MG release and not the Hyaku Shiki + Ballute System mold.
  8. Frakin' New Guy. We have no problem with using "Frak".
  9. #1, It's a show, i.e. fiction, where planes turning into giant robots. How is that even plausible? #2, Clarke's 3rd law, Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. It should be quite obvious that Protoculture is far more advanced than humans.
  10. So if I spend money on overhead, materials cost, manufacturing costs, tooling costs, design and engineering costs, marketing costs, licensing costs, warehousing costs, business expenses costs, etc., etc., etc., and release that product to the public and the profit I get is less than the amount used to make it, would that be an effective use of the license? No. Not for me.
  11. Fixed. Manufacturing builds are normally cheaper when done in bulk. So unless you are planning on selling lots, the answer is no. The VF-0D, as Graham mentioned in another thread, actually requires retooling over the majority of the VF-0 design. Yamato's response to Graham.
  12. These accidents aren't helping either...neither are the insurance bills....
  13. So they're tired of doing remakes and now on to 20-year-later sequels?
  14. Thank you! [mumbles]bout effin time they release it...make me wait...[/mumble]
  15. I saw the first Iron Man episode. Meh.
  16. A greater arc-of-fire without the need to use verniers to move the gun. Moving it on a turret is much better than moving the ENTIRE ship. The 2nd being the more important factor, connecting the gun to the main reactors. While the Gunships of the Battle class can fire independently and in ship mode, their output is reduced because the Gunships are using their own power systems. By connecting them to the main ship reactors, they can speed up the re-fire rate and increase the output. Like VFs in fighter mode where power is diverted to the engines, power is dedicated to the engines in ship mode for the larger vessels. When transformed, power that originally went to the main engines can be diverted to offensive and defensive systems.
  17. He might wanna hide from David.
  18. Yes...your newb-ness is showing. There's a 1/100 Master Grade Zeta Gundam ver.2 and O along with a 1/144 High Grade UC Zeta Gundam and O. There's also a 1/144 HG Zeta but that one is rare these days. Anyways... They have stickers with a clear background as well as rub-on decals. Same with Zeta ver.2. You will need to get an extra Action Base 1 or some large stand if you want to display it. http://www.hlj.com/hljlist2/?SeriesID=2881&Dis=2
  19. After seeing this thread, I'm reminded of how early-2000 this thread feels.
  20. Was it assault? Yes. Was it sexual assault? We don't know because that was left ambiguous. But it was assault, and assault at a friend. Regardless of what kind of assault, Guld still attack his friend while Isamu and Myung covered up for his sake.
  21. The TV series also had room to pan things out. The movie, being as it is, doesn't have the luxury of time.
  22. Tatsunoko do have the SDFM animation and its episodic story, i.e. the episode scripts, which the courts gave them, which is what Tatsunoko worked on, including distribution and merchandise. They don't have the character and mecha designs and the original story concept which is what BW owns.
  23. You do realize that the trademarks and copyrights HG has are the exact same ones that Tatsunoko has, right?
  24. Honestly, I don't expect them to do anything for at least another 2-3 years, if they even plan on something. Macguire Ent. got the license back in....2007 and if most licensing periods last roughly 10 years, then it's only 3 years since they got it. Given WB's restructuring of DC and their moving forward on those projects and unless one of those fail miserably, they may not do anything until Macguire Ent. is on the verge of losing the rights to a film.
  25. Let me remind some of you that if any of you ask for a fansub/sub version, you will be banned. It will come out when it comes out.
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