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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yep. Parts are changed to fit within the time allotted.
  2. Now this is the proper meme:
  3. Zero was an OAV series. nexxstrait said TV series.
  4. New episode 3 PV <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgURfHYyLRw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgURfHYyLRw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgURfHYyLRw?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  5. Actually, we still don't have a good idea of Edgar's and Claudia's relationship. Brother, cousin, some guy who happens to have the same last name, who knows....
  6. Considering DYRL? squished 20-odd episodes into less than 2-hours, M+ Movie edition squished 4 40-minute episodes into into less than 2-hours and Movie 1 squished 8 episodes + odds-and-ends into 2 hours, don't put your hopes high. Considering the pacing of Movie 1, there's probably going to be a significant amount of reworking.
  7. Some shots courtesy of Gundam Guy http://mecha-guy.blogspot.com/2010/12/yamato-160-macross-7-vf-19-kai-fire.html Even the grey prototype of fighter looks good.
  8. New VF for the 2nd Frontier movie. It doesn't seem that they're advertising that this game will have content from the 2nd movie so we won't get to play with it till the next game...maybe.
  9. It'$ ju$t 2 movie$. There may be another one, if there i$ a demand for it. (And if you can't see the hint, you're going blind too, old man).
  10. It came out in Japan on DVD/Blu-ray right before Christmas. The rips have been out since Christmas. It's not bad. Not the best Gundam movie out there but it's definitely not the worst. It provides a good ending to the 00-series.
  11. I think someone needs subs. I'm gonna have to agree, the pacing on this movie was much better than Frontier's. Then again, 00's movie didn't try to retell 8 episodes into 2 hours. 00's actually finished the series without having to retell the entire story from the beginning.
  12. The farther human ventured, the more faults they ran into while trying to fold (they aren't folding all the time). The longer distances they traveled, the more complicated folding became because they had to calculate for traveling around fold faults.
  13. They haven't. The VF-25 and VF-27 are the only ones that use it in production. However, current versions of ISC relies on fold quartz and fold quartz can only be, currently as of 2059, be produced and refined by Vajra, so widespread deployment has yet to appear.
  14. Combination of manual controls, BDI, and AI. It's simply a powered armor that suppose to help the pilot survive a little longer than if he/she were in an escape pod or in a chair. It has a battery and chemical rockets so it will work fine in space. No. You're thinking of ISC. And the YF-21's inertia vector control system proved to be too costly and not very efficient which is why they built ISC.
  15. Michel dying shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's the "How is he gonna die?" that should be the question. Don't think David is gonna like that shot of Grace....
  16. Apparently someone does....Don'cha you know? Sci-fi fans have a hard time separating reality and fiction these days. Such sad state.... Yeah, well, they brought the non-clear head thingy back in Frontier. But at least they stuck the eye-tracker in there...at least they're visible in the NUNS flight suit lineart.
  17. Search from "Chrome" in this thread and you'll find our opinions of it.
  18. Oh...you haven't seen the end of it. And if you notice just the Macross elements, you've only scratched the surface cuz it has plenty from other shows. Gundam, Viper's Creed, Gurren Lagann, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Code Geass, etc. As I said earlier in this thread, it has at least the past 5-years worth of anime rolled into it and probably more. The Macross elements only fill a quarter of what Astro Plan has ripped off.
  19. Dengeki Hobby, Feb. 2011 issue.
  20. This came to my attention via another forum: Navy Launches Pilot With an Electromagnetic Shove Linear catapults any one?
  21. Considering this is a backdoor pilot...Grabbing my attention will be one thing. Keeping it, that's another.
  22. So in Academy/School mode, if you play a girl, you can go out on a date with Michel?
  23. As I mentioned in my last post to you, there are issues with later Macross animated productions, that do not involve HG, which make them very difficult to license. In other words....nothing new that we haven't heard about. Back to sleep....
  24. No. The trademarks show that they were filed and first used in 2001. Since that time, they have defended their trademark. All previous marks were abandoned. To go back ans file legal action for previous mark wouldn't be worth the trouble. Manga can say they did their part and diligence and found no conflicting mark when they licensed Macross Plus (and the same could be said with US Renditions when they licensed Macross II and which ever parties nabbed the film license for DYRL). They didn't need to go to HG for any legal blessing because their previous trademarks were abandoned and never renewed. That's HG's fault for not doing anything with their trademark. That opened the door for the DYRL film, Macross II, and Macross Plus. But when HG filed the trademark in 2001, the door closed. For HG to go after Manga for something they did when HG wasn't doing their jobs is ridiculous. HG has the trademarks now and have been defending it since. It's not worth the legal mess to deal with something that happened 15 years ago when they weren't doing anything about it. I'm not a lawyer but that's how I see it. And trust me when I say there are other issues with later Macross-animated productions that don't involve HG at all.
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